J’hasi yawned hugely, tongue curling to touch the tip of his nose before he shivered and sneezed, shaking his head. A few fallen leaves fluttered off of his head, an ear flicking absentmindly to rid itself of another that had clung on. Ghost nickered, adjusting her shoulder against the tree, lifting her head a little to peer down at her master, her pale-dappled coat littered with her own small scattering of leaves.

The Khajiit chuckled, rubbing his eyes with the knuckles of one hand, while the other blinding groped up to her muzzle and rubbed her chin, then back to her jaw, giving her a pat.

“M’up, m’up…” he mumbled, the mare whisking her tail in response to a fly landing on her flank before nibbling at the Khajiit’s ears, hoping that the lingering scent of mead on his fur meant he would get more that she could have.

boarchasers replied to your post : “Wait, where did you get that?” [Trond][calm down…

To risk it, or not to risk it? With a gift of mead involved, it was barely even a decision. Trond took the tankard with a less severe glare than usual. ‘Think you’re funny, citizen? Think again. And… thanks.’

The Khajiit’s grin widened, but he seemed at ease. Not drunk yet, but judging by his apparent lighthearted mood, he was on the way.

“I’m hilarious. Don’t know what you’re talking about. Glad to see that you got this festival off, enjoy the festivities without having to duck and hide from your commander.” He giggled when Ghost quietly approached, then nudged his shoulder, then turned to lipping at his ear.

“After all, a festival isn’t a festival unless you can relax and enjoy it properly.”

“Where is the alcohol? Please don’t tell me that I came to a party without any mead, at least.”

While J’hasi initially wanted to just tell the mer to fuck off, he instead smirked at the Thalmor whelp, tail curling mischievously behind him.

“Oh, you missed out. Nords and their booze, y’know. I got the last mug.” The Khajiit grinned before tipping back his tankard, gulping down the spiced mead, bringing up his opposite hand to signal him to hold on a moment until he had drank it all down in one go. He licked his chops, smacking his lips with a satisfied huff.

“Good stuff. Real shame.”

“Wait, where did you get that?” [Trond][calm down Trond it’s a festival]

J’hasi grinned, pushing the tankard full to the brim of mead into the Nord’s hands, the lingering tingle of enticing spice nibbling at his nose.

“I totally stole this. Enjoy.” he teased, his grin widening and eyes glinting with mirth.


It was a nice break from the constant dreary landscape of Winterhold, this festival. He’d braided a few choice leaves into Ghost’s mane, giving her some splashes of autumn colors against her normally pale coat, feeding her pieces of apple as he took swigs of a special festival brew he was actually coming to like. Shame it was only for the festival. He’d like a crate or two back up at the College for later.

Ghost lipped at his mane, ready for another slice of apple to crunch. J’hasi chuckled, cutting another slice off with his knife, holding it up for her to lip up and crunch, nickering softly in thanks. The Khajiit pat her neck, giving it a rub before reaching for his tankard, the sweetness of honey blending with the whole flavor of what he was suspecting was pumpkin, full of spices pouring over his tongue.


TES Autumn Festival Starters { Part II }

{ Some more additions to this meme, because it’s fun! }

General —

“Where did you get that attire?”
“So, are you here for the excitement? Or only the alcohol?”
“Where is the alcohol? Please don’t tell me that I came to a party without any mead, at least.”
“I thought you weren’t one for crowds.”
“What is your favorite thing about the festival so far?”
“Maybe they should have made more food.”
“Oh my, is that ____? I was not expecting to see them here.”

Activities —

“Which horse are you betting on for the race?”
“Is that your horse? It’s beautiful! Do you think he’ll/she’ll win?”
“Are you taking part in anything this evening?”
“Hey! Let’s go watch the sparring competition!”
“Wanna be my opponent in the sparring event?”
“You’re entering the talent show? What’s your act?”
“I’m entering the talent show! I’m going to ____!”

For Dates/Potential Dates —

“Can you get me a drink?”
“Would you like me to get you a drink?”
“Wow, your date is fetching!”
“I’m glad you’re here with me.”
“Want to go for a stroll, away from all of the commotion for a bit?”
“How did I get so lucky to be the one to attend this event with you?”
“You know, after this, I think I might like to ask you out again, if you’ll have me.”
“There are no words to describe how magnificent you look in that wardrobe.”

