
“I’m sure that Bersi would have a map or two that he would sell.” It slowly dawned on her that this stranger might not know who Bersi is. She added, as quickly as she could, “Bersi is the owner of the general store, the Pawned Prawn, in Riften.

“I… am making my way back to Riften. Do you want to join me? I can show you where the Pawned Prawn is.”

The Khajiit’s face broke into another crooked grin.

“Considering I’m in need of a new map, I’ll have to accompany you. I’d rather not get lost twice in one day. Once is more than enough.” Not that she need know he had been lost since two days ago. He definitely needed to have a word with Markus about what maps he gave out. A brow crooked higher, his grin softening into just a quirk of a smile.

“Besides, I don’t think I would get as lucky if I asked for directions a second time. Meeting such a kind lass as yourself hasn’t happened often.” His eyes flicked back down to his map, a small grumpy frown flitting onto his face before he sighed and rolled it back up, fastening it tightly closed and tucking it into his pack. J’hasi pulled the strap back over his shoulder, grabbing his spear from where he had leaned it against his knee.

“So what’s your name?” he asked, his ears pricking as his tail slowed in a flick to curl at the tip, patiently waiting for her lead.

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