
Haaki nodded at a few of the people milling away from the scene, now that the action of the chase was over and daily life waiting to be resumed, before returning his attention to J’hasi.

‘He’s in the guard. Trond Boar-Chaser. Sorry, I should’ve introduced myself first.’ He extended a hand. ‘Haaki. Um, Haaki Boar-Chaser. Obviously.’

The Khajiit rose a brow before taking the offered hand, giving a small shake.

“J’hasi. And condolences. Met Trond a time or two, didn’t even know his name until his wife told me.” Was it his wife? He’d been plastered last New Life, which considering his tolerance, was a miracle the inn had enough drink to allow that. He leaned back on the stone wall behind him, keeping a curious, but watchful eye on the guardsmen in case they decided to pin the crime on him instead after all.

“Considering his uh…’dedication’ to his job, I don’t suppose he cuts you any slack, does he?”

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