
The Khajiit’s eyes widened, ears flicking back before he scowled.

“Something is seriously wrong with that thing and it needs to kindly piss off.” he grumbled crossly.

Marsh had chased a butterfly out into a quieter area, pausing at the smell of something…different. Well, all the flat-faces smelled different than Saxhleel, but it was still new and it caught his attention. He quietly snuck up on the flat-face, eyes wide at the fluffy feathers they seemed to have sticking out from all over their head. His tail twitched as he drew closer, crouching down on all fours before giving the bunch of feathers tied at the bottom a curious bap.

He liked the bright red of the binding, but there was more to explore first. The Khajiit peeked over the flat-face’s shoulder at scribbly bits that they just kept…staring at. It was weird. It looked like lines of ants crawling over the flaps and it made him nervous. He pushed the clump of flaps shut, hoping that the ants would be squished and wouldn’t bite him or this stranger. When he finally looked up at the stranger’s face, he beamed, tail flicking behind him.

“<I like you. Can I touch yer fef…feathers? Please? I wanna touch ‘em, I’ll be nice, I promise!>” he asked, even inclining his head a little in respect towards an elder before climbing onto their lap and reaching for the light-colored locks in anticipation, tail flicking back and forth as he waited.

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