[Some quick thumbnails of J’hasi’s guardian and A+ parent]

⌆ for a story about their family/home life

“<Jeer-rah! Jeeeeeeeer-rah!>” The Argonian’s fans spread, then grinned at the blur of black fur before they were tackled into the leaf litter. Jeer wrestled with Marsh, a mess of tails and limbs and giggles, rolling out into the dirt before Jeer finally pinned their friend down with a huff.

“<Got you!>” Marsh giggled before wriggling free and wrapping themself around the Saxhleel.

“<I got you!>” Sees stopped next to the two combatants, observing for a moment.

“<Marsh, Jeer, not in the middle of the path, okay?>”

“<OKAAAAY!>” Marsh sang, wiggling before dropping back to the ground, tail up.

“<Sees, Sees, are we goin’ t’ the grove?>” The elder smiled, a bare hint pressing their lower lids closed.

“<Yes, little one. Jeer, you’re welcome to come with as well.>” Jeer grinned, getting up and brushing dirt off of their scales before Marsh scrambled onto their back with a huge grin on their face.

“<Jeer, Jeer, come wiff! Come wiff us!>” Jeer smiled, looping their arms to hold Marsh’s legs and lifting their tail to ease the strain of carrying the smaller, dirt-covered hatchling.

“<Yeah! Fireflies!>”

How (some) of my characters hug, totally @brielleroux‘s fault.

J’hasi’s hugs vary in intensity, from the cautious ‘oh, okay I think we’re friends (???) and they want to hug and that’s ok’ to ‘I missed/care/etc you, I-would-die-for-you’ sort of hugs. The former is easy to get out of, almost as if he thinks you’re made of glass: overly cautious and gentle. His hands rest on your upper back while his chin just barely touches at your shoulder, typically on your right side. It’s brief unless the other person doesn’t seem to want it to end just yet, but eventually he’ll get fidgety and pull away.

The ride-or-die hugs are firmer, not suffocatingly tight, but firm enough as if to say ‘I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere’. His face usually ends up buried in your shoulder or rubbing against it or your face (or chest, if the recipient is taller than him), his eyes are shut and his hands, rather than resting almost timidly on your back feel more like he’s actually holding you rather than 2 seconds from pulling away. His tail even curls around both of your legs, either brushing or hovering. Purring may happen. It happens a lot.

Maarzi hugs you like you’re her best friend and lover all in one, always. A big hug, oftentimes picking you up and spinning you around before setting you down again, arms going around the back of your neck as she starts talking to you, usually not letting go for a while unless requested. She puts her forehead to those she’s especially close with, gently rocking side to side. The hug usually parts with a smack on the ass if she’s feeling playful. Family or those who request more platonic forms of departure get a hair/mane ruffle instead. J’hasi usually gets both, with a steady dose of grump in reply. She thinks it’s cute.

Jeer-rah hugs like they haven’t seen you in ages, and usually just with one arm, though it’s more of a squeeze than a hug. They’ll jostle you a little bit and keep their arm around your shoulders when they chat with you for a bit, eventually slipping off and the hug is over. They only hug with both arms when they’re comforting someone. Comfort hugs are firm, their head pressing against the side of yours, moving to pressing against your forehead if they’re talking to you, their arms around your shoulders initially and moving to around your ribs when more at rest. The hug doesn’t so much as end as drifts apart, Jeer letting you pull away at your own pace.

Stalks-In-Shadows’ hugs are death. If he’s hugging you it means you’re about to get stabbed in the back, strangled, or your neck snapped. DO. NOT. HUG.*

*J’hasi is rare exception, but his hugs are possessive ‘this is mine’ hugs rather than ‘I care about you’ hugs.

Baht is an awkward hugger. He doesn’t know where to put his hands, so he ends up curling his hands into fists and holding you around the shoulders or middle, depending on height. Tends to pick people up when he’s excited. Also doesn’t know his own strength, and apologizes when he squeezes too hard.

