Send ♻ for a glimpse at an AU of my muse.

“So did you two fuck in the examination room?” J’hasi sprayed a mix of chewed Fruit Loops and milk back into his bowl, coughing and hacking, looking up at his roommate with a scandalized look.


“Is that a yes? I want details.” J’hasi shook his head, wiping at his mouth frantically.

“N-NO! Azura’s blood, Maarzi, that would get him fired for sure!” His heart was pounding frantically in his chest as the Redguard plopped down on the couch behind him, her toes curling to press into the pads of his feet.

“At least tell me you told him how you felt.”

“N…no… It never came up.”

“Of course it didn’t. And like an idiot, you let this chance pass you b-”

“He’s coming over tonight to hang out. Pizza and a movie. Don’t assume it was just professional and nothing else.” Maarzi grinned.

“Is that why you were moving that sucker stick in and out of your mouth earlier? Something tells me you were hoping it was something a bit bigger…”

“M…Maarz, seriously…”

“Okay, so when he’s coming over? I don’t want to be a big cockblock should you two realize your overwhelming desire for one another and want to fuck.” J’hasi flushed.

“Wh…whenever he gets off work. I didn’t think to ask.” Maarzi leaned forward on the couch.

“Make sure you two cuddle on the leather couch, alright? It’s easier to clean, and it’s a better view anyway.”

“I-I don’t think it’s going to come to that…”

“Yeah, well, at least try to tell him that your poor little heart’s having trouble keeping to the right beat when he’s around. Seems like something he should know.” J’hasi pressed his hands over his face.

“…even if I could tell him… He’s a doctor, Maarz. He wouldn’t…”

“Wouldn’t go for you, yeah, you said that. Which is still a load of shit. You’re attractive as hell, you make a decent income yourself, and you’re smart. Not to mention the two of you would be hella cute on Saturalia cards.”

“…Khajiit, lycanthrope, and a stripper, Maarz.”

“All irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Stereotypes are for idiots, you’ve kept your condition controlled safely, and if someone looks down on you for being a sex worker, then they have another thing coming.”

“I mean…he’s a doctor, and he’s got a reputation to maintain now. It’s more important than…”

“I like how you forget about the whole gay thing.”

“…th…there’s that too, but…”

“Anyways, don’t worry about it. It’s something that’s very personal, very important. Tell him. Or someday he’ll find someone that strikes his fancy and makes a life with them without ever knowing how you feel about him.” The thought of someone else touching the mer as he dreamed of, kissing over his eyes, gentle fingers on his jaw before leaning in… J’hasi’s teeth clicked shut, ears flicking back.

“…if it comes up.” He turned back to his bowl, a grumbling whine in his throat.

“Damn it…they’re all soggy…”

“Give it here.”

“I spat all that crap back in there, that’s disgusting.”

“I kiss you all the time, give.” J’hasi sighed, then handed her the bowl, heading back to the kitchen to make himself another bowl. By the time he came back to sit on the couch next to Maarzi, she was grinning, chuckling a little with a mouthful of cereal. He scowled at her.


“You get so finicky about how soggy you’ll let your cereal get before you won’t eat it.”

“Shut up…” He sighed when she rubbed at the base of his ears, ruffling his fur around his neck, a peace offering before he finally caved, starting to purr quietly, eyes closing to the bare minimum needed to keep his cereal from spilling as he continued eating.


“U-um…” The Khajiit swallowed, ears flicking back as his eyes darted to the ground, lingering over the worn cobblestone and the blades of grass that attempted to retake the road. He forcefully blew out the air in his lungs, seeming to take some of that roiling anxiety out with it, rubbing over his forehead.

“H…he’s a good teacher, n’ I learn a lot from him, but…” J’hasi let out another huff of breath, fidgeting in place.

“Hist…he…he terrifies me. I can’t tell if he’s blind or what, but he always seems to know exactly when I screw something up or say something stupid and…” He shook his head, inwardly cursing at himself for just the thought of the Altmer was making his hands shake.

“I-I don’t know if it’s because of what he taught, or that eerie prickling feeling I get around him, or what, but… It’s like he pays attention to every little move I make and uses it against me when he’s not happy about something. …usually my spellcasting.” Although that time he and Icarus had escalated a fight to more than just hissed words in class and was subjected to cleaning up the cadavers after dismissal certainly would’ve been more than enough reason…

School is Not for Horsing Around – Icarus/J’hasi


Tolfdir glanced at the two mer cautiously before exiting the tower. Ancano took a quick glance at the other students before shooing them away. The elder mer placed himself at a more desolate corner of the tower before coaxing Icarus over. Icarus felt his stomach turn in all sorts of uncomfortable knots as he approached his superior.

“You there,” Ancano growled at his underling, “Remove your hood.”
“I-I’m sorry?”
“I said remove your hood!” The justiciar did exactly that. Ancano ran his fingers around Icarus’ hairband before giving his ponytail a strong yank. His victim let out a quick yelp. “You imbecile! Are you trying to blow my cover?!” He hissed in the shorter mers face, “I will not tolerate any of this reckless behavior while we are on the job. If any of us are revealed, they’ll have our heads. Do I make myself clear?” he grasped Icarus’s ponytail firmer until he complied.
“Y-yes sir!” The elf squeaked before his superior released him.

“Good.” Ancano scowled, walking away after tossing his underling aside, “I suppose it’s not entirely a waste of sources when the sources are completely useless.”

J’hasi had given the elder mer a glare when he shooed himself and the other students away, lagging behind the group heading towards the doors so as to place himself behind a column to listen to whatever the two Thalmor agents had to say, unnoticed. At first he thought it was going to be a simple reprimand, a false alarm, but the latter half of the exchange piqued his curiosity. ’…what is it that they intend to do here…?’ he wondered briefly, wincing at the sounds of pain coming from the younger of the two.

The Khajiit held his breath, keeping to the shadows as the first Thalmor passed by without pause, then the other. He waited on the opposite side of the column, counting his breaths until he was sure they’d both be gone. He lifted his hands to look at them, grimacing at the hot pain left in his skin. He wasn’t looking forward to the reprimand he would receive, the same one every time someone new attempted to heal him.

…he needed a drink.

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