
“<Should be even easier for you considering all you have to do is just walk away.>” the Khajiit hissed. It wasn’t even that bad of an injury, just a lucky slice on his leg from a panicking necromancer. Granted, it was deep, but he just had to clean it up and bind it and he’d be fine soon enough.

₤ how many shoes do they have? what kind?

2 pairs: boots and no boots.

J’hasi typically only has one pair of boots, though he did have a second pair when he got to Skyrim in case the pair he was wearing got wet. He gave them to a certain lost Khajiit along with some other supplies. The only reason for the second pair is that it’s too damn cold for him to walk around barefoot safely in Skyrim, anywhere else he’d just walk without his boots until they dried.

So what would a female version of your muse be like?

[Quite literally the exact same in all instances except junk. Well, and Shadows would’ve been a sexist asshole towards him.]


The Khajiit’s eyes narrowed, staring down the stranger with a hint of a scowl on his face, before he looked away, ears flicked back.

“Not yet.” he muttered, walking away, tail sharply swishing every step or so.

“You’re a long way from home ja’khajiit, what brings you here to a place such as this? Seeking knowledge, or something more?”

The only movement was the pressing back of his