
There was a certain attitude common to all guardsmen across Tamriel, or any other continent, for that matter. They all had the Stance, the way of standing to attention while somehow still slouching, and the Walk, the rolling gait which could keep a person moving through a whole night shift. They eyed up potential criminal scum in the same way. They all knew how to look like they were running in hot pursuit and yet somehow, mysteriously, never manage to catch up with the heavily armed mer disappearing around a corner.

And they all reacted the same way when approached by a citizen right when things looked calm. Citizens were never good news. They often turned out to be criminals in disguise, and they always expected the guards, most unfairly, to do their job.

The guardsman on the right of the door eyed J’hasi with unfettered suspicion. Plenty of Dunmer had been slinking back and forth since they locked up a load the ship which had docked that morning. It was hard to say, in the eyes of a Nord, whether being bothered by a Khajiit instead was an improvement or not. The other guard, a young woman, sighed, glanced in the direction of the nearest inn, and said,

‘Aye? What do you need?’

J’hasi faked a shiver, enough to hopefully convince the guard that he wasn’t covering his face for any other reason than sheer cold.

“I’m missing m’coinpurse, and me mam’s home sick with somethin’ fierce. I was on the way t’ the alchemist ‘ere in town an’ when I got to the door, it was gone! Can you please ‘elp me? I don’t think she’ll make the night without ‘er tonic.” Petty thievery wasn’t that dangerous of a job, and catching thieves seemed to be one of a guards’ favorite activities in his experience… Would they bite, though? Or just be lazy and shoo him off? He had to sweeten the deal to make sure.

“I stopped at the inn fer a bit t’ thaw out m’tail, but tha’s the last time I ‘ad t’pull out some coin.” He shivered again, his tail puffing out twice its size. A chill breeze had picked the exact moment to blow up the back of his jacket and freeze all up his spine. All the better for the facade, but still unpleasant.

“This one? This one is dishonest.” [Jo’Raya]

J’hasi sighed, swiping over his mouth with the back of his hand before looking back at the guardsmen still searching for a certain someone.

“Uh huh…can see that…” His tail tip quirked, then he shrugged a little, almost as if to himself before he jerked a thumb towards some crates stacked behind the fishery.

“Easy way up, scenic. Good place for someone inclined towards dishonesty.”

New Years Kiss [From a Scamp, probably. Why they chose to pick on poor J’hasi I don’t know.]

J’hasi was more than a little surprised to get a massive tongue slicked from the side of his neck all the way up to the top of his head, leaving his fur stuck up in odd angles and his face set in a mildly-bewildered expression as he turned to be face-to-face with a happily-churring guar. Said guar had mazte on the breath, and immediately made the Khajiit jealous.

“<Where th’ell didja get mazte? Give meee shome!>” he huffed, opening the guar’s mouth even wider, as if expecting to find a bottle or two just laying inside.

SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog.

Stolen from uh…lots of people at this point. Took me a while to get to it. @aglitchinemotion finally got my booty in gear tho.


I have a few… Though it’s more of ‘hey these two/three/etc would be cute and actually get along and heeeeyyyy that might actually work in canon! I wonder…

Nothing’s canon yet for TES!J’hasi, though Aldaril and Morwaen have a one-sided thing going on atm. Mori, pls…show the poor mer some mercy…

Modern!TES AU J’hasi, Maarzi, and Jeer-Rah are a thing, Al and Morwaen are a thing, Icarus and mead is a thing… All the ships. Welcome to my self-indulgent paradise.


Depends on how well I know you. Unless you’re Paige I doubt it would go further than fade to black after smooches and whatnot. I’ve started writing the Porns™ to try and see if I like doing it/find it worthwhile, and while I enjoy the emotionally-connected ones, the stand of the night type ones aren’t fun to me. Still have to issue copies to Quality Control to determine their Hot Stuff merit.

TL;DR full blown prons are doubtful unless I’m really close friends with the mun first, else varies between No and fade-to-black depending on how well I know the mun.


Under 18 is a Hell No, TES is uh…weird with people living hundreds of years and yet some only 80ish or w/e so I guess it depends on how old they seem? Mer, man. Can’t get a good bead on em agewise. I suppose if there’s like a huge gap like Mr. 800 years old shacking up with someone around 400 that would be weird to me. A hundred years gap wouldn’t be too bad assuming the younger is like…30s? 40s? At least. Mid 20s would be the lowest I’d go with something like that, and even then that’s pushing it. Two hundred gap would be ehh…and anything beyond that is sort of a ‘how is each individual case like’?

Modern AU (aka not TES Modern AU) I guess like 10 ish gap is the most? Not much higher than that because then you get weird things of like ‘oh I was a teenager when you were born’ stuff and that rubs me the wrong way.


