Starters – Far Cry 5


  • “I know you’ve heard stories about me. That I’m a liar. A manipulator.”
  • “Well, let me tell you a different story.”
  • “But now, you’re all alone.”
  • “You’re weak. And we know what happens to the weak.”
  • “You would let the entire world burn before you swallowed your pride.”
  • “I’ve spent my entire life looking for things to say ‘yes’ to.”
  • “You can feel it, can’t you?”
  • “There they are… the Locusts in our garden.”
  • “Sometimes the best thing to do is to walk away.”
  • “No one is coming to save you.”
  • “Despite all that you have done, you are not beyond salvation.”
  • “You’ve been given a gift.”
  • “We are all sinners. Every one of us.”
  • “Don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything.”
  • “I know the feelings that drive you.”
  • “Having a moment just to yourself in all this craziness, well it’s good for the soul.”
  • “You’ve got the look of a hunter in your eye.”
  • “You will all say ‘yes.’”
  • “Fear did this to you.”
  • “You’ve solved every problem I’ve put before you.”
  • “You keep going on like this and you’ll become a folk hero around here.”
  • “Well, I’ve seen your work. You know how to handle yourself.”
  • “You think I need to be rescued, but I don’t.”
  • “We’ve got men and women here that need to be fed.”
  • “Glad we can actually put this stuff to use instead of letting it collect dust in some bunker.”
  • “Do you feel different? Do you feel alive?”
  • “You bring destruction.”
  • “You’ve had your fun.”
  • “You won’t regret this. I promise.”
  • “I am not here to take your life.”
  • “Your sin is Wrath.”
  • “And I’ll be waiting right here.”
  • “I want this coward to know that they have my attention.”
  • “We will do what needs to be done.”
  • “Y’know, if it were up to me you’d have been dead a long time ago.”
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