The Red Year – Giovanni/J’hasi


Giovanni’s attention was brought to Ra’Tesh, keeping eye contact with the barkeep while his one hand dug into the khajiits throat. ‘He doesn’t want to fight’ the Imperials lips stretched heinously as he dragged his victim up the stairs and towards the exit.

<”Like Oblivion y’do!”> The intoxicated man spat as he swung his leg into the cats stomach. If the townsfolk of Mournhold weren’t alerted by the sounding boom from the doors of the Winged Guar, it would’ve been the black furry blur flying through them and collapsing onto the dusted teal tiles of the bars entrance- immediately followed by a livid Imperial.

Giovanni didn’t even give the khajiit a chance to get up, slamming his netch leather boot into the poor things chest. Either he didn’t give a skeevers ass about what trouble he was about to get into, or the alcohol did a number on his judgement as he yanked the bow from his back, arrow already pulled back.

<“Ya give me one good reason not t’ send this arrow between them green eyes of yers, Nerevar!”> He bellowed, <”You did this! Everythin’ is gone-”> The Imperial’s unquenched fury echoed though out the eastern side of Godreach.


The hand at his throat prompted panic, teeth bared as the Khajiit was suddenly dragged up the stairs, fingers just missing the string of his bow as they passed it, not that it would do him much good had he hooked his claws on it. When he was kicked outside, it took all of his willpower to keep somewhat calm, even as he felt the wolf rouse at his pain and growing panic, trying to stifle it behind his ribs before things could get messy.

The kick left J’hasi’s stomach burning, airless, his ribs zinging when he rolled to absorb the shock of the landing. He yelped out in pain when the Imperial planted their foot on his chest, sending sharp bolts of pain over his partially-healed ribs. He squirmed, ears flicking back and pupils slimming when he saw them pull out their bow to aim at him. The Khajiit bared his teeth, short pants of breath all he could manage through the pain.

“<I-I didn’…>” he gasped, hissing as the pain of pressure on his ribs, squirming in an attempt to get free while his claws dug into the leather to try and pull it away from his ribs. Panic was singing high in his chest, not wanting to accidentally shift, especially now since there were a few people starting to gather at the noise. He heard someone call for a guard as he focused his eyes on the vampire’s.

“<Y-you don’t want to do this, n-not here and not now.>” J’hasi wheezed. He didn’t know if the Imperial could smell what he was now, but they had to know the situation they could create if they tried to pick a fight.

The Red Year – Giovanni/J’hasi


<”How long has that Cyrodiil been sitting there?”>

<”That one? Since this afternoon. Been drinking ever since.”>
<”You think it’s about time they cut him off before he does something unruly?”>
<”Rather not piss off one of the few whos been helping keeping us in check with rations. That ones been trading off whatever he’s been hunting for insanely cheap prices.”>
<”That one? You sure? I hear from the merchants he’ll spend hours bargaining and ripping off whatever poor sap he can…”>

Giovanni lifted the Mazte to his lips, ignoring the conversation not too far from him. Normal circumstances, the Imperial would have definitely gotten in their faces in his stupored condition. That was the thing though: normal. The Imperial hadn’t felt his prideful, greedy, chaotic self since the eruption.

The bottle of mazte returned to the table with the dozens of empty bottles placed aside.  Scanning all the grey, thin faces crowded into the bar, he rested his head on the table, closing his eyes.

All this? His fault.

Should’ve killed that bastard when he first laid eyes on him.

Now it didn’t just cost him, it cost literally everyone who called  Vvardenfell home.

A long exhale escaped his lips, rustling his dark, stray strands of hair.

He needed to get going. He promised Favela he would be home at a reasonable hour this time.

The Imperial pushed himself up, leaving a rather hefty sum of gold on the table for the server that had to put up with him that day.

“Thanks fer th’ shervice.” The Imperial mumbled as he passed Ra-Tesh, “’Ah’ll see I give ya whateva’ ah find t’morrow.” His arm bumped into one of the patrons, “…M’sorry-” he mumbled, turning his head before he froze.

The alcohol may have tampered with his sight, sure, but there was no mistaking the dark khajiit he had bumped. A snarl suddenly curled on his lips.

