
:: Hi Hi @vvardenfellcat ! I’m your secret saturalia. I hope you like my little gift OvO, I’m still getting use to drawing Khajiits UvU I enjoyed your character so much. It was thanks to him I started playing Morrowind XD Now I’m hooked. I hope you enjoy your holidays! ::



dooble from school based on a discussion between and @vvardenfellcat had about Jhasi and Icarus going back and forth on a prank war and Icarus’ absolute detest of facial hair on his personhood.

[J’hasi and Kous in pretty dresses? Or maybe Elsweyr clothing? :3]


Follower pic party


(Hmm let’s roll with Elsweyr dresses. I imagine they are often on the light side, being worn usually in hot climate and all. Also, wtf is khajit anatomy I’m so sorry friend I’m bad at khajit and I might’ve butchered J’hasi ;A;)

(AND I’m sorry but it looks like I’ll have to finish the rest of the pics during my mini christmas holiday. Work’s been hella busy and sucking up all my juice.)


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