Flash Back!

“<What the hell are you?>” Marsh jumped a little, feathers along their tail puffing before they turned to look at the scarlet, almost black-scaled Saxhleel behind them. The hatchling huffed, ears flicking back as they withdrew from their vantage point of the strange village they’d found while exploring.

“<I’m Saxhleel!>” How hard was it to see that? Marsh settled back on their legs, tail curling alongside them. The stranger looked over them, then their nose wrinkled.

“<Are not.>”

“<Are too!>”

“<Are not!>”

“<Are too!>” The other hatchling’s face twisted in a weird expression, their teeth baring in a clear display of anger.

“<Are not!>” Then the stranger shoved Marsh-Eyes, hard, sending them tumbling down the slope that led to the swampwaters below. The hatchling yelped when they hit the water, limbs swishing uselessly in the scummy and mud-clogged waters, no sides or bottom to catch to help them ashore. The brief moments where Marsh’s head was above the surface they thought they saw the scarlet-scaled hatchling, but they kept sinking, and then they couldn’t breathe.

Why couldn’t they breathe?

Marsh opened their mouth, but their lungs wouldn’t fill with water. And the water that went up their nose felt…wrong. Why did it feel wrong?! The hatchling sank, panicked and choking, hoping for some solid ground to climb up, but there wasn’t any. All they could see was just…murky water.

A concussion in the water made them start, just as their chest and head was starting to burn, a muffled throbbing pulsing through them. It was when the edges of their sight started to get dark that they saw something move in the water near them, and then squirming when hands grabbed their arms, pulling them through the water. It was when the swimming thing broke the surface, lifting Marsh’s head out of the water that the hatchling coughed, hacking up water that had gotten in their throat and nose, shaking their head while whimpering. They realized the swimming-thing was Jeer-rah, who was also glaring at the silent scarlet-scale on the shore.

“<What the fuck is wrong with you?! They can’t swim yet!>” they snapped, Marsh feeling their powerful tail beating the water behind them to keep them at the surface. The hatchling started to shiver, scared and afraid of being in the water now.

“<J-Jeer, I’m scared…>” Jeer-rah nodded, shifting in the water to allow the shaking hatchling onto their back, swimming to the shore. The scarlet-scale said nothing, quietly observing as Marsh clambered back onto shore, damp and still coughing on occasion. Jeer rubbed their friend’s back soothingly, concerned about Marsh’s apparent intolerance for water before glaring up at the still-silent Saxhleel sitting there.

“<The elders were right. You’re messed up, all of you.>” Marsh sneezed, shivering before drawing closer to Jeer.

“<I wanna go home.>” they mumbled, still shaken up.

“<…yeah, okay… Let’s go.>”

!!! (only if you want!)

Send me a !!! and my muse will pay your muse a compliment.

They were so pale J’hasi started a little, thinking they were a ghost, like that one that he’d run into with the pretty lights. But…there wasn’t any lights around… His ears slowly pricked, cautiously approaching them. No, they smelled like flesh and blood, not ice and cold. His tail flicked behind him.

“I like your hair. It looks soft.” he said, curious, but still keeping a little bit of distance.

How do you feel about Elsewyr siding with the Thalmor?

Ask my character “How do you feel about ______?” Can be an idea, person(s), place, or thing, and they’ll have to answer honestly.

“Hasty and ill-advised.” he grumbled, then sighed.

“I know that at the time, they had ceded from the Empire which hadn’t done them any favors, and that remaining outside of any alliances put them in an uncertain and potentially dangerous situation…but… The Thalmor? Really?” J’hasi shook his head.

“I’m not one of the people who were thrilled to have the moons back, so I can’t really understand how much of an impact that had on their decision to ally with them. I know it’s very important to them culturally as well as…y’know, their shape and all that, but… I’m just wondering why they even believed that the Thalmor brought them back.” The Khajiit looked at the stranger, an expression of mild disbelief on his face.

“I mean, have you seen how big they are? Even just in the sky, however close they are, they’re huge. Bits of…dead god or something… And you expect me to believe that a bunch of Thalmor fanatics brought them back from wherever they ran off to?” He scowled a little, shaking his head again.

“I don’t believe they did a damn thing, they just took credit for some other force at work to curry favor. I understand why Elsweyr did it, but I still think it was a stupid decision.”

How do you feel about the night sky?

Ask my character “How do you feel about ______?” Can be an idea, person(s), place, or thing, and they’ll have to answer honestly.

J’hasi frowned, thinking it over for a few moments.

“It makes me feel small. And it’s…a little unnerving in wide open areas… I’m used to more trees overhead, so in places like deserts or plains I don’t like to look up often without something to hold onto.” He could feel that odd hollow swooping feeling in his chest and stomach just thinking about it. His hand tensed on the table next to him, claws digging into the wood a little.

“It’s pretty, though. Colorful. There’s only two things I don’t like about it other than looking up at it without something nearby, but…” He shrugged.

What you need is a vacation

J’hasi looked up at the stranger with a slight scowl, books strewn over every surface within three feet of him, bits of parchment scribbled over in what looked like Dunmeris or Daedric littering what little floor space there was left. His fur was rumpled, and it was clear the Khajiit hadn’t been sleeping in a while when his voice came out as an exhausted croak.

“None of your concern. Sod off.”

Screaming In His Sleep

She wouldn’t take no for an answer. He had traveled for days and deserved a good rest—why not offer him a chance to save some coin too? The temple may not be as fitting as an inn, but they will not charge him for using a bed for the night.

And she thought everything had been going well, but then the screaming started. As late as it was she was still awake, so she was the one who located the source. What she saw worried her. “J’hasi! Wake up! You’re fine!”

It might have been a bad idea, but she reached out and touched the Khajiit. She hoped it would wake him. “J’hasi, you’re alright!”

He’d yanked his dagger out from under the pillow at the touch, his fur on end and shaking, only freezing when he recognized the voice as Brielle’s, eyes snapping open to see her looking spooked, his throat raw and…oh…

He’d been screaming in his sleep again, hadn’t he?

“S…sorry…sera…” he mumbled, quickly lowering the blade and placing it on the sidetable. His heart was still pounding from the nightmare he couldn’t remember already. He just remembered that terror of something trying to get him, trying to get away from…whatever it was… He felt more tired than when he’d first laid down. J’hasi drew his knees up to his chest, gaze averted in favor of staring at the rumpled blankets, checking to make sure he hadn’t torn any with his claws.

“M’sorry… S…sorry… I-I didn’t wake anyone, did I?” he asked, ears lowered in shame.

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