Sees-In-Mist has only been seen hugging one person, ever. They still hug ‘their little Ei’ as they did when he was a wee hatchling, almost like they’re trying to gather him up and carry him. One hand is on his lower back, the other at the back of his neck, guiding him to rest his head over their shoulder, oftentimes stroking J’hasi’s fur. Their tail curls around both of their legs, but doesn’t touch. Protective and safe vibes on the inside, the outside has a firm warning of ‘you fuck with my kid and you’re dead’.

((Were there any hints in J’hasi’s childhood that he was the Nerevarine? And for a completely different question, how did his carers in Black Marsh deal with looking after a young Khajiit?))

Aside from Sees’ visions, not really. And even then, their visions were so vague that even if they actually knew about the Nerevarine Prophecies they wouldn’t’ve been able to put two and six together. The most they got out of the visions was a misinterpretation of a ‘golden-scaled Argonian’, of which they took as this little unfortunate ball of fluff was a Saxhleel soul stuffed into the wrong body, and the Hist intended for them to still be raised among their kind as their own. I mean, there were the nightmares, but even those wouldn’t mean anything to an average person.

As for the raising…

The little fluff was a handful, to say the least. They were curious, full of energy, and suffered from disturbed sleep and frequent bouts of illness. They also tended to get themselves into a lot of trouble with the local wildlife and even some of the plants. Hell, the entire environment is a parent’s worst nightmare for raising such a seemingly sensitive kid.

And then there was the whole growing alarmingly fast thing, the explosive temper, and the lack of gills, the constant questions of ‘why am I so different?’, the emotional sensitivity, the speech impediment, and oh boy once the fluff learned how to make fire…. They didn’t seem to lack perceptions beyond Nirn, which was a relief. It didn’t seem to the the connection to the Hist directly, but the seer’s little one seemed to pick up on areas where the Hist’s influence was stronger. It made Sees feel a little better that at least the fluff had that much of their ‘heritage’ available to them.

Overall the fluff was a good hatchling, and Sees was incredibly fond of them. It hurt when it came time for the naming ceremony and they thought it best to keep the fluff from licking the tree, but they gave them a name anyway. Sees was furious and upset and certainly a force to be reckoned with once they found their little Ei missing.

[ ⌆ ]

⌆ for a story about their family/home life

“<Ei?>” Sees peered around the doorway, one scaled brow raised as their yellow gaze swept over the inside of another room. They could hear the giggling and smell the damp scent of their little one’s feathers. It was strongest on this end of the tree, they had to be here somewhere. Sees-In-Mist walked into the center of the room, crest lifting as they felt a drop of water splash on the end of their nose. A quick glance up and their eyes widened, mouth opening in surprise.

“<Y’foun’ me!>” Marsh chirped, giggling as they hung from one of the thicker protrusions of wood sprawled over the ceiling, all of their claws digging deep into the bark as their tail wiggled happily. Marsh-Eyes let go, the Argonian below catching their still-damp hatchling with a huff.

“<How did you manage to get up there, I wonder?>” the seer hummed, crest relaxing and fluffing as they plucked a clump of damp feathers and pulled them out of Ei’s face. The squirming hatchling grabbed the fabric over Sees’ shoulders, settling in more comfortably in the nest of their guardian’s arms.

“<I climbed up th’ side! It was hard, but I got up there! M’all tired, all over. Hanging on is hard.>” Marsh nuzzled under the shaman’s jaw, a soft churring issuing from them. Sees put a gentle hand on their back, stroking softly.

“<You did good. If you weren’t dripping wet, I probably wouldn’t have found you.>” The hatchling huffed.

“<M’feathers take FOREVER t’ dry!>” The Argonian chuckled, lifting their little one up higher.

“<It’s alright. Now, do you want to help me gather some herbs for tonight? Maybe you can catch a few of those glowing beetles you like too.>” Marsh’s eyes lit up, squirming happily.

“<Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let’s go now! Please?>” A rare smile, just a touch of warmth at the shaman’s eyes, and they set the damp hatchling down on the floor.

