(( ❖ describe their hands ❞ write a quote they would find themselves saying ))

J’hasi’s got long, thin fingers, and the muscles and tendons in them are strong and wiry. His hands look a little bony when he hasn’t been eating properly, but they’re pliable and warm. They get a little stiff and achy in the cold and tense in a slight curl when he’s anxious, but they aren’t severely impeded in either case.

His hands are also a mess of calluses and scars. Most of the calluses are on the upper part of his palms along the underside of his knuckles and the lower joints of his fingers. Most of the scars are small and superficial: little burns from magical backfires, nicks and cuts from fighting, a finger or two a little crooked from improper healing. The only major scar on them is a cut on his palm from the blood-oath he and Shadows made shortly after they were kidnapped from Black Marsh.

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