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❧ describe their usual sleeping position

It sorta depends. If J’hasi’s found an inn or feels safe in the place he’s picked to sleep for the night, he’ll lay on his stomach, a hand under his pillow (not so much as for support, but to hold onto the dagger hidden under it). He’ll usually have his blanket laying over him so only his nose is sticking out from underneath it, since he doesn’t like the feeling of breathing hot air.

If he’s sleeping out on the road or feels a little uneasy about sleeping, he’ll usually sleep up in a tree or at the base of one, sitting upright with his hand holding onto his dagger under his blanket. Either way, if he’s woken up suddenly, he’s ready to bury a blade in the gut of whatever attacked/startled him.

My advice? Don’t wake him unless you’ve got a shield up or you’re poking him from 20 feet away.

✭ what is one of their favorite items?

An item in specific would definitely be his necklace. It was a gift from his guardian Sees-In-Mist, and for years it was the only thing he had from home. Stealing that from him would end badly for the thief.

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