(( ⇅ and ✜ o: ))

✜ what’s their posture like in a normal situation?

Depends where he is? I mean, he stands up straight, head up, shoulders back and relaxed, his body at ease with his feet shoulder-width apart when he’s alone in the woods or on the road. But when he’s in a tavern full of people, or in any sort of enclosed space with people in it, his shoulders tend to hunch a little as if taking up a little less space will help his claustrophobia. He still keeps his head up, just not quite as high.

If he’s forced into interaction he’ll stand up straighter, but his knees are bent and his weight settles more on the front of his feet. He does this since if he is attacked (like he subconsciously thinks he will be), he won’t get knocked onto his ass and be at the mercy of his assailant. Interacting with friends he’ll stand up straighter and be more at ease, but he still keeps his weight over the front of his feet rather than his heels.

⇅ do they look up or down while thinking?

If it’s not super serious for him to remember, or he’s not trying to remember something very hard, he looks up. If he’s trying harder to remember, has a time limit or some sort of pressure to make hurry-up, or if he’s getting frustrated because he can’t remember it right away, then he looks down. So most of the time he looks up; if he looks down when you ask him which way town is, you’re most definitely lost.

(( ❖ describe their hands ❞ write a quote they would find themselves saying ))

J’hasi’s got long, thin fingers, and the muscles and tendons in them are strong and wiry. His hands look a little bony when he hasn’t been eating properly, but they’re pliable and warm. They get a little stiff and achy in the cold and tense in a slight curl when he’s anxious, but they aren’t severely impeded in either case.

His hands are also a mess of calluses and scars. Most of the calluses are on the upper part of his palms along the underside of his knuckles and the lower joints of his fingers. Most of the scars are small and superficial: little burns from magical backfires, nicks and cuts from fighting, a finger or two a little crooked from improper healing. The only major scar on them is a cut on his palm from the blood-oath he and Shadows made shortly after they were kidnapped from Black Marsh.

❞ [People always seem confused about what this symbol’s asking exactly, but gimme something J’hasi frequently says, or a quote from a book J’hasi likes! Or… answer it however you like really.]

“Kindness is not weakness. I’ll choke you with the same hand I fed you with.”

It was something Maarzi told him when he really needed it, AKA when he was being an idiot. It’s because of this (and the swift kick in the gut that followed) that he realized that shutting off his compassion and caring for others would not solve anything, nor strengthen him. He had resolved to no longer trust people, to never again have friends, not after he had been betrayed not just once, but twice. The second friend had been so important to him that he had never dreamed that things would’ve turned out the way they did, and he never wanted to risk that ever again.

It was only after that lovely little beatdown discussion that he allowed himself to care about people again. Maarzi told him that he had a big heart, and that big hearts hurt easily, but they would be hurt just as much if they were sealed away entirely. As such, it’s something J’hasi doesn’t always say, but it frequently comes to mind whenever he’s struck with doubt.

((❧ and ✭?))

❧ describe their usual sleeping position

It sorta depends. If J’hasi’s found an inn or feels safe in the place he’s picked to sleep for the night, he’ll lay on his stomach, a hand under his pillow (not so much as for support, but to hold onto the dagger hidden under it). He’ll usually have his blanket laying over him so only his nose is sticking out from underneath it, since he doesn’t like the feeling of breathing hot air.

If he’s sleeping out on the road or feels a little uneasy about sleeping, he’ll usually sleep up in a tree or at the base of one, sitting upright with his hand holding onto his dagger under his blanket. Either way, if he’s woken up suddenly, he’s ready to bury a blade in the gut of whatever attacked/startled him.

My advice? Don’t wake him unless you’ve got a shield up or you’re poking him from 20 feet away.

✭ what is one of their favorite items?

An item in specific would definitely be his necklace. It was a gift from his guardian Sees-In-Mist, and for years it was the only thing he had from home. Stealing that from him would end badly for the thief.


“I’m sure that Bersi would have a map or two that he would sell.” It slowly dawned on her that this stranger might not know who Bersi is. She added, as quickly as she could, “Bersi is the owner of the general store, the Pawned Prawn, in Riften.

“I… am making my way back to Riften. Do you want to join me? I can show you where the Pawned Prawn is.”

The Khajiit’s face broke into another crooked grin.

“Considering I’m in need of a new map, I’ll have to accompany you. I’d rather not get lost twice in one day. Once is more than enough.” Not that she need know he had been lost since two days ago. He definitely needed to have a word with Markus about what maps he gave out. A brow crooked higher, his grin softening into just a quirk of a smile.