“<Go get the basket, I’ll be there in a moment.>” they said, their tail curling a little at the tip as small thumps made a hasty staccato for the door and down the hall to start the search.

((♀ What was your greatest fear for J’hasi’s future?))

The Argonian’s crest rose a little, yellow eyes opening for a few long moments before they closed once more.

“<Right…that’s the name they took when they were taken from the Marsh, wasn’t it?>” Sees sighed, eyes opening once more to linger on their claws as they curled their fingers to inspect them.

“<When my little one was with us, I worried for them to meet an unpleasant end. The Hist had spoken to me in its way, urged me to protect the hatchling. I suppose part of that was also my own desires, as I had grown fond of them despite the fact they were not of my own brood. The Marsh is dangerous, and my little one frequently fell ill in between scares of predators snapping after their tail. They did not bear the protection the Hist bestows on its children, against illness and poison, giving them the waters to hide in and strike from. But my little one was an exceptionally good climber, and fast too, their only saving grace against the dangers that lurk in the swamps and in the trees.>” They plucked an amber bead from the string around their neck, examining it.

“<When slavers came, I feared that my little one was gone forever, and that I had failed them…and the Hist… But when they came back to the Marsh, I felt their presence. And when I looked into their eyes…>” Sees’ gaze lowered.

“<I saw that their future was longer still than I had imagined, and that they had done what the Hist had intended them to do all along. I only now fear for the state of my little one’s soul. They were never Argonian, like I had suspected, but…something far more troubling. And a shadow stalks what remains of them, and I fear of that as well. I fear that…if and when death comes to claim them, they will be lost to me forever. I know not of the realms of death outside of the Hist, only that once there, my little Ei will be lost to me forever.>” They released the bead, letting it drop back into the folds of the shawl around their neck.

“<I never wish for that to happen…>” they said quietly.

Send ☼ to read a page about something happy!

4E 10, Black Marsh

After all these years, who knew that I would run into Jeer-rah again? Granted, it could’ve been under better circumstances, but they recognized me before we killed each other at least. It turned out they had joined up with some other members of different tribes to drive back some Dunmer that had attacked our tribe in retaliation for another tribe attacking their settlement. Apparently the village I had visited and defended was housing them, ignorant of what the marauders had done to their neighbors.

I thought the war had been over once Oblivion was sealed away, but it seemed that the Hist had other plans in mind once it knew of the Dunmer’s weakened state.

That…doesn’t matter right now though. Jeer and I talked for a long time, telling me all that happened after I was taken. Sees hadn’t taken the news well, and had been one those who supported the raids on the slaver camps near the borders. They asked me to come back to the tribe and see everyone again, maybe even stay for a while. I could tell they missed me, but I also could tell they were too happy to see me, desperate for me to stick around, that they didn’t see how much I’ve changed. I didn’t want the tribe to see me how I am now. Of course, that’s when Sees showed up and…

I’m not ashamed to say that I cried a little. I had missed them for so long, and to finally see them again… I could tell they knew how I was different, but still held me like I was a hatchling, five years again and so happy to see them. ‘My little one, my little Ei’ they called me. That’s when I started crying. Jeer was smart enough to keep quiet for that part at least.

Sees had asked Jeer to leave us be for a bit and asked me questions about what happened to me, where I had been, what had I been doing. They seemed grave at first, concern in those old yellow eyes of theirs, but by the end of it, they had smiled and thanked me for keeping strong, keeping alive. They told me they knew something was different about me, how the Hist had told them to save me. (The fact that I was nearly eaten by those I came to know as family was shocking and more than a little alarming, but not unsurprising, given the circumstances.)

They told me that I was welcome to stay if I wished, but also seemed to know that I was going to leave soon anyway. The mention of ‘that shadow over my soul’ bit made me sure that they knew exactly what was wrong with me.

Sees and I kept quiet for a while after that, hugging and letting me listen to their heartbeat like when I was a hatchling, while probably enjoying soaking up all my body heat in the process. Sees gave me their blessing and said that I was free to return if I wished once I felt the time was right before vanishing back into the swamps once more.

