
‘Ah, his favourite kind of crime,’ said Haaki, with a knowing nod. ‘Seriously, don’t take it personally. He’s only doing his job. He just gets a bit… overzealous, sometimes.’

Haaki considered. On the one hand, the hint of admittance that J’hasi had given the guard cause to arrest him on more than one occasion implied that he might not be the best connection a person could make, and in any case Haaki had his own personal reservations about the thought which had crossed his mind. On the other, his new acquaintance seemed friendly, and anyone who had endured Trond deserved some kind of compensation.

He made up his mind and jerked a thumb towards the Bannered Mare.

‘Can I buy you a drink to make up for it? Or one of those goods of the sweet and sugary sort, if that’s your poison. So to speak.’

The Khajiit chuckled.

“Nah, the drink’s fine. Contrary to what your brother seems to think, I haven’t much of a sweet tooth.” J’hasi’s tail curled, accompanying Haaki to the inn, relaxing a little more now that the guardsmen were either clustering around the excitement of the arrest, hoping to get some sort of credit, or trying to make themselves appear vigilant and ready while still relaxing at their posts. Either way, they were less likely to harass him now, and the offer of a drink had lightened his mood somewhat. It wasn’t often such kindness was extended by strangers, and even less often without the accompanying scent of ulterior motives hanging about them.

J’hasi held the door open for his new acquaintance, offering a lopsided smile.

“I ‘preciate the generosity, I could honestly use a stiff drink right about now. Think m’tail’s about to freeze off.”

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