
Oh, something ‘weird’ happened, huh? In an institute of magical learning? Amazing. Astarill obscured the smirk that threatened to show with a sip of his drink, and he scoffed, quietly.

“Very good.” And he said this without a hint of irony, “I can think of no better application of cryomancy than that.”

J’hasi giggled, whether from the comment or Ghost nibbling on his ears it was hard to tell. He took another drink as she puffed her hot breath into his fur.

“Makes him late to class, maybe he’ll get kicked out. Wouldn’t that be nice? Sick of him skulking around and following me, anyways. He’s a terrible sneak.” The Khajiit finally relented, allowing the pale mare pestering him to have a small drink from his tankard.

“Would be nice to experience the College without them around. Everyone’s always so tense.” He looked up at the Altmer with a slight frown.

“Is that why you left?”

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