Jeer decided to camp with me tonight. They’re currently laying over me, dead asleep, as if afraid I’ll leave without saying goodbye. After how I acted today, I really don’t blame them.

But…it was nice, seeing my family again. My heart aches to leave them, but…I have something I have to do first. And even then, who knows how different I’ll be when I’m done.

“Don’t chase the rabbit”

“<Ei, you’re filthy.>” The little hatchling jumped, green eyes wide as he looked back at the sound of his name. He could see the orange-yellow gaze of his guardian behind him, their scales patterned in stripes of dark and light greens from the shadows cast from the fronds hovering over them. The Khajiit’s ears flattened as he looked back down at the water pooled around the small rock he was crouched on.

“<I am not.>” Sees-In-Mist sighed through their nose, crest lowering as they walked over to crouch next to their little one.

“<You’re covered in mud.>” Marsh-Eyes’ gaze snapped off to the side where the water didn’t hold the reflection of Sees’ quiet look at him. His hand sank into the hole he had dug in the water, a hollow where more mud was slowly sliding in to fill it. Sees sighed again.

“<What happened today?>” The Khajiit’s face twisted into an angry glare directed at a stick poking up through the surface of the water about five yards away from where they sat.

“<…Shadows said I couldn’t play with them because I didn’t do what they said.>” The Saxhleel’s eyes narrowed a little, a small frown pulling at the corner of their mouth.

“<What did they ask you to do?>” Marsh’s eyes darted back down to the water.

“<They wanted me to pull all of my feathers out because they said they didn’t like them.>” A dry hiss came from Sees’ throat as it expanded.

“<If they do not like you because they don’t like your feathers, then they are not one who deserves your time.>”

“<But they’re right! I hate my feathers! I want my scales, I want my gills! You said they would grow but they’re taking too long!>” he snapped, his hand grasping a fistful of mud and throwing it at the water with a series of splashes. Sees-In-Mist’s crest lowered, eyes flicking towards the ripples in the water.

“<Do you hate my feathers?>” they asked quietly. Marsh’s eyes widened as they darted to Sees.

“<N-no… I think they’re pretty.>” Sees lowered their head, turning to better look at the hatchling.

“<What if Shadows told me to pull out my feathers? How would you feel?>” The Khajiit’s eyes widened, tears starting to form at his eyes.

“<I…I would be mad. I would hate them and tell them to go away forever.>” Sees nodded quietly, their head lifting back up as their tail curled around closer to Marsh.

“<So how do you think I feel, when I love you, and I love your feathers, and I hear that Shadows told you to pull them all out?>” The Khajiit’s watery eyes spilled over as he closed them, whimpering.

“<Y-you would be mad. And hate them and want them to go away.>” Sees nodded.

“<Is that why you covered yourself in mud?>” Marsh sniffed, tears starting to slip over the patches of brown on his face.

“<I-it hurt too much to pull at them, and they didn’t come out.>” The Argonian’s breath left them quietly before they gently stroked at the Khajiit’s mane, mud coming away on their hand.

“<If Shadows tells you to do that again, you tell them that they’re your feathers, and it’s your choice what to do with them. Be proud of them.>” Marsh let out a sob as he hugged Sees around their waist, pressing his face into their side and smearing their tunic full of mud. The Argonian’s tail curled around their little one, continuing to stroke him, more and more mud coming off with each pass.

”<Your feathers are a part of who you are, just as my own are a part of me. Never feel ashamed of who you are.>“ Marsh nodded, still crying, ears pulled back against his skull. Sees allowed him to cry for a few minutes before they scooped him up, mud sliding off of him to fall with plops on the soggy ground below.

”<Come. Let’s get you washed up, hm?>“ Marsh nodded, eyes still shining with tears, his face still stuck in a wounded pout. Sees offered their little one a smile before pressing their forehead against his, the hatchling starting to giggle when he saw the mud that stuck to Sees’ face.

”<You gotta wash too. You’re filf…dirty!>“

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