Guest name: J’hasi

Race: Khajiit

Gender: Agender

Date: His massive Shire horse, Ghost, with some colorful fall leaves woven into her mane to make her look pretty and festive, as well as making sure that no one thinks she’s a wild mare loose from the stables.

Outfit: He’s going in something a bit more casual than his College robes, sporting some loose brown pants with a off-white undershirt and a red sash. He’s got his leather boots and his leather gauntlets he usually only wears to protect his hands and forearms from magicka accidents…for reasons….

A beat-up guarleather jacket that’s clearly seen better days is worn over the ensemble. Someone who’s familiar with Dunmeri styles of clothing would recognize it as Dunmeri, or even more specifically Ashlander handiwork, with his red scarf covering the collar and hood, the length of it hanging over his back and partially obscuring the laces over the midsection.


Greetings, fellow TES role-players! 

If you’ve become stuck in a rut with your muse lately, unsure of how to get them to interact with other muses, or if you’re simply bored and would like to devote your time and energy into a little project, well then, allow me to present: THE ELDER SCROLLS RP COMMUNITY AUTUMN HARVEST FESTIVAL!

What is it?

This community festival will be a one-week IC event that takes place between the 1st of Frostfall and the 7th of Frostfall! {October 1st through October 7th.} The event entails a large festival that all of the TES rp characters {both oc and canon alike} are welcome to attend! There will be food, dancing, games, contests, and other forms of entertainment all for the purposes of celebrating this year’s Autumn Harvest!

Do I have to participate?

Your muse is not obligated to attend this event, though they are highly encouraged to! There will be absolutely no discrimination on who is allowed to attend the festival! Whether your muse is good, evil, or somewhere in between, they are welcome!

How do I join?

If you decide that you would like to have your muse attend the festival, simply reblog this post. Then, at some point before the festival takes place, make a separate post with all of the details below filled out:

Guest name:



Date: {Optional – if your muse so chooses, they can ask another muse to be their escort to the festival.}

Outfit: {Description or picture works.}

And please make sure that you tag all of your ongoing posts related to the festival with the appropriate tag: #tes autumn festival.

What sort of activities will be held at the festival?

There will be plenty of things to do at the event! At the moment, I am still coming up with ideas on what all will take place, but so far, I’ve come up with:

– a talent show

– a riddles game

– an art contest

– races {both on foot and on horseback}

– sparring

– an archery contest

If you would like to make a suggestion to add to this list, feel free to PM me!


As of now, this is the most I can concoct for this little project. Please, if you’re interested, reblog this promo {or reblog it simply to spread the word}, and I sincerely hope that I see your muse attending the festival!

[Some quick thumbnails of J’hasi’s guardian and A+ parent]

[In other news, I still love how the Khajiit’s ears tell you your relationship with NPCs and how fucking in-character the guard disposition is.]


A couple of random sentences from TES IV Obivion. Feel free to change items such as names, pronouns, or words as you see fit.

I’m glad that’s done. I need a nap.

♛ ❝

You’ve got some nimble fingers. What have you been getting them into?

♛ ❝

Why… won’t… you… die?!

♛ ❝

This is the part where you fall down and bleed to death!

♛ ❝

*Gasp* “Oh my goodness! Excuse me, are you all right?

♛ ❝

You. I’ve seen your kind before. You’ve got blood on your hands. Keep your blade sheathed, you murdering bastard, or I’ll put you down myself.

♛ ❝

You said you wanted me to solve this myself. And I am. Drastic measures. Didn’t want to, but you’re right, it is the only way.

♛ ❝

You won’t help me? You’re abandoning me now, just when I need you the most?!

♛ ❝

No… no. I understand. It is my problem, and I should solve it myself. You’re right. I should never have involved you.

♛ ❝

We can’t talk here. Too public. Meet me behind the Great Chapel at midnight. Don’t let anyone follow you. I’ll make it worth your while.

♛ ❝

I’m so happy I could just… tear out your intestines and strangle ye with ‘em!❞

♛ ❝

Quickly! Before I get bored. You wouldn’t like me when I’m bored.

♛ ❝

I can see it in your face! Mostly in your eyes. I may have to take them when this is done.

♛ ❝

You dare interrupt me! Only I interrupt me! Like just then. I’m speaking with someone! We’ll talk later. Or not. When is later, exactly? Not now, I’m sure of that.

♛ ❝

Stop! You have violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence.❞

♛ ❝

Then pay with your blood!

♛ ❝

I’ve fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!

♛ ❝

The body’s still warm. Looks like there’s a killer about.

♛ ❝

I’m here to relieve you

♛ ❝

I’m no ”_____“. I’m a monster.

♛ ❝

May the Night Mother wrap you in her cold, loving embrace.

♛ ❝

Dear Brother/Sister, I do not spread rumours, I create them.

♛ ❝

You sleep rather soundly for a murderer

♛ ❝

You again? You’re becoming a real pain in my arse, you know that? I thought I made myself clear. You don’t belong down here. Now get!

♛ ❝

I heard a rumor that you’re an idiot. Any truth to that?

♛ ❝

What are you waiting for? Kill me. Can’t you see? It’s what I want! I can’t go on knowing I’m something horrid. Kill me.

♛ ❝

You’ve probably figured that out by now. Let’s hope so. Or we’re in real trouble… and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!

♛ ❝

They’re getting more active every day. Not a good sign. You know what would be a good sign? “Free Sweetrolls!” Who wouldn’t like that?

♛ ❝

Psst! Over here!

Yes, you. We need to talk!

♛ ❝

Paradise awaits and I do not fear death.

♛ ❝

Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour.❞

♛ ❝

Please, do not let my appearance… unnerve you.


Hello, everyone, we are a brand new FALLOUT and TES RP POSITIVITY and RESOURCES blog. At the moment we need the help from the fandom as we will slowly begin to build an RP Masterlist for the TES rp fandom. If your blog is part of this fandom & you wish to be added simply REBLOG this post and add on the tags from which game (eg. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO etc.). Please remember to include your MUSE’S NAME, FACTION / AFFILIATION and any other info you might wish to shareIf your MUSE IS AN OC please add the same information as above, including any possible quick description to be added to the description attached to your link. 

Likes are acceptable but will provide us more work.  Due to the fact we are getting a couple likes we will no longer take those into account, as they give us too much extra working by skimming and trying to find the info.

You can simply comment with the info too. A re-blog will only further help us spread the word however.

Side-blogs, multi-muse blogs, indies & blogs with a TES au / verse are all welcome As an au / verse blog please add the info of your verse including the same as above.

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