How long would they last in a zombie apocalypse?

J’hasi would last as long as he wanted. Stress on the wanting part. If he doesn’t have anyone left and no way to cure people, there isn’t a whole lot going for him. He’s good at surviving, but if he’s just going to live the rest of forever by himself with no hope of anything good happening, either an end or finding someone else alive and cognitive enough to enjoy talking to, he doesn’t see much of a point.

Even if its just some kids that managed to survive, he’d adopt them in a heartbeat and get them whatever supplies they needed and teach them and yeah den mother J’hasi lmao

Rust – Have you thought about becoming old? Can you become old? Are you scared of being old? What do you think about elders?

The Khajiit sighed through his nose, brows furrowing in frustration.

“I can’t. At least, I don’t look it. I just feel more…tired than I did 200 years ago. I still look like I did then, but…I’ve been walking around for more than ten times longer. I’m not sure if I’m just going to get more tired until I drop, or if I’ll be lucky enough to get what I need to do done and can have some bastard with a blade run me through.” J’hasi rubbed his jaw with another sigh.

“I’m more scared of living forever than getting old. Maarzi aged gracefully according to Riheh, and we had similar lifestyles. Well, I drink too damn much, but…whatever. Growing old doesn’t seem that bad. Unless you’re Markus and lose all your hair and gripe about the younger generations. Cranky old bastard, he is.” The Khajiit shrugged.

“Elders are just elders I guess. In my tribe, they were sources of wisdom and experience, and you would visit them and ask questions if you had them, and you would meet with them before you left for your journey outside the Marsh for advice about the world outside. Outside the Marsh, it seems different. Some elders are respected, while others are treated akin to children. It’s strange.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“I’ve treated elders much the same as anyone else, though my list of ‘elders’ is growing shorter by the year. Unless they’re mer or a mage, I’m probably older than them. But most of the time, they don’t know that.”

Do you think all of your achievements come from Nerevar, or do you really believe you have merits of your own?

The Khajiit gave the stranger a level stare.

“…Nerevar isn’t the one guiding my hand, I am.” He let out a hiss of breath between his teeth as he finally looked away.

“Far as I can tell, Nerevar, Peakstar…all of them… They’re past lives, experiences of the same soul coming back in a new body, in a new place, that didn’t have memory or knowledge of the previous life until they learned that they were possibly the Nerevarine. They grew up, had their own lives, their own dreams and desires, and they all died trying to fulfill a prophecy that they were pushed towards in some way or another.” J’hasi sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck.

“So I’m just another trip for our…my soul…I guess. Except that I remember things, and that I didn’t die, and unless I help that along, I won’t.” He finally fixed a glare back onto the stranger.

“So no, I worked on my own merits, same as all the others. Now piss off.”

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