“Besides, I don’t think I would get as lucky if I asked for directions a second time. Meeting such a kind lass as yourself hasn’t happened often.” His eyes flicked back down to his map, a small grumpy frown flitting onto his face before he sighed and rolled it back up, fastening it tightly closed and tucking it into his pack. J’hasi pulled the strap back over his shoulder, grabbing his spear from where he had leaned it against his knee.

“So what’s your name?” he asked, his ears pricking as his tail slowed in a flick to curl at the tip, patiently waiting for her lead.

Call of the Beast (J’hasi/Jinn RP)


For once moonlight glistened on the snowy landscape. A lightening of the sky to the east suggested morning at some point, but for much of the world it still clung to darkness. Wind cut through all but the warmest of clothing, and the air near froze in Jinn’s lungs, but the starry sky and its beautiful aurora could be seen without the blemish of clouds.

Which was fine and dandy for a poetic soul, such as a graduate of the Bard’s College, but for the scrawny Bosmer curled under a tree it only meant a colder night.

 He’d managed to light a fire before the deadliest temperatures could set in.  Snow to two sides and a sturdy pine overhead did trap enough warmth for him to survive; huddled around the embers in a shivering heap, brambles clinging to remnants of stolen clothing, he might have been mistaken for a shrub in the predawn light.

Thus, he wasn’t surprised when a deer crashed into the clearing barely three yards from where he crouched. He was surprised at the panic emanating from the beast—no mere wolf or bear elicited that kind of reaction.

He wallowed in confusion for almost a heartbeat before things became rather more interesting than he’d bargained for…

Not even a split second after the deer burst from the trees, a massive black shadow crashed out of the underbrush, a terrifying roar that rivaled a grizzly’s in ferocity shattering the relative quiet. The dark shape’s long limbs sank deep into the snow before it sprang back into the air, pouncing on the panting doe. A short, panicked bleat came from the poor creature before her legs crumpled under the weight of her snarling hunter, a flash of sharp white teeth snatching her tender throat and tearing it wide, steaming red splattering onto chill white.

The beast let out a sharp growl, shaking its head violently to make sure its prey wasn’t going anywhere, a sharp crack issuing from the struggling doe’s neck before the hunter released the ripped flesh to let out a long, grumbling breath from between stained teeth. The steam from its hot lungs rose in a smoky cloud, illuminated by the light of the twin moons as it panted, sides heaving as it caught its breath. It growled once more before diving into its kill, tearing open the soft vulnerable belly of its kill. The beast tore a long strip of flesh free, meat and fat from the belly quickly snapped up, entire pieces swallowed nearly whole as it quickly and noisily, for lack of a better term, wolfed down its meal.

It was only a few minutes of eating before the beast stilled, nose twitching as it sniffed, ears pricking. The creature’s gleaming green eyes searched the darkness for the scent it was picking up, lighting up when they snapped to a huddled Bosmer near a pile of coals.

The werewolf’s muzzle wrinkled in a snarl, blood still dripping from its teeth before a low warning sound rumbled in its chest, bright green eyes wide and dilated with the quivering rage barely contained in its body.

“Indeed I can,” she said, handing the scroll back with care. “You are in the Rift. The city, Riften, is not far from here.”

“The Rift?” J’hasi frowned, slipping the cord that fastened the scroll closed off and releasing the parchment to unroll in his hands. After a few moments of searching the smudged markings scrawled on its surface, his ears flattened, his eyes widening.

“How…?” he said, drifting off for a moment. “…Riften wouldn’t happen to sell maps better than this one?” he asked, lowering the worn map to look at the Breton. The ‘map’ appeared to be old parchment with scribbled mountains, rivers, and roads. The names were scrawled in an untidy script with ink splatters scattered over its yellowed surface. It clearly was an amateur job, and done rather hastily at that.

“Sorry! You dropped this!”

The Khajiit’s ears pricked, jumping a little at the sound of someone’s voice. When he turned around, he saw a Breton standing there, a familiar battered scroll in her hand. His mouth quirked in a crooked grin as he accepted it from her.


“I can’t very well do without this can I? Thank you.” His tail gave a hesitant flick at the short, awkward pause that followed, shifting a little before looking around with a hint of confusion on his face.

“Um….you wouldn’t happen to be able to tell me where I am, would you lass?”

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