Thavrin and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Child!J’hasi, Thavrin)


Thavrin glanced around them, wondering if this was a trick to get him killed, or worse. How often did kids want to snuggle up to total strangers? Still, another part of him felt bad for the little guy, covered in sopping wet fur and apparently all by his lonesome. Maybe he could take a nap on the rock next to him–it did look pretty warm. Besides, what was the worst that would happen, really? Thavrin would die, and wind up naked and scared in some abandoned building, or maybe in the middle of a street somewhere. It wouldn’t be the first time either of those things would have happened to him, would it?

“Alright, alright. Don’t get your hackles up.” With a sigh, Thavrin sat down next to him and kicked off his boots. The rock did feel pretty warm, and now that he thought of it, he was a little tired after all of the trouble he’d been in. He lay down on his side, and tried to make himself comfortable.

“G’night, kid. I don’t got much in my coinpurse, so whatever–just don’t wake me up when you rob me.”

He didn’t know what the flat-face said, but they were laying down on the rock and that was good enough for him. It wasn’t long before the hatchling realized that they felt…warm. Like he did. Not like everyone at home did. He fidgeted long enough to snuggle closer to feel more of that warmth that made him sleepy, a brush of the odd face-feathers on his ears reminding him of his first inquiry he had asked of the stranger. He looked up at the flat-face to check if they were asleep, then reached up to touch.

No, they were too wiry. They were neat, though. Curiosity sated, Marsh curled up a little more, resting his head down on his arm. He was tired from the cold water and swimming. His tail tip tapped on the rock until he drifted off to sleep.

Thavrin and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Child!J’hasi, Thavrin)


“Uhhh…” Thavrin scratched his head, and took a cautious step towards the kid. “Are you just gonna sleep here? In front of a stranger? Are you lost or something? An orphan? Hey! Are you listening to me? Hey, c’mon! I’m tryin’a help!”

His ears pricked when the flat-face started making noises again, cocking his head a little even as he stretched his legs, toes spreading in the warm sunlight. Maybe that’s how they talked? Now that he thought about it, maybe this whole time the stranger had been trying to talk to him, but didn’t know words. Where were the squeaks, or that deep grumbling noise that he couldn’t make but everyone else back home could do? Marsh rolled onto his back, making grabby hands at the stranger.

“<Y’gotta lay in warm! Cold’s bad, y’get all sneezy an’ y’don’ feel good.>” As if to punctuate his statement, he sneezed, shaking his head a little to get the odd feeling out of his nose, his tail slapping on the dampened rock. It was cold outside of water, even in the sun, and the Khajiit started to shiver, teeth chattering.

Thavrin and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Child!J’hasi, Thavrin)


Thavrin slicked his sopping wet hair back and sighed. He glanced down at his squishy boots and groaned; the nice wolfskin boots that Sesuna had given him were absolutely waterlogged now, and would never be the same.

“Great, just great. How’m I gonna explain this?” He turned to the little Khajiit and frowned. “You’re fine, kid. Where are we? Any ideas?” Thavrin sighed, and his shoulders slumped as he ran a hand down his face. “Jeez, why am I askin’ you? You don’t got any idea what I’m sayin’…”

Marsh frowned, ears cocking at the weird noises the flat-face made. Their body language too, it was just…weird. It didn’t make sense. He huffed, but settled on searching for a nice place to sun and warm up again. If they weren’t concerned, the buzzers had to be gone.

His ears perked when he spotted a flat of rock, warm sunshine sprawled all over it and looking oh-so-inviting. Marsh tugged on the flat-face’s arm, trying to get them to go over by it before letting go and trotting over there by himself, tail swishing and dripping all over as his teeth chattered. He settled right in the middle of it, sitting down and starting to squeeze the water out of the feathers of his tail and crest, rolling around on the rock to dry off a little before trying to get comfortable in the sunshine. The Khajiit stretched out, tail arching over his back before relaxing and closing his eyes to rest in the warmth, cracking the lids open every so often to scan the surroundings for anything that may want to eat him.

Thavrin and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Child!J’hasi, Thavrin)


It wasn’t until Thavrin resurfaced for air a few yards downstream that he realized he’d lost track of the little Khajiit. He looked all around him, spotted him splashing around just out of arm’s reach, and with a groan he dove towards him.

“Hold still, brat! And keep your mouth shut–you ain’t supposed to breathe the water!” He made an attempt to grab the struggling child and to drag him ashore, hoping to whoever was listening that he wouldn’t get a face-full of claws and teeth, or worse, fire.

The initial brush of contact made the Khajiit start, a sharp yap with bared teeth an attempt to warn off any predators that thought to take a bite out of him. But when Marsh realized it was the flat-face, he latched onto them, shivering and scared, but grateful for a solid object in the moving water. His teeth chattered, trying to keep his head up high enough to be above the surface as the stranger continued to make incomprehensible noises.

Once on shore, the little Khajiit shivered, fur slicked over his scrawny frame as he kept quiet, looking around but still keeping a grip on both the hem of the flat-face’s shirt and their arm. It wasn’t until it registered why the flat-face had tossed him in the water in the first place that alarm flitted across his face and Marsh looked up at the stranger.

