Under Saarthal – Icarus/J’hasi


“GET BACK HERE, YOU MANGY ANIMAL!” Icarus bellowed as he struggled in comparison to the cat getting through the snow. He aimed another firebolt, but it extinguished before he could fire. He spat curses in Altmeris, even with the new amulet, his magicka was lacking. Nonetheless, the justiciar hurled threats and curses at the Khajiit while all the while attempting to rekindle enough energy for another firebolt. Buts this godsdamned snow. The cat was getting away, and Icarus was not having any of it.

Moments later, if the cat could hear him from the far distance he gained on the mer, he’d hear him cackling like a mad elf as the justiciar plowed through melting snow, bright flames spewing through his hands, empty magicka bottles chucked behind him. “YOU CAN’T RUN FOREVER, CAT!” the mer laughed manaically, slowing catching up to the black khajiit as the snow depth began to die down. Once the snow went up to his ankles, he aimed a couple more firebolts at the cat.

Blinded by rage and hate, the mer failed to realize that they had both entered Winterhold, failed to notice the panicked townsfolk and the guards chasing after him. More importantly, failed to noticed that he aimed a firebolt at the inn that the cat had run into.

It was one of those few moments that it was fortunate Ancano was in the area. The superior mers eyes widened as he scrambled up a ward to repel the firebolt within seconds, saving the town from his irresponsible subordinate.

Ancano grabbed the frenzied Altmer, a troubled look appeared on the older mers face as he saw the guards surround them. The mer cleared his throat, “I have this under control!”  Ancano shooed away the guards,  “No damage appears to be done and everyone is unharmed! Return to whatever it is you were doing! Official Thalmor business!”

The guards mumbled to themselves before spreading out, but not before threatening that they had their eyes on the pair. As they scattered, Ancano took his focus to his subordinate, who was still shouting Altmeris obsceneties to the Khajiit inside. A scowl slowly turned into an angry display of teeth on Ancanos face.

“You ingrate!” Ancano spat as he clonked the smaller mer over the head. “Are you trying to get us all kicked out of the college. I should have had you exp-” His eyes caught glimpse of the amulet around his neck and the amulet in his hand. “What is this?!” Ancano hissed as he snatched both from the justiciar.

“Wait! Nononono– I need that! Sir! That helps my magicka somehow!” Icarus scrambled to reach the necklace from his superiors grasp.

Absolutely not. You amazingly manage to be a irresponsible threat to the people while magickally handicapped. I don’t need to worry myself when you have a full supply. Now whats the o-” Ancano paused the second he got a closer look at the other amulet.

He knew he had seen that amulet before.

Wait a moment…

“Where… Where did you get this?” Ancano inquired sternly.
“What- that?” Icarus pointed at the smaller of the two amulets, “What are you talking about- I’ve had that since I was a child.”
“I’m-I’m sorry what?” Icarus stammered, confused.
“Where did you get that amulet?!” Ancano interrogated, the his clenched fist inches from the smaller Altmers face. The amulet swung back and forth between his knuckles.

“What- I- Wh-” Icarus stumbled away from the overbearing mer,  “From my mother. Said its supposed to be something she got from my father.” He was very much confused. “The hells this about anyways?”

Ancano exhaled deeply, “… It’s nothing.” He took in mind the broken chain, “The other student damaged this, I assume?”

“Yes, sir…?”
“Very well. I’ll see this gets repaired. I’ll speak with the Archmage and see if the khajiit can cover repair expenses since it was his doing. It may take a couple weeks if I can’t find a blacksmith in the area, however, so I hope you are okay with that. Worse case scenario, your colleague is buying you a new chain.”
Icarus was incredibly confused about the sudden and unexpected kindness. However, he was not one to complain if the coin was not coming out of his pocket.”Really? I would appreciate that. I um… Thank you sir.”
“Mm.” Ancano hummed, a stern expression still on his face. His eyes shot a glare at Icarus. “Now get back to the college!” He barked, “We don’t pay you to screw around at an expensive institution!”
Icarus scrambled in the direction leading to the campus “Yes sir!!”

Ancano inhaled, stuffing the amulet in his pocket, no intention of either speaking to Savos or getting the jewelry repaired, “Well this should be interesting…”

J’hasi’s back slammed against the door, gasping for breath, clutching at his shoulder. He could hear yelling outside, pressing his ear to the wood, listening while also trying to find a way out. Dagur peered at him from behind the bar, confused and then shocked at the sight of blood streaking down the front of the Khajiit’s robes.

…the yelling stopped.

He tried to listen more closely with the pounding of his heart in his ears, his ragged breathing…and then it was quiet outside, aside from the growing howl of wind.

The Khajiit let out a whoosh of breath, relaxing slightly. Safe. For now. He just…he needed to sit down…

…or he could meet the floor rather abruptly. That worked too. J’hasi groaned thinly, seeing bright red at the edge of his vision before his eyes closed.

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