Ancano’s Fucking Bitch Fit – Ancano/Icarus/J’hasi


Ancano stiffened his lower lip, brows crooked at the khajiits very obvious distaste of him. Still, there was a light snort in amusement at the comment towards that useless subordinate of his. The lightheartedness, however, was finished as quickly as it was started. He had questions, and he wanted answers. Now.

“Something was discovered in Saarthal that was significant enough that Tolfdir sent two new members of the college, alone, to deliver word…”

He crossed his arms, clutching the arm of his robes. There was no doubt in his mind that the khajiit was on to him. He needed to keep an eye on him…

“That sounds precisely like the sort of thing that should matter to everyone.” His voice lowered ever so lightly, “Especially me.”

He took a step back from the khajiit, glancing behind him at his two subordinates, who were now struggling to peel the ice from the shorter ones mouth, before making eye contact at the khajiit one last time.

“Thank you for your… ‘help.’ You may go now.”

The Khajiit shrugged, rolling his eyes as he turned to leave, trying to appear as aloof as possible with a muttered ‘whatever’ while also being intensely aware of the Thalmor’s scent, the sound of his heart, wanting to be sure he wasn’t going to follow or stab him or…something while his back was turned before he left. He pushed the door open a little wider than usual, or necessary, letting in a blast of frigid Skyrim morning air, trying not to smirk but failing at the thought of the Thalmor whelp’s shrieking at the chill, if his mouth wasn’t currently frozen shut.

J’hasi pulled his scarf up over his mouth and nose, huffing out a breath in the cold before heading for the Arcaneum for his usual morning visit before class began. Part of him wanted to research what they had found, or at least the amulet, but…it seemed unwise for right now. The old fuck was far too interested.

A day or two, maybe. Some time for Ancano’s interest to die down, and if he was spying on him, long enough to lure the bastard’s guard down. The Khajiit smirked a little under his scarf, glad he already had a routine of going to the library every day, several times a day. It made things a lot easier, and honestly it was child’s play compared to what he had to do in the past when dealing with the Thalmor. He just had to be patient…

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