17 The farthest distance travelled.

“<Marsh.>” The Khajiit groaned quietly, rolling over and curling up tighter. He felt Jeer-rah’s hand press on his side and shake him.

“<Marsh, wake up.>”

“<M’not gonna talk down ffff-that…Nord again for you…>”

“<No, it’s not that. The boat’s slowing down. I think we’re almost to that place you were talking about.>”


“<Yes.>” J’hasi sighed, rolling onto his back and rubbing his eyes, seeing his friend there, unusually still and quiet as the other passengers got restless and started moving, their fans lowered as watchful eyes flicked from one face to the next. The Khajiit sat up, yawning, before giving a fan a small tug.


“<If I remember right, it was me telling you to relax before we left the seaside city.>”


“<Ugh… I’m not even going to try and pronounce all that Cyrodilic stuff. It’s all gibberish to me.>”

“<Did you sleep?>” Jeer’s throat puffed a little.

“<No. How could I, with all this…jostling of these smoothskins?>” J’hasi huffed.

“<We aren’t stopping until nightfall.>”

“<I’m aware. You want to get as much distance between us and Cyrodiil, yes?>” The Khajiit didn’t answer, grabbing his pack from where he’d been using it as a pillow, pulling it and his cloak over his shoulders and fastening the latter at his throat. Jeer finally stood, as most of the restless passengers had left for the upper decks. The Saxhleel shifted their bag over their shoulder.

“<It’s not going to be noisy and crowded is it?>” J’hasi sighed, slinging his bow over his torso.

“<It’s Daggerfall, Jeer. It’s a huge port city. Take a wild guess.>” Jeer’s nose wrinkled in distaste.

“<Why did we come to this city again?>” The Khajiit gave his friend a long, level stare.

“<Lots of people, lots of crowds. Another wild guess.>” The Argonian’s lips pursed slightly.

“<Ah…you intend for us to lose any possible Brotherhood members here, then?>” J’hasi double-checked their sleeping spot before pushing himself off the crates onto the floor.

“<Exactly. Now let’s go. Don’t want to be ff-the last ones on f…the boat.>” he muttered, his tail giving a sharp flick before heading for the stairwell to the upper decks, Jeer following shortly behind, spear in hand. They had a lot of ground to cover, and likely with the Dark Brotherhood dogging their every step if they didn’t get moving.

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