
“U-um…” The Khajiit swallowed, ears flicking back as his eyes darted to the ground, lingering over the worn cobblestone and the blades of grass that attempted to retake the road. He forcefully blew out the air in his lungs, seeming to take some of that roiling anxiety out with it, rubbing over his forehead.

“H…he’s a good teacher, n’ I learn a lot from him, but…” J’hasi let out another huff of breath, fidgeting in place.

“Hist…he…he terrifies me. I can’t tell if he’s blind or what, but he always seems to know exactly when I screw something up or say something stupid and…” He shook his head, inwardly cursing at himself for just the thought of the Altmer was making his hands shake.

“I-I don’t know if it’s because of what he taught, or that eerie prickling feeling I get around him, or what, but… It’s like he pays attention to every little move I make and uses it against me when he’s not happy about something. …usually my spellcasting.” Although that time he and Icarus had escalated a fight to more than just hissed words in class and was subjected to cleaning up the cadavers after dismissal certainly would’ve been more than enough reason…

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