
‘Aye, that’s as maybe, but don’t think I won’t do my duty if I see somebody violating the law.’

Having made his stern warning, and deciding that it was all his duty required of him for now, Trond took a long drink from the tankard and relaxed slightly. It was good to have something warming in his hands, what with the chill in the air. Not quite enough to make him smile at his occasional adversary, but no point in rushing things. Now all he had to do was remember how people made small talk without the protection of a shield and helmet.

‘Entering any of the competitions this year? Seem to recall you didn’t think your, uh, friend there was much of a racer last time.’

J’hasi was busying himself rubbing down the mare’s jaw and neck, Ghost closing her eyes as she enjoyed the attention with a whisk of her tail.

“She’s not the fastest, but I might just for fun. I didn’t get a chance to join the archery contest last year, so I’m trying to stay a little bit more sober this time around. Trying being the key word. The mead they make for the festival is too good to completely pass up.” The Khajiit smiled at the Nord, the mischievous gleam to his eye gone, and leaving a genuine, almost happy expression in its place.

“Anything that catches your eye in the contests, or are you going to give the food and drink a vigorous quality testing?” he asked, Ghost snorting into his mane and puffing it up with her hot breath.

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