💬 (Congrats on snake bby!)

Send 💬 and my muse will say what they really think about yours.

“She seems honest. I mean, she has a…undead…dog, but like…rather that than find out that she’s actually a Thalmor spy tryin’ to poison me or slit my throat while I’m sleeping.” The Khajiit frowned, fiddling with a braid he’d started in his mane, small and with great attention paid to it.

“She actually reminds me a little bit of Sees, but like… I don’t know how to describe it. Their personalities are very different, but there’s this sort of…feeling…” He scratched at his neck, leaving the braid to drop and partially untangle, feeling anxiety crawl up the back of his neck and start working on brewing a headache. J’hasi closed his eyes, shaking his head.

“Dust seems like a harmless eccentric that plays it down for sake of business, which is not the worst sort I’ve come across. Honestly, I prefer knowing that she’s like that. Makes things less awkward.” He pressed his knuckles into his brow, trying to press away the tension, and prevent the headache from growing from the tiny spark of discomfort inside of his skull. He sighed after a few moments.

“She makes great tea, and she’s friendly. Time will tell if I keep coming back. So far I have no reason to seek out alternative alchemists.”


“<Should be even easier for you considering all you have to do is just walk away.>” the Khajiit hissed. It wasn’t even that bad of an injury, just a lucky slice on his leg from a panicking necromancer. Granted, it was deep, but he just had to clean it up and bind it and he’d be fine soon enough.

❛ Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate. ❜

The Khajiit rose a brow.

“I’m aware. I’ve heard that rocks are all the rage in Skyrim. Especially if they sparkle a little in the sunlight.”

❛ I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t know. ❜

J’hasi hiccuped, waving off the apology with a slurred mumble of Dunmeris. Not their fault that he was too drunk to hold a conversation in Cyrodilic. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to answer any questions they had anyways, from the look of it they were either a traveler or a mage. Possibly both. He didn’t know the area at all, and one would get better results questioning the local wildlife about magic than him. That is, actual questions and not ‘how do you patch up mild to severe burns’. He picked up his tankard and downed another gulp of mead, returning his attention to his journal.

“…are those flowers?”

He was trying not to fiddle with them, he really was. When Brielle spotted them before he could open his mouth, the Khajiit felt equal bits relieved and frustrated with himself. A sheepish smile spread over his face.

“Um, y-yeah. I wanted to uh… C-can you teach me how to make those circles with them?”

❛ They’re safe ❜

The Khajiit twitched, lifting his head up in brief alarm before a huge yawn, exposing his teeth with a brief flash of teeth and curl of tongue. He licked his lips afterwards with a drowsy sniff, adjusting his arms into a more comfortable fold.


Ey Jhasi, ever wanted to slap the ever loving crap out of your Mun?

“…my what? Who? …no?”

❛ You only got one shot. ❜

The Khajiit grinned, dropping into his stance, hands up and tail arched for balance.

“Let’s hope that one shot isn’t all it takes.”

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