First Round – Icarus/Aldaril/J’hasi


Aldaril couldn’t help but crack a smile when he obtained the Khajiits approval. His nostrils flared when the cats face rubbed against his stubble. He held the khajiit a little tighter as he was ready to cross the set of bridges leading to the college.

“This reminds me of the days back when I had to do this for Icarus.” Adaril chuckled lightly, “I mean- not drunk anyways- he would’ve been this tiny kid when I did this kinda stuff for him. Anytime we had to go somewhere with my aunt or uncle in the city.” He looked down, only to immediately look forwards after seeing how high up the college really was. “Sometimes I wonder if I was in charge of my little brother or if I accidentally managed to father a kid when I was 13 years old.”

J’hasi had noticed the glance downwards, feeling a little uneasy at that and the tightening grip on his legs, tightening his own grip in kind. Part of him was just letting things be, enjoying his drunken reverie while he could, while part of him was wondering if the mer would turn back on his trust and go for the throat. Or toss him off the bridge. If he did, the Khajiit would hold onto him so tight that they would both go down. But…the booze was settling him down into a syrupy stupor, content to cuddle with the giant Thalmor as he started to walk out onto the bridge. His ears pricked.

“C’n tha’ really happen?” he asked, hiccuping and grimacing at the pain it brought into his skull, pressing his forehead against the top of Aldaril’s trap. His tail flicked out, only to slap back over the Altmer’s stomach at the biting cold. J’hasi giggled at the muffled thump before his mind caught up to all the words the mer had said, rather than just a handful.

“…he’sh lucky t’have you, y’know…” he mumbled, leaning his head more towards the side so he could look out over the Sea of Ghosts.

“M’broth’r… Well…I fff…thhhought he wash m’broth’r at th’ time…he washn’t like you… I thought he wash th’ besht broth’r in th’ whole world… But he washn’t… Shonuva bitch wash only…*HIC* o-only wan’ed me around t’have shumone t’ jerk ‘round on a chain… He wash th’ only one I had af’er I wash taken fr’m home…an’ he ushed tha’ ‘gainst me…” The Khajiit huffed, his breath puffing in the cold as his hands shifted from holding onto the mer’s shoulders, to letting his forearms keep him in place as his weight rested more on Aldaril’s back. His hands gripped the front of his shirt, practically hugging the Thalmor he should’ve been ready to strangle at a moment’s notice. And yet…he kept talking.

“But…yer nawt li’e tha’… Yer a good mer… Yer broth’r’sh an idiot, no’ffense…but he’sh lucky t’have you ’round… Lucky shunnuva bi’ch… ‘N if y’tell ‘im tha’, I’ll *HIC* yah…” His last statement was grumbled, turning his head to look Aldaril in the eye to show him he was dead serious about that. Whatever he had said that had been interrupted by the hiccup, anyway. He rested his cheek on the Altmer’s shoulder, looking at the snow drifting down with the distant roar of the sea beyond the fluttering bits of white. He was quiet for a while, the tip of his tail tapping on Aldaril’s stomach as he – finally – shut up.

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