4E 10, Black Marsh

Shadows is dead. He ambushed us, and tried to kill Jeer. I never thought he’d try to

He tried to kill me. He tried to stab me in the heart, and it only just barely missed. I got so scared, for myself, for Jeer-rah… I panicked, and… The wolf took over. I came to with blood all over me, my mouth full of… Hist forgive me. Jeer said that I was defending myself, that it was fine, but I ate him. I ate his heart, and Hist knows what else. I feel sick. I threw up until there was nothing left to come up when it fully sunk in what I’d done. I don’t understand why Jeer hasn’t left me yet.

They haven’t left me be much since it happened. They helped me get cleaned up, and they took care of burying his body under the roots of a tree after their injury was tended to. Jeer says that Shadows isn’t destined for the Hist, that an outsider like him abandoned the Hist long ago. He’ll go to the Void instead, like all Shadowscales. I don’t know what to feel other than horror that

He tried to kill me. After how long we traveled together, after he said we were brothers. I don’t know what to do, or how to feel. Jeer told me to try and get some sleep, but every time I close my eyes, I can still see his face when he saw me start to shift. I can remember flashes of what happened while I lost control. I’m scared that

[The rest of the entry is scribbled out.]

“I should have said something earlier, I’m -”

The Khajiit scowled, arms folded across his chest and tail flicking back and forth behind him impatiently.

“’You’re…?’ A Nord? Rude? In my way? Because right now, you’re all three.” he snapped, glaring at them with no small amount of distaste.

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