TES Autumn Festival Starters


[ A sentence starter meme for this week’s Autumn Festival. Fill in the blanks as needed, and feel free to alter the sentences as you desire! ]

General —

  • “Let me introduce myself. My name is ___”
  • “Are you enjoying yourself?”
  • “Did you travel far to get here?”
  • “You don’t look too happy to be here.”
  • “The food is amazing!”
  • “I think it’s time to go head to the tavern.”
  • “Were you expecting it to be this crowded?”
  • “Are you ____? My friend ____ told me about you.”
  • “I didn’t know you were going to be here!”

Activities —

  • “Do you know when the archery competition is going to start?”
  • “What were you planning on doing next?”
  • “So what all have you done so far?”
  • “I hear music!”
  • “Someone told me they were going to have ____. Is that true?”
  • “Are you going to go watch ____?”
  • “Do you want to go do ____ with me?”
  • “Wait, where did you get that ____?”

For Dates/Potential Dates —

  • “Are you here by yourself?”
  • “Is that your date?”
  • “Would you be interested in being my date?”
  • “We should go dance together.”
  • “I want to do whatever you want to do.”
  • “Maybe you and I could do ____ together?”
  • “I bought/won this for you. It’s a ____!”
  • “I think you look stunning.”
  • “Maybe I want to show you off a bit. Is that wrong?”
  • “I’m getting sort of tired. Want to go find a place to sit down for a moment?”

Guest name: J’hasi

Race: Khajiit

Gender: Agender

Date: His massive Shire horse, Ghost, with some colorful fall leaves woven into her mane to make her look pretty and festive, as well as making sure that no one thinks she’s a wild mare loose from the stables.

Outfit: He’s going in something a bit more casual than his College robes, sporting some loose brown pants with a off-white undershirt and a red sash. He’s got his leather boots and his leather gauntlets he usually only wears to protect his hands and forearms from magicka accidents…for reasons….

A beat-up guarleather jacket that’s clearly seen better days is worn over the ensemble. Someone who’s familiar with Dunmeri styles of clothing would recognize it as Dunmeri, or even more specifically Ashlander handiwork, with his red scarf covering the collar and hood, the length of it hanging over his back and partially obscuring the laces over the midsection.


Greetings, fellow TES role-players! 

If you’ve become stuck in a rut with your muse lately, unsure of how to get them to interact with other muses, or if you’re simply bored and would like to devote your time and energy into a little project, well then, allow me to present: THE ELDER SCROLLS RP COMMUNITY AUTUMN HARVEST FESTIVAL!

What is it?

This community festival will be a one-week IC event that takes place between the 1st of Frostfall and the 7th of Frostfall! {October 1st through October 7th.} The event entails a large festival that all of the TES rp characters {both oc and canon alike} are welcome to attend! There will be food, dancing, games, contests, and other forms of entertainment all for the purposes of celebrating this year’s Autumn Harvest!

Do I have to participate?

Your muse is not obligated to attend this event, though they are highly encouraged to! There will be absolutely no discrimination on who is allowed to attend the festival! Whether your muse is good, evil, or somewhere in between, they are welcome!

How do I join?

If you decide that you would like to have your muse attend the festival, simply reblog this post. Then, at some point before the festival takes place, make a separate post with all of the details below filled out:

Guest name:



Date: {Optional – if your muse so chooses, they can ask another muse to be their escort to the festival.}

Outfit: {Description or picture works.}

And please make sure that you tag all of your ongoing posts related to the festival with the appropriate tag: #tes autumn festival.

What sort of activities will be held at the festival?

There will be plenty of things to do at the event! At the moment, I am still coming up with ideas on what all will take place, but so far, I’ve come up with:

– a talent show

– a riddles game

– an art contest

– races {both on foot and on horseback}

– sparring

– an archery contest

If you would like to make a suggestion to add to this list, feel free to PM me!


As of now, this is the most I can concoct for this little project. Please, if you’re interested, reblog this promo {or reblog it simply to spread the word}, and I sincerely hope that I see your muse attending the festival!

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