I mean I’m a bit selective with rping, like…I can’t up and ship with someone if I don’t know them. And yes, that has happened in the past and it made me not want to ship ever again because someone didn’t know/didn’t care that it’s not cool to write my character for me. And horribly OOC too. Yuck.

Honestly we’d have to be mutuals for a while before I’d be okay with shipping. Especially if it was J’hasi because LET ME TELL YOU THAT BOY FEEL TOO GOTDAMN MUCH FOR HIM GOTDAMN HEART. And yeah they have to have chemistry. And while most of my characters are more easygoing with the romance and boinking stuff, J’hasi is one of those that’s hard to get to that point because Trust Issues and whatnot. Anyone’s welcome to try, just know that we’d have to know each other and the muses in question would have to have some chemistry before anything progresses beyond verbal sparring.


Once someone goes beyond the belt, that’s the point that I’d say yeah that’s nsfwy-stuffs. Smooches and whatnot are safes, making out, etc, but once someone starts digging around in the other’s pants then yeah that’s a decent marker. I’d likely readmore it once it got beyond smooches for sake of people who don’t want to read two muses fooling around with each other but it wouldn’t get the NSFW tag until aforementioned marker.


I thought I was asked this before x_x UHHHHMMM usually it’s more of ‘who’s possible’, since I don’t set anything in stone until the characters meet in RP. I may misread a character and then the ship would be weird once I learn my mistake, so I tend to ask lots of questions of the person in question like ‘if x met y and they did z, how would they react?’ I do this with situations outside of shipping too because I LIKE LEARNING ABOUT CHARACTERS MANG.

Private ships are private ships, usually self-indulgent whatever to help me practice writing interpersonal communication and possibly sexytiems so I can learn what sounds natural because it’s a new type of writing for me, same as when I was first learning how to write actiony stuffs and MAJOR DOOM plots and whatever. The pronoun game kills me because 90% of it is gay. Maarzi and her gf Riheh is one of my fave ships because MAARZI IS SUCH A FUCKING TEASE AND THEN RIHEH CATCHES HER OFF-GUARD CONSTANTLY AND I LOVE THEM.

…I just realized I haven’t done any straight NSFW yet aside from that thread with Moj and Sham. I should…probably remedy that. Oops.


I’m fine with your character feeling as they will, it’s your character, that’s how they do. It’s when you try to push it onto my character without asking for permission that I get irritated. Like by all means, a character can make passes at mine, flirt, w/e, that’s totally fine. It’s when someone thinks that because my muse reacts a certain way back that they think it’s canon then, which. No. You ask me.

Sometimes my characters flirt back because that’s just how they are. They might be trying to use your muse’s apparent interest to suit their needs. Muses may not explain their reasoning for acting x way, so it’s better to ask me to see if it’s genuine ‘ay let’s ship’ vs ‘my character is using yours to get out of a situation or for their own selfish gain’. Plus, if I don’t know you, a ship isn’t going to happen. I need to know the mun before I make any commitments.


I’m with Dust!mod on this one, when it makes sense. I’m not romantically inclined irl, so it’s not like I Need it, it’s just something fun and new to play with, like when you get a new toy. You have lots of other toys, and that’s yet another you have at your disposal. Say that you think that the situation would be more exciting if Mr. Dinosaur came in and interrupted the tea party with some dire news from the front, or maybe he wants to confess that he loves Mr. Sheep and doesn’t want Mr. Sheep to elope with Tonka Truck, or that Tonka Truck was actually using Mr. Sheep for his billions in assets to make war on the Hot Wheels regime. It could be integral to the plot, or just give another facet to it, adding some extra drama to the Shit Going Down. The world is your oyster, friend.


Nnnnnnah. I tried AU stuff with other fandoms, didn’t like, and I don’t need multiple verses of the same TES verse to handle. Not to mention like…why would you multiship when you can have polyamory? Way easier imo. Imagine the cuddlepiles. The only exception I have for this is Modern!TES but that’s more of ‘this is my self-indulgent paradise, I’ll make everyone hold hands if I want to’, and that’s…kinda my personal verse since I haven’t really talked about it much and I don’t think other people would be into it lmao


If it’s friends, lovers, rivals, sworn enemies, whatever relationship a muse has with another, it’s all good in my book. It’s great to have character-developing interactions no matter how it’s brought about, if your friend is concerned about x habit you have, or if you got the hots for some new friend on the block, or if you can’t fucking stand your new co-worker/peer, or someone decided that You Need To Die For X Reason And You Just Won’t Go Quietly.

I don’t hold any over the others in terms of importance, like sometimes I’m more in the mood for rival battles, sometimes I just want nerds to cuddle and read together. It just depends on what mood I’m in for at the moment.