“… You…”

The reek of matze didn’t bother him much, though the Khajiit did stiffen a little at the bump, presumably an unsteady, drunken patron. But when he heard the anger in the accusatory tone, he looked up at the stranger, intending to warn them off before they’d both get thrown out…

…Azura’s blood… J’hasi’s pupils slimmed down to pinpricks, his body stiff, even too afraid to swallow as he locked eyes with the undead he’d last seen…gods how long ago had it been? He’d been too busy with his food to recognize the scent of undeath amid the confusing mess of scents that came with his wolf blood. He slid to the edge of his chair, tail puffing behind him. The vampire looked livid, was clearly drunk, and the two of them were in a well-populated bar, within an even more populated city. Ra’Tesh frowned.

“<If you must fight, take it outside. Ra’Tesh does not like the sight of blood.>” he stated matter-of-factly, raising a brow towards the younger Khajiit in questioning. J’hasi swallowed finally, garnering up a little courage. They were both in public. They wouldn’t pull anything unnatural…he hoped.

“<I don’t want to fight you.>” he stated, eyes flicking between the vampire’s and what he could use to defend himself if the undead tried to attack him here and now.

The Red Year – Giovanni/J’hasi

The Khajiit brushed off what ash he could from his fur and armor outside before stepping into the Winged Guar. Not that it much mattered, as the floor was dusted over with it no matter how many times it was swept. A curled finger drew down the dull red scarf covering his mouth and nose with a quiet sigh, nodding once towards Hession before heading downstairs for the bar.

“<What can Ra’Tesh get for you, friend?>” J’hasi sat down, slipping his quiver and bow down to the floor, the latter leaning against the bar. He rubbed his face. By the Hist, he was exhausted…

“<Whatever you got for food, whatever’s cheapest for booze.>” Tesh rose a brow, turning to pick through crates and the like before producing a bottle of shein, sliding it onto the bar.

“<This one sees that your fur is dull, and your face thin.>” J’hasi huffed out a humorless laugh, pulling the cork out with a twist, smelling the sweet-tart-bitter of comberry within.

“<Everyone from Vvardenfell looks like that now, Tesh. M’not a special case.>” he muttered. He knew he hadn’t been eating well, but supplies were limited, and it was more important that the refugees got their fill first. He took a drink of the wine, ears flicking back at the roughness of it, a chuckling purr rumbling from Ra’Tesh’s chest as he slid a plate piled with food onto the bar next.

“<Perhaps this one could help fill that handsome face in, hm?>” J’hasi managed a small smile, quickly focusing on the hound meat cooked in some sort of gravy, with steamed ash yams and half a loaf of bread on the side. It was more than he’d eaten in days, and greatly appreciated. Tesh smiled a little, returning to wiping down the bar and leaving the young Khajiit to his meal.

Moon-And-Stars – Giovanni/J’hasi/Shadows


Giovanni only had enough reaction time to brace for the lizard lunged at him through the fire. The two came crashing into the ground like a wounded dragon. The leather against his singed back had an unforgiving sting to it, but he was soon met with another sharp pain in his chest that needed his attention. But first goal was to get the damned lizard off him. Prioritizing his strength into his legs, the vampire kicked the Argonian in the stomach with the intent of sending him back over the fire; into the fire was more ideal at this rate though. He swiftly, albeit dizzily, got back up on his feet before he saw it:  a dagger- uncomfortably close to his one of two imperative organs, was buried between his heart and his shoulder. He snarled, yanking the bloodied ebony dagger from his body.

Now it was his turn.

He quickly seared his eyes into those of the Khajiit, firmly reminding the beast that he hadn’t forgotten him. Bringing his attention back to the Saxhleel, his legs sprung like those of a lioness, aiming the dagger for the Argonians skull.

Shadows gasped, airless at the kick, surprised at the strength (as well as an unsettling crack somewhere inside of him) before a more pressing issue grabbed his attention. The Argonian made a strangled yelp of pain when he landed in the fire, heat against his scales for only moments before he quickly rolled off with sharp gasps. It seemed immediately after that the fucking Imperial was leaping at him, armed with his own damned dagger. He only had enough time to jerk his head back, but not enough time to completely avoid injury. Pain burned on the side of his mouth, feeling blood trickle over torn skin, nearly making him lose a scale or two as well. With the vampire so close, his throat exposed…the Saxhleel felt a very real shiver of fear.

