What are you most proud of, and what tarnishes that pride?

The Khajiit frowned, staring at the stranger as he thought quietly, tail tip twitching. When he finally did speak, it was quiet.

“…can’t think of anything. Not even sure I ever was.”

Do you remember anything of Almalexia?

J’hasi’s face twisted with discomfort.

“…you mean when I met her, or…before?” He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

“When I met her, yeah, of course I do. Hard to forget someone like that…y’know…who uses you and tries to kill you in an effort to turn you into a martyr for her own gain. She’s…terrifying in battle…” The Khajiit swallowed, ears pulling back a little.

“If you mean like…before… Bits and pieces. Enough to be confusing and frustrating, not enough to figure out what exactly happened…back then.” The white patches of his ears flushed a light pink.

“Some of those pieces I’d rather not remember.”

₤ how many shoes do they have? what kind?

2 pairs: boots and no boots.

J’hasi typically only has one pair of boots, though he did have a second pair when he got to Skyrim in case the pair he was wearing got wet. He gave them to a certain lost Khajiit along with some other supplies. The only reason for the second pair is that it’s too damn cold for him to walk around barefoot safely in Skyrim, anywhere else he’d just walk without his boots until they dried.

pumpkin spice!

Pumpkin Spice : Dream car?

………….I swoon over many different cars my dude… For instance:

I would love to have one of these, but unfortunately the cars I like aren’t very fuel efficient or within my budget :c


J’hasi’s ambidextrous. He originally was just left handed, but after uh…someone broke his arm, he had to use his right instead. By the time his arm healed he’d grown comfortable enough with his right that he swapped between his right and left while his left regained strength and flexibility. Skyrim times, he’s long grown comfortable using either hand for tasks or combat, though he writes with his left rather than his right, unless he’s undercover and needs to not be unusual enough to be remembered. His handwriting is not as good with his right.

✒︎ [[One for TES and one for Fallout :)]]

J’hasi is happiest in the water, assuming it’s relatively shallow (no more than 100 meters or so, or so long as he can see the bottom, assuming it isn’t too open under him), and especially so if there’s tasty fish to be caught. Crabs are alright, clams are tasty and not too much work to eat, but the chase isn’t as much fun as it is with fish. He’s an excellent hunter underwater, and if not for the fact that he needs to breathe air, he’d be content to hunt for hours under the surface.

He tends to linger at the surface, floating until he finds something, diving down, creeping up on it, then striking fast with his spear or claws before he runs out of air and returning to the surface to eat if he caught something. Someday he’ll figure out waterbreathing spells, and then he’ll be able to try out the techniques of his tribe back in Black Marsh, as well as some new ones he’s thought up over the years.

Jes isn’t quite as good of a hunter as their original TES counterpart, typically eating various edible cacti and other Mojave flora, and only opportunistically on the fauna, either as scavenging or getting the jump on them, throwing their wrench, traps, attacking them with their hands, whatever they can do, assuming the prey isn’t too dangerous. Usually it’s only very small things they can catch and eat, radroaches, mantids, and very young geckos being their typical fare far as protein goes.

Water is taken from any place they can find, whether prebottled or snuck from the taps where it’s pumped from underground. They will not drink from exposed water surfaces because of their extreme fear of radiation and fallout. They haven’t thought that maybe their food could have it too, so they haven’t starved just yet.

✒︎ ✒︎ (I’m all about those Fallout verses)

Jes is deathly afraid of radiation. Like, even if they’re hungry as hell, they will not take off their mask unless they’re in a place suitable to eat where there’s low risk of ingesting fallout or catching radiation and did I mention that Jes has zero idea of how radiation works?

It’s also this extreme phobia of radiation that means that Jes is covered head to toe at all times, even in the heat of the Mojave. They usually travel at cooler hours of the day, unless they’ve run out of food or water, or they’re in danger. Ideally they like to find some sort of abandoned complex where they can dig around for scrap in the hot hours of the day, then move on once it cools off. They try not to travel at night though, it’s scary.

“I’m not going to kill you.” (he says with the utmost confusion)

The Khajiit’s ears remained pinned back, watching this stranger carefully.

“Good, because I wasn’t going to make it easy for you if you were.”

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