“<Buzzers gone?>” he inquired in a loud whisper, though he hoped they were. He felt too tired to run, leaning a little on the stranger. They weren’t Sees, but he didn’t know where Sees was.

Thavrin and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Child!J’hasi, Thavrin)


“Th’ fuck are you talking about?! Head to the stream! Go!

Thavrin shinnied down the tree and snatched up the little Khajiit, hauling him under one arm as he leaped over fallen trees and ferns through the grove. He jumped in, dropped the child, and took a deep breath before submerging himself as well as he could.

Marsh squirmed indignantly at being picked up by the stranger, struggles only growing more panicked when they ran into and dropped him into moving water. It was so cold, too! Why was it so cold?! The Khajiit struggled to keep his head above the surface, floundering about trying to touch the bottom, tail swishing uselessly in the water. His short, panicked gasps was the only sound he could make, the yellow buzzers long forgotten through the sharp, panicked burn of silent terror.

Thavrin and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Child!J’hasi, Thavrin)


“NO! GO AWAY!” Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why did he think that the little Khajiit child would be unable to follow him up a tree? Why was tree-climbing his solution to everything these days?!

Thavrin looked around for something, anything, to throw at the little pest. There were no pine cones, no acorns, no chestnuts, only leaves. The child was coming closer, little by little, and Thavrin was out of options. He grit his teeth, seized a handful of leaves, and flung them uselessly in the Khajiit’s direction. They scattered every which way, kited about by the air, and failed to go anywhere near their mark, so Thavrin kept trying.

“Go away! Don’t come any closer you homicidal brat!”

He grabbed for his fifth cluster of leaves, but what he latched onto was something papery, and round, and full of angry bees who felt very threatened by his actions.

“Oh shit… oh shit! Get ‘em off me!”

Marsh’s ears cocked, frowning a little at the flat-face’s attempts to throw leaves at him, fur puffing and eyes widening at the loud humming that started up after. He didn’t know what the strange yellow things were that poured out of the weird nest, but judging by the panicked sounds coming from the stranger, they were bad news.

The Khajiit swallowed, looking down and shaking a little before pulling his claws free enough from the tree to slide down the trunk, hissing at the bite of bark on his stomach and chest before his feet hit the ground and tumbled to a halt on his rump. He looked up, neck craned to see the flat-face still in the tree.

“<Buzzers bite? Hurry! Water!>” he yelped out unhelpfully, pushing himself up to his feet and looking around for water. A lot of bugs didn’t like water. Fleshflies never followed him into the water.


Thavrin went down with a shriek, both knees buckling. He kicked and struggled, trying to disentangle himself from the toothy little Khajiit before he lost a limb.

“What the fuck’s that for?! You want food? This ain’t how you ask for it you little brat! Leggo my leg!

Marsh didn’t like the loud sounds coming out of the flat-face’s mouth. They were too loud, and he didn’t know why they were making them. Why didn’t they talk? Why couldn’t they just let him touch?! Now he was getting mad and frustrated because they weren’t listening to him!

The louder, more piercing sound gave rise to his fur before a knee was jostled enough to hit him in the stomach. The kid let out a short yelp, ears flicking back in pain before he bared his fangs and hissed. The last thing the poor Bosmer would’ve seen was a pair of eyes, nearly a solid green from the slitted pupils and shiny with a watery sheen before the puffed-up Khajiit burst into flames.

Granted, they were small. But their proximity to rather…flammable items on the mer’s person would prove to be less than desirable nonetheless.


“Hey, what’re you—ow! Hey!” Thavrin squirmed and tried in vain to get the little cub off of him. He glared down at the child as he struggled to maintain his balance.

What are you even saying?! C’mon!”

The squirming only prompted Marsh to dig his claws in more securely, not liking the feeling of hanging there by flimsy cloth. Despite that being his own doing, his fangs were bared in a hiss before he suddenly let go, letting himself fall to the ground. He landed awkwardly before darting for the stranger’s legs, biting with sharp needle teeth at the vulnerable flesh just above the back of the knee, claws digging in as his fur puffed up all over. A yowl started to grow louder in the back of the Khajiit’s throat, tail swishing sharply behind him.

He’d bring them down if they were going to be so mean about it. He’d get to touch the face-feathers AND show them! Show them what, he wasn’t too sure on the details yet. But he’d show them good.

wrathfulandsullen replied to your post:

“Huh? What’re you saying—” Thavrin’s eyes widened as the little Khajiit reached toward his face. What was even going on? Who was this kid? Where were his parents?

When the stranger didn’t bend down within touching range after he had asked so nicely, Marsh’s cheeks puffed, ears flicking back. His lips pressed tightly together, an upset, angry hum growing in his throat before he stomped over and started to try climbing up the weird…whatever-it-was.

They wore weird clothes, but his claws were able to use them just the same to ascend, reaching up, stretching his arm up as high as it could go, clawed toes pressing in on the stranger’s shins. The Khajiit grumbled loudly, pupils slitting when his claws couldn’t even brush the edges of the face-feathers.

“<Yer TOO TALL!>” he snapped, indignant and upset. The one hand not currently fisted in the whatever-it-was’ shirt fastened itself up higher, tugging down. Marsh’s muzzle was wrinkling a little, brow furrowed and looked how any experienced caretaker would recognize as the warning signs of a tantrum.

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