i send the symbol for a happy memory – six

He wasn’t expecting his morning to begin with a pair of eyes staring him down.

J’hasi’s fur puffed, his own eyes locked on them for a few moments before their owner finally blinked, a slight curl at the corner of their mouth and lower lids pressing up in a happy smile. Jeer-rah’s voice was a little rough this morning, fans spreading out and illuminated by the patches of sunlight filtering down through the trees.

“<Good morning, Ei.>” The Khajiit smiled a little in return, fur starting to flatten as he rubbed his eyes with his knuckles, his other hand groping for his blanket to pull up even higher. Jeer chuckled, pulling the hem away from his fingers.

“<As much as I like watching you sleep, it’s time to get up.>”

“<S’not time yet, Jeer… Sleep more…>” The Saxhleel huffed through their nose, nudging their sleepy friend, amused at the warm mess of their feathers.

“<I’m hungry and I don’t know which fish are the tasty kinds.>”


“<Eiiiiiiii…>” There was a few moments longer of stubborn, sleepy silence before Jeer-rah crawled on top of their companion, squashing him to the ground. The squirming protest made their smile grow until finally, J’hasi relented, smacking his hand on the Argonian’s stomach.

“<Alright, alright, I’m up! Off!>” Jeer chuckled as they slid off, crouching next to the Khajiit as he pushed himself up to sit, glaring a little at his friend until their fans pulled back, making a cheeky expression as they leaned closer. He huffed out a laugh, pushing the Saxhleel’s face away with a firm press on their nose.

“<You’re intolerable.>” The Khajiit complained, yawning hugely and exposing his teeth in the growing sunlight, scratching at his jaw. Jeer preened.

“<Intolerable, but I get what I want. Like right now, for instance.>” J’hasi stretched a little, joints popping before pulling himself out of his blankets, Jeer laying on the still-warm furs for a few moments while the Khajiit stretched his legs and pulled off his shirt.

“<Did you make ff-the trap yet?>” he asked, already heading for the shore. The Argonian rolled to their feet, following.

“<Yes, but I don’t know which ones are the good ones.>” J’hasi crouched down near the trap, eyes flicking over the fish swimming in jerky, darting circles within the sides of the trap.

“<Any of fese are good. Fat one might be a little bland, ff-though.>” Jeer leaned against their warm friend with a smile, nearly pushing them over before their tail curled to support themselves a little more. The Khajiit smiled, closing his eyes and enjoying the quiet.

“<You got stuff for a fire?>” he asked, the Saxhleel chuckling.

“<You and your food-burning.>”

“<Should give it a try, Jeer. Warm meals are nice.>”

“<I’ll think about it. Hist knows I’ll have time with how long it takes.>”

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