“<J’hasi!>” he snapped, eyes flicking to see his brother there, frozen in place, eyes wide with fear and his tail puffed up to three times its usual size. Shadows snarled, grabbing for the Imperial’s throat, the other hand trying to grab the wrist that had his dagger.

“<J’hasi!>” he barked, louder, the Khajiit jolting a little before his eyes refocused on his brother, rather than stock-still, eyes locked on the undead currently mauling him. He tried to take a step forward, but his injured leg crumpled underneath him, dropping him to the dust. The most the Khajiit could do was watch, his body shaking as the edges of his vision started to get fuzzy.

☠ or/and ✿

☠ Battle Prowess

“…don’t tangle with them. Ever. Just…run away. Unless you have fire, and lots of it.”

✿ Appearance

“They’re unsettling. They’re undead, but they don’t look it until the fangs come out, and…gods, when they do look undead? No. I don’t want to talk about them anymore.”

Flash Back!

“<What the hell are you?>” Marsh jumped a little, feathers along their tail puffing before they turned to look at the scarlet, almost black-scaled Saxhleel behind them. The hatchling huffed, ears flicking back as they withdrew from their vantage point of the strange village they’d found while exploring.

“<I’m Saxhleel!>” How hard was it to see that? Marsh settled back on their legs, tail curling alongside them. The stranger looked over them, then their nose wrinkled.

“<Are not.>”

“<Are too!>”

“<Are not!>”

“<Are too!>” The other hatchling’s face twisted in a weird expression, their teeth baring in a clear display of anger.

“<Are not!>” Then the stranger shoved Marsh-Eyes, hard, sending them tumbling down the slope that led to the swampwaters below. The hatchling yelped when they hit the water, limbs swishing uselessly in the scummy and mud-clogged waters, no sides or bottom to catch to help them ashore. The brief moments where Marsh’s head was above the surface they thought they saw the scarlet-scaled hatchling, but they kept sinking, and then they couldn’t breathe.

Why couldn’t they breathe?

Marsh opened their mouth, but their lungs wouldn’t fill with water. And the water that went up their nose felt…wrong. Why did it feel wrong?! The hatchling sank, panicked and choking, hoping for some solid ground to climb up, but there wasn’t any. All they could see was just…murky water.

A concussion in the water made them start, just as their chest and head was starting to burn, a muffled throbbing pulsing through them. It was when the edges of their sight started to get dark that they saw something move in the water near them, and then squirming when hands grabbed their arms, pulling them through the water. It was when the swimming thing broke the surface, lifting Marsh’s head out of the water that the hatchling coughed, hacking up water that had gotten in their throat and nose, shaking their head while whimpering. They realized the swimming-thing was Jeer-rah, who was also glaring at the silent scarlet-scale on the shore.

“<What the fuck is wrong with you?! They can’t swim yet!>” they snapped, Marsh feeling their powerful tail beating the water behind them to keep them at the surface. The hatchling started to shiver, scared and afraid of being in the water now.

“<J-Jeer, I’m scared…>” Jeer-rah nodded, shifting in the water to allow the shaking hatchling onto their back, swimming to the shore. The scarlet-scale said nothing, quietly observing as Marsh clambered back onto shore, damp and still coughing on occasion. Jeer rubbed their friend’s back soothingly, concerned about Marsh’s apparent intolerance for water before glaring up at the still-silent Saxhleel sitting there.

“<The elders were right. You’re messed up, all of you.>” Marsh sneezed, shivering before drawing closer to Jeer.

“<I wanna go home.>” they mumbled, still shaken up.

“<…yeah, okay… Let’s go.>”


1. (childhood) A great day turns terrible in a matter of moments.

Marsh tried to keep a gentle hold on the squirming lizard in their hands, claws scrabbling over their knuckles while the tail slapped against their belly and legs. They pouted at the reptile while trotting through the patch of slick mud that always lingered near the water’s edge.

“<I tol’ you buhfore! Y’gotta sit still! I gotta show you t’ Shadows!>” they hissed at the creature, the brightly-colored dewlap (the reason they wanted to show, it was so colorful) flaring. Marsh-Eyes puffed their cheeks in response.

“<Don’ get huffy wiff me, it’ll only be a lil bit.>” they grumbled. At the sound of water rippling they froze, ears alert, eyes darting to the shore. They turned around to spot Jeer-rah, still and halfway out of the water. Marsh scowled.

