
Seeing the positive reaction and learning that he, too, read
the book excites her. “Yes! Well… that is close. Two candidates are chosen by a
king who needs a new servant, and those candidates were told to create a
tonic that would make the king invisible.

“Do you? The ones with wordplay are my favorite.” Does he
have time, she wonders, to visit the temple before moving on? There are books
she would like to share. “I haven’t heard many riddles in other languages,” she continues. “I
think I would like to.

“… And if you have an opportunity—before you leave—you should
visit the Temple of Mara. I have a few books lying around…”

The Khajiit’s ears pricked at the invitation, the implications of such making him feel a little better about his conversational skills at the very least. A small, happy smile pulled at his lips before his tail flicked.

“I wasn’t aware that Mara was the Cyrodilic god of riddles.” he joked, a good-natured grin taking the place of the previous smile. He was still unsure of what else he could talk about, but the topic of riddles seemed to be holding the conversation up well enough. His grip on his belt slackened as ease started to seep into the places where tension had gathered, loosening his movements as he continued to keep pace with Brielle.

“I may be a little rusty, mind, but I’m sure I can remember a few of the riddles well enough to translate them properly for you.” J’hasi offered, his ears relaxed and calm as he looked over at the Breton properly. Surely he could spare the time for a short visit? It was the least he could do if she seemed to enjoy his company. If not for her, he would’ve likely lost even more time.

Call of the Beast (J’hasi/Jinn RP)


The Bosmer flinched when the beast lunged. Yet he didn’t run. Something, some deep, hidden, battered part of Jinn’s soul, kept him rooted to the spot.

He could be like this, the voice breathed. One bite from that maw, one scratch… one ounce of its blood…

 And all that raw, unlimited power would be his. Wide eyed, but with a peculiar blank expression, Jinn stepped over his pathetic mound of coals and inched forward. He didn’t blink. Hardly breathed. As though he attempted to approach a timid deer rather than a ferocious abomination of nature. 

One bite, one scratch… please let it work…

The ‘wolf’s ears flicked back, the growling increasing even as it moved backwards, stepping over it’s kill and hunching its body as its fur bristled. It gave another menacing snap of its jaws, but it was ruined by the beast’s retreat, rather than darting forward to take a chunk out of the mer in front of it. Another shudder passed over the creature, stronger this time, and it whined, looking between the dead deer at its feet, and the seemingly fearless (or just plain stupid) Bosmer advancing on it.

It bolted.

Snow was kicked up in a flurry, the long limbs that allowed the beast to chase after the deer put to use for bounding away in the deep snow. The sound of underbrush cracking was the last thing that could be heard before the werewolf seemingly vanished.


The Khajiit’s nose twitched under his hood, starting to sniff with drowsy interest at the first whiff of what smelled like books. He blinked slowly, realizing he had dozed off where he had stopped to check his map, supported by the wall he was leaning on. His eyelids felt heavy as he yawned, tongue curling out of his mouth as he pushed the hem of his hood up a little to rub his eyes. He sleepily opened an eye to look for the source of the scent that had roused him in the first place.

He felt like he damn near choked on the back of his own tongue, jaws snapping shut on the front as he sharply inhaled. He quickly swallowed, his pained tongue retreating behind his teeth as he caught his breath, feeling his hands start to shake at the sight of dark, gold-trimmed robes not twenty feet from where he was standing.

‘Damn it.’ he thought with a mild undercurrent of panic, thinking where he could go to keep out of sight without suspicion. The mer looked a bit older, yes, but the last time he underestimated an elder mer, he’d ended up with a lightning bolt to his chest. He did not intend to make the same mistake twice.

J’hasi rolled up his map, flicking his tail as he turned to a street that led the other direction of the justicar, hopefully where there was more people and a way out of the city walls. He could sleep later. Out in the forest. Far, far away from here.

“Sorry! You dropped this!”

The Khajiit’s ears pricked, jumping a little at the sound of someone’s voice. When he turned around, he saw a Breton standing there, a familiar battered scroll in her hand. His mouth quirked in a crooked grin as he accepted it from her.


“I can’t very well do without this can I? Thank you.” His tail gave a hesitant flick at the short, awkward pause that followed, shifting a little before looking around with a hint of confusion on his face.

“Um….you wouldn’t happen to be able to tell me where I am, would you lass?”

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