[I like how J’hasi can go from looking like someone you don’t want to cross, to being friend-shaped, to just being drunk af and confused as to why he’s even here lmao]

3; 7; 16; 21

3: Has your OC gone through different incarnations during their stay on Tumblr? Were they reimagined or have they stayed the same all this time?

Because of how I started out rping, I never thought over his story much, so he suffered a lot of me not fully realizing (because I didn’t think about it) that him being the hero of 3 different time periods was not only ooc, but majorly OP and unbelievable, as well as in-game J’hasi does not have to equal rp J’hasi. I also have a psychologist friend who gave my major characters at the time a psych eval to see if they were believable or not. Shadows passed, J’hasi was too good/positive for all the shit he went through. Oops.

I rehauled J’hasi’s storyline, added some stuff I thought would be cool, and hacked out the stuff that didn’t add to his story in some way. His story is still being built up now, though it’s mostly filling in the framework I created about a year ago. He’s much the same now, just more believable and less…what the fuck 13-yr-old made an oc, doesn’t know what they’re doing-ish.

7: What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship a lot?

Usually people who are fairly good people, aren’t racist pricks, and respect his personal boundaries are a-ok for friends, though sometimes just the fact that they prevented him from getting killed can earn them this status. Closer friends usually are just those who formed a stronger bond with or he feels more comfortable around. Friendship means a lot to him, as those who are counted as friends rather than acquaintances have a low-level version of his trust. Betrayal of that trust is pretty much a slap in the face and insulting him all in one fell swoop.

That being said, his boundary between friend and acquaintance is probably more difficult to cross than for most people.

16: What are concepts they value? Virtues? What do they look down upon?

Equality is a big one (not that it’s much of a surprise tbh). He usually treats others how they treat him, with exceptions of a few vampires and such. He looks down on anyone who values money over the lives of innocent people, those who think themselves higher or others lower, or thinks that those from less-fortunate walks of life (like beggars, laborers) are lesser people, useless, or somehow not worth as much. Ignoring someone who clearly needs help is just as bad. Anyone compassionate, patient, helpful, and/or kind are respected greatly.

21: Name an embarrassing situation that your muse has been in.

There was a time J’hasi got caught in a tree snare and was hanging upside down for quite a while because he couldn’t reach his dagger. Or the time that Icarus sprung a trap and caught him in it too. Usually it’s undignified accidents that happen tbh. There was the time that Maarzi caught him without a shirt on and started asking questions about his scars on his back but the uncomfortable feeling outweighed the embarrassed.

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