“<Jeer, go back. I’ll only be a lil bit.>” Jeer-rah’s fans flattened.

“<How come you can sneak off but I can’t?>”

“<Shadows don’ like you, an’ he’ll get mad at me if I let you come wiff.>” Jeer scowled.

“<Shadows is mean, all the time! Why go back?>” Marsh paused, ears lowering a little.

“<I…I just wanna show them ff…this.>” Jeer’s eyes lit up a little at the bright dewlap, puffing their own a little in response before giggling. Marsh looked back towards the village Shadows lived in, the one with the name they couldn’t pronounce. Their tail wiggled.

“<I’ll show ‘em, fen I’ll come back, kay?>” Jeer sighed.

“<Fast, kay?>”

“<’Kay.>” Jeer bumped their forehead against Marsh’s, then they both grinned before the one carrying the grumpy lizard hurried up the slight incline, to the weird white-shelled huts that the village had. Marsh squeezed between a muddy cart wheel and a hut, looking around for the familiar flash of red feathers, or dark red scales. When the hatchling spotted him, they trotted out, tail arched high in the air as they reached their friend with their prize.

“<Shadows, lookit! Look what I caught!>” Marsh chirped, thrusting the squirming lizard out to show. The Argonian looked at the bright green eyes of his friend, down to the grumpy lizard who kept flashing their dewlap. He frowned.

“<That’s poisonous.>” Marsh yelped, dropping the reptile for it to land on the ground and skitter away, the hatchling looking panicked at their hands. Shadows smirked.

“<It’s not.>” Marsh huffed, annoyed.

“<Don’t DO that! Sees says I’m not s’posed’ta touch poisonous stuff! I told you ‘bout that b’fore!>” Maybe Jeer was right. The Saxhleel looked at his friend carefully.

“<You came alone, yeah?>” Marsh fidgeted.

“<Jeer followed me again, but I told ‘em not t’ follow me in.>” Shadows’ eyes narrowed, crest rising, the hatchling fidgeting more, nervous.

“<Fff…they kept back, f…they promised!>” The Saxhleel didn’t seem convinced, but his crest lowered from the threatening flare, satisfied enough for now. Marsh paused, ears at attention.

“<Why’s fff…there yellin’?>” Shadows frowned.

“<Dunno.>” It was getting louder, the hatchling’s tail twitching faster, nervous by their ankles when they could make out both Jel and some…other sounds. They were like broken words, strange. It was when there was a loud bang and a plume of flame that Marsh yelped, hiding behind their friend. Shadows was stuck in place, tail curling before the two jumped at the sound of Shadows’ parents shouting for him.

“<…M-Marsh! Run! Now!>” he snapped, darting towards the sound of his parents. The hatchling followed, tail puffed, alarm and panic making their breath short and tight in their lungs. They could hear screaming now, but could also see Shadows’ parents up ahead, wide-eyed and terrified until they caught the sight of their kid. His mom crouched down and stroked Shadows’ crest, surprised at Marsh’s presence.

“<I didn’t even know you were here, Ei.>” Shadows looked back towards the area where some Argonians were rushing with weapons at the ready, others running away.

“<What’s going on, Mom?>” Shadows asked, gripping the hem of her shirt. She looked up.

“<I’m not sure. But we need to get inside, now.>” Another explosion and Marsh squeaked, startled when a fireball crashed into one of the white huts, alarmed when the structure caught fire. They squirmed, legs twitching.

“<Fff…th-the swamp. We can hide from the fire-f-ff-throwers.>” Shadows’ parents looked at each other, then nodded.

“<Good idea. Hurry, go.>” Another explosion and there was a chorus of screeches and screams, Marsh yelping in surprise and slipping on the damp ground with their muddy feet in their haste to move, Shadows pulling them up with a sharp tug. The four of them started to run, more fireballs starting to sail over the small village. It was when another house exploded that Shadows and Marsh were knocked to the ground, coughing from the smoke. Marsh scrambled up, only to hear Shadows calling for his parents, then it was lost to the screaming.

“<Shadows! SHADOWS!>” Marsh yelled, starting to get really scared. The screaming was getting louder, the smoke was filling their lungs and making them cough, panic and fear making them dizzy as they spun around, trying to listen for the sound of their friend. But they were alone in the chaos.