Uhhhhhh I can’t think of any atm. I get a stupid grin on my face when me and @brothersofthedominion come up with ideas for our plots involving a giant golden boy and a srs golden girl, but my current favorite ship that I think about a lot is stuck in self-indulgent paradise world.


I gotta know who tf you are first. Ask interactions are good for this, because then it unlocks the possibility of rps, which then once I have a good idea of who you are, then there’s a chance of shipping. Else it’s gonna end up being your muse tryna flirt with mine with little chance of getting anywhere other than flirting back or in J’hasi’s case, likely a big fat |:/


Maybe it was worth finding out how to fish with those lined sticks.

The Khajiit stared at the frigid waters, the tips of his fingers rapidly going numb from their brief brush at the surface, tail flicking behind him as he debated on trying to find a decent bow for hunting instead. The snow was deep and powdery, though, so while tracking would be easy, hunting without exposing his…condition would be a problem. It was far too open in Dawnstar for his taste, and he could see plenty of tasty fish right here.

He huffed, glaring at the fish darting around so carefree in icy waters, his tail swishing sharply in irritation.

“I can let you drown.” [Jo’Raya]

The Khajiit cocked a brow, ears following suit.

“I don’t suppose you’d find it surprising that you’re not the first person who’s told me that. Sorry to disappoint, but I learned how to swim from the best.” J’hasi’s claws loosened from the dock, slipping under the surface to swim for the opposite side of the dock instead.


It seemed a good time for the Dunmer to sidle out from behind the crates. It was surprising the third to emerge had managed to keep his impressive size hidden, and if that wasn’t enough to give them away the gold shining in the speaker’s ears and mouth should have been. Said speaker gave J’hasi a 24-carat grin, apparently unconcerned about the attention they might already be drawing.

‘Good lad. Get ‘em away from the jail door and we’ll do the rest. Shouldn’t take more than… hey, Oran, how long’s that unlocking spell of yours take?’

‘Thirty seconds,’ said the large Dunmer. The speaker turned back to J’hasi.

‘Give us five minutes. And if things get a bit out of hand, and we got to make a quick escape, look for the Runaway Scamp. She’s moored in a little cove just a bit to the east.’

J’hasi snapped his journal shut.

“Sounds good to me.” he stated, glancing at the trio, nose twitching as he got a few more good inhales of their scent before drawing his scarf up out of his cloak and pulling it over his muzzle. Only his eyes were exposed when he turned to look at the feathered cap-donned mer directly.

“I’d normally ask for half upfront, but you seem like a respectable mer who honors their word. I’m sure I won’t have a problem finding you afterwards.” he stated, a brow rising under his bangs. Not that he believed that of any of them, but it was better to keep a threat somewhat friendly. They didn’t seem like the pirates he’d run into on the coast of Black Marsh, but it never hurt to make it known that he wasn’t one to cross.

The Khajiit pushed away from the post he’d been leaning on, making his way down the street towards the barracks and the guardsmen posted there, mind flicking through possible plans before settling on the most plausible one.

“Excuse me, sera…”


‘The money ain’t for the favour, it’s so you don’t ask questions,’ said the Dunmer introduced as Azzie. The first Dunmer smacked the back of his head, knocking the hat askew.

‘Look, here’s the thing. One of our shipmates had an unfortunate incident with the guards. Nothing serious, you know, just a misunderstanding involving a chicken and some missing clothes and mebbe a few bottles of sujamma. Could’ve happened to anyone. All we need you to do is distract them guards while we help out a friend. Not too difficult, aye?’

Well, now he wanted to ask questions, just not the ones that they’d probably think he’d ask. Starting with where in Oblivion did they manage to get ahold of sujamma in Skyrim. J’hasi flipped a page, though he had long stopped reading and instead was focusing and keeping track of where each guard was.

“I’ll bite. Where d’you want them, and how long do you need?”


The face ducked away again. There was another mumbled discussion, another thumping sound, and then it reappeared, this time with company. The new face was mostly hidden under a large hat, topped with a curling feather.

‘We can definitely make it worth your while,’ said the first face. ‘We’re from a ship, see? And this here’s Azzie, our purser. You do us a favour, he’ll arrange a little something for you. How’s a hundred septims sound?’

‘Sounds like an awful bloody lot out of my share,’ interrupted a voice from a third, hidden person. The first stamped his foot down, sparking a string of curses behind him, and watched J’hasi expectantly.

The Khajiit’s jaw set at an angle, eyes and ears focused on the guardsmen talking down at the end of the street, his nose twitching a little as he tried to catch the group’s scent.

“That’s a steep starting price for a simple favor, sera. Unless I know what you have in mind, I can’t say if that’s a fair price or not.” His tail tip ticked back and forth behind him as he pulled up his hood in preparation. If it was a fair deal, a hundred drakes would set him up for the night and then some.

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