Interview my OC about questions that has no easy answer.


1. Which should be saved – a bus full of innocent lives or a loved one?

2. You meet a man who has killed someone and done time for it before. Does this factor into how you treat him? Will he ever truly escape that sin?

3. If you could jump back through time to save a loved one’s life, would you? Despite what it might to do the timeline? To everyone else? Do you believe it is their fate to die regardless?

4. You have a secret you swore not to reveal. But this secret is the only thing that would prove your innocence in a separate matter. Is it worth risking your own well-being for the secret? Or would you betray the trust given to you?

5. Is it better to hurt others before they hurt you or let yourself be walked all over and hurt by others?

6. If you tell the truth, an evil person gets to walk away free. If you lie, you may be able to send them away like they deserve. Is honesty worth more than justice?

7. You have the key to immortality in your hands. But not for free. If you want it, as a price, your worst enemy also gains immortality. Is it worth it?

8. If you could gain as much money as you want for losing a sense, would you do it?

9. Can people be held accountable for things people close or related to them did or are they innocent?

10. If a lot of people, possibly innocent people, have to die in order to make a real change, is it worth it? Can you live with their deaths even if it helps people in the present?

11. Imagine there is a beast that craves attention. If you ignore it, despite being deadly, it will leave you alone. Could you live like that? Even if it possibly attacked others? Would you try and challenge something that unknown?

12. If someone else stole something and you stole it back is that a good deed, a bad deed or one of equal worth? Are you better than the original thief?

13. Could you sacrifice yourself for the good of everyone else?

14. What of love? Say you discover your lifelong crush on another has finally been reciprocated… but they are currently dating a family member or a dear friend the crush feels responsible to honour. Do you force the break up? Date on the side? Bottle it up forever?

15. Is lying to others to gain their approval more important than being genuine and hated?

16. Have you ever contemplated killing someone? Who and why? Would you ever act on it? Are you frightened you might?

17. Have you ever gotten sheer joy out of hurting someone else, either physically or mentally? To whom and why? Did it scare you?

18. Have you ever done something morally wrong? If it’s morally wrong do you regret it?

19. What is more likely a thought to you – that this world is wrong or that you are wrong?

20. Are there people in this world who, no matter how much time and penitence is given, should never be forgiven?

21. Are there people in this world you simply think the world would be better without? If you could erase them out of existence without physically murdering them, would you?

22. How do you feel about having an intimate relationship with someone you don’t love? What if they love you in return? Does that make you feel guilty?

23. Could you ever become your own hero? Is that a role you can fulfil or is it something you look to others for?

24. How do you feel about tears? Are they cowardly and weak? Do you cry? Would you consider that shameful?

25. What is more important to you? An idea of yours being used and appreciated or the credit for that idea beings yours and yours alone?

26. Is your personal happiness more important than anything else in the world? Than fame? Than the happiness of others?

27. How far would you go to achieve a dream or ideal? Does it matter who suffers? Does it matter if you suffer?

28. How long would you wait for the one you love? A year? Fifteen years? Forever? Could you honestly be loyal to an unfulfilled love?

29. Is genius equal to hard work? Does a genius deserve praise for doing well without effort? Are they above us?

30. Do we live in a world of parallels? Can there be no hope without grief? No happiness without suffering? Or is a utopia possible?

31. What is more important to you? Being respected and praised by your elders or being looked up to and championed by those younger or of the same age?

32. If you could choose to remove certain feelings such as anger, confusion, sadness, would you remove them?

33. If you could wipe certain memories from your head, would you? Why would you? What memories?

34. What path appeals to you more? An exciting dream that leaves you possibly penniless and alone or a drab existence where you have steady success.

35. Is every person in this world wholly unique or can they be categorized? Can they be grouped and mentally dissected? Are you just another sheep in another flock or are you the sole unique soul?

[So uh, I’m tryna do the WordPress thing, so I’m gonna be putting everything on https://vvardenfellcat(.)home(.)blog/ (remove parenthesis to get the link bc Dumblr).

I’m gonna import all of my blogs to this site so if you follow any of my blogs, that’s where they’ll be. I’m still learning how this works so that’s gonna be fun…]

[IRL has stabilized somewhat and should become more safely stable within the next few days (new gm, aka chance for getting actual living wage hours instead of only getting 1-2 days a week), which should decrease my stress, decrease my time spent on a game I’ve recently become obsessed with again, and thus actually work on TES again.

At least one would assume. Hopefully. I’ve kinda become invested with my AA chara’s story atm and I want to draw her really badly but like I have stuff here I gotta do too and I’m just kind of a jumbled mess.]

[IRL has been kicking my ass and will continue to do so for a bit longer but I might get at least a drabble out bc Dust!mod inspired me and stuff so yup.]

Ancano’s Fucking Bitch Fit – Ancano/Icarus/J’hasi


Ancanos eyes followed the khajiit like a hawk, until he was interrupted by the sound of his… subordinates.

<”Look, just hold still for five seconds Icarus.”>

”Mmmprh mprhmrph  mrrrph–”

A smothered thud.

<”Augh!! Aldaril you fucking glan’nt! You almost knocked my teeth out!”>

<”Well maybe if you weren’t squirming around like a godsdamned sprat that wouldn’t be a fucking problem!”>

Ancano massaged his temples firmly, exhaling deeply through his nostrils as he fought the urges of wringing the neck of whoever sent him these two imbeciles.

The door slammed open, his justiciar scrambling out of the door, <”Kiss my arse, Al, I’m going to class!”> The mer spat, hustling to the exit before Ancano grabbed him by the hood, making Icarus audibly yelp.
<”Keep an eye on that Khajiit.”> Ancano pulled the justiciar inches away from his face.

<”Wait what?”>

<”You heard me.”> Ancano scowled, tightening his grip onto the mers hood. <”He may be hiding information on what you all found yesterday. Keep an eye. On that. Khajiit.”>

<“…Yes sir.”> Icarus’ eyes glanced to the side, pursing his lips in a long exhale before responding begrudgingly.

<“Good. Then we’re done here.”> Ancano released his subordinate, <“You two are in the same class, are you not? Get moving.”>

<“Yes sir.”> Icarus grumbled, massaging his reddened cheek as he moved briskly through the doors and into the thrice-damned cold of Eastmarch.

Damn that cat. Had to make things difficult for him at any given time.

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