“<SHADO-MMPH!>” They were cut off by a pair of rough hands grabbing them, one covering their mouth and the other grabbing by the scruff of their neck. Marsh squirmed, wriggling free enough to bite. They were dropped with a loud cry of pain, allowing them to scramble away to hide under a cart, and see what had grabbed them in the first place.

Their faces were smooth and scaleless, flat, and their ears were like flatter versions of their own, but without feathers. Their skins and feathers on their heads were close to the same colors, mostly greys and blacks. Their eyes were red, red like the blood that stained the hatchling’s teeth and dripped from one of their hands.

Marsh drew back, afraid before others came after them.

Moon-And-Stars – Giovanni/J’hasi/Shadows



The arrow flew into a random direction when the sudden numbness in his stomach and the flaring pain in the side of his face took Giovanni by surprise. By the time he realized what had just happened, The Imperial was sent falling into the campfire, taking a good look at the Argonians features.

Were it not for the netch leather, the vampire may have succumbed to a fiery death. The coals of the flames had plenty to singe the bastards center back, The logs where charred on the exterior, but were still sharp enough to poke a couple holes into the netch leather. Feeling as if he was branded by hot steel, Giovanni flipped himself  onto the other side of the firepit.

He snarled, clutching his stomach as the warm crimson fluids began to seep from his fingers. The warmth of blood trickled down his face; he could taste droplets of his own blood that tickled onto the side of his lips. That blood starving sensation returned as he slowly turned his eyes to the fucking animal that tore into his face. Death was now in his eyes.

<”You really fucked up now, outlander.”>

Shadows’ eyes widened a little at the dark sclera, crest flattening as he hissed. A vampire. Great. As if he didn’t have to deal with a vampire back home already. J’hasi, however, squeaked with fear at the terrifying change, clutching the haft of his spear to his chest, his uninjured leg drawing up as he shook.

“<J’hasi.>” When the Argonian could only hear shivering from his brother, he barked out more firmly in Jel, voice harsh.

“<J’hasi! Get your ass up. Now.>”

“<Fff…thh-there’s an arrow in my le->”

“<GET. UP.>” Shadows readjusted his grip on his dagger, eyes focused on the Imperial in front of him as he heard the Khajiit behind him struggle to stand, a broken sob breaking from him before he managed to get up and limp towards his brother.

“<Flank them on their left. I’ve got the right.>”

“<Sh-Shadows, I can’t… I-I can barely walk->” The Saxhleel hissed sharply, cutting him off with a glare. He could see the edges of the bite marks left on his brother’s shoulder in the firelight and looked away back to the Imperial.

“<Move, or you’re no better than bait.>” he hissed, then rushed the undead bastard, leaping over the fire to tackle him to the ground, dagger aimed right for his heart. J’hasi only trembled, eyes wide as his brother went for the vampire, leaning on the haft of his spear to keep upright.

Moon-And-Stars – Giovanni/J’hasi/Shadows


it still wanted to fight, How cute.

A smug grin curled on the vampires face as he watched his struggling prey barely keep a hold of it’s spear. He slammed his boot onto the khajiits face. His foot holding its face to the side, he got a good view of the Suthay rahts neck,
<”Hold still, and I’ll make this quick.”> The Imperial snarled as he pulled another arrow between his finger, pulling the bowstring back one last time.

J’hasi yelped at the kick, trying to squirm free, but he was too tired, the vampire too strong. The words and the sound of the bow being drawn dropped his heart down into his stomach, eyes widening even though he couldn’t see where the bow was aimed. He felt tears rise up, renewed as the Khajiit tried to push the undead away with the haft of his spear before he saw a flick of a shadow on the ground coming from behind the Imperial, the source hidden by the edge of the boot.

From behind the Imperial claws shot out from outside the firelight, snagging into the soft purchase of his face with one hand, a dagger sinking into the bastard’s stomach with the other. Shadows growled, pulling him back with strong tugs that tore both wounds a little wider with each yank. Not only had this fucker hurt his brother, he had knocked him out with just one kick? He had to go. The Argonian’s eyes lighted on the fire, a dark chuckle rumbling in his chest before he spun them both, tearing his claws free and unsheathing his dagger to shove the Imperial towards the crackling logs with a satisfied smirk.

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