
Hello, everyone, we are a brand new FALLOUT and TES RP POSITIVITY and RESOURCES blog. At the moment we need the help from the fandom as we will slowly begin to build an RP Masterlist for the TES rp fandom. If your blog is part of this fandom & you wish to be added simply REBLOG this post and add on the tags from which game (eg. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO etc.). Please remember to include your MUSE’S NAME, FACTION / AFFILIATION and any other info you might wish to shareIf your MUSE IS AN OC please add the same information as above, including any possible quick description to be added to the description attached to your link. 

Likes are acceptable but will provide us more work.  Due to the fact we are getting a couple likes we will no longer take those into account, as they give us too much extra working by skimming and trying to find the info.

You can simply comment with the info too. A re-blog will only further help us spread the word however.

Side-blogs, multi-muse blogs, indies & blogs with a TES au / verse are all welcome As an au / verse blog please add the info of your verse including the same as above.



Hello all~ I have officially made & launched the Elder Scrolls Roleplay Support Blog! 

I decided to make a masterlist for the Elder Scrolls roleplaying community, because me & a few other roleplayers here have noticed that it is exceptionally hard to get your name out there & to find other fellow TES rpers. Hopefully, this should make things a bit easier for us all & help bring us more together as a community!

If you do not tag your post properly, you will not be added. If this gets to be a big thing, I won’t have the time to scan through everyone’s profiles to find what I need.

Characters of all games are accepted!

To be added, here’s what you need to do:

  • Be an Elder Scrolls Roleplay Blog OR…
  • Have an established verse in the Elder Scrolls Universe. (basically you aren’t a TES rp blog, but on your verses page you have an Elder Scrolls verse of some kind you are currently willing to rp in)
  • Reblog this post
  • Put in the tags the name of your character, what game(s) they are featured in, if they are canon or not, & what race/species they are.
  • If your character is highly canon divergent, AU specific, or only based in a certain niche of your character’s timeline, please state that as well! (ex. pre-thalmor Ondolemar or Daedric Dibella)

If you are inactive for over 2 months, you will be automatically removed. Should you return, just send this blog an ask or reblog the post with proper info once more & I will be happy to add you once more!

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