The Dusty Cauldron – Dust/J’hasi


“That’s – quite a lot.” She had to admit, she was rather stunned at the amount the Khajiit could drink. He wasn’t particularly large, after all, and even alcoholism – which she decided he almost certainly had – didn’t quite explain it. A medical anomaly, but not her focus. She shook her head and pored over the potions she selected as he spoke on.

“Hmn. I hate to lecture, particularly in this damned province of all places, but alcohol really isn’t going to help in the long-term. Your tolerance will build, and eventually you’ll mistakenly drink yourself to death, trying to sleep. Not to mention the damage it will do to your liver.” She left from behind her counter to join him at her table, sitting with fingers lacing in thought.

“It sounds like, you having gone to such great measures, you may need to try something fairly powerful. There is a plant known as Dwarf Skullcap that may help. It comes in two forms – a tea, which is more mild and would be best for the long-term, or as a smoking herb, which makes it more potent, but harsher. If you’re agreeable, I’d like to have you try the tea, first. You can sleep here in my patient bed where I can keep an eye on you. If it doesn’t seem to do any good, we’ll proceed from there.” A long exhale. Cases like this, chronic issues, always took more thought and dedication. “Would that be agreeable, for tonight?”

J’hasi’s tail curled closer to his legs at the mild reprimand, fidgeting with his mug of tea as the alchemist went on, momentarily confused when they mentioned his liver, not sure what that had to do with drinking. But if they knew about plants and what they did to people’s bodies, they had to know what alcohol did to livers, right?

Right. The Khajiit thought it over. He wasn’t entirely sure if sleeping in a stranger’s place was the greatest idea, but…the likelihood that they were involved with the Thalmor was slim, and if so, it would be easy enough to get out… It was a small town, unlikely to be of interest to the Thalmor anyway… The comforting press of his dagger against his hip made up his mind, though his fingers pressed on the sides of the mug until the pads felt almost like they were burning from the warmth.

“I like tea, and inhaling burning plants doesn’t ring as a smart idea. …so if it helps you figure it out…s…sure…”

((It’s all the same clothes, just different combinations.

J’hasi really should look at an alternative career as a tailor.

He already had the scarf and he sorta cheated by using his cloak as the wrap but eh, it works. Plus hoods. :3

EDIT: Took out the combos he doesn’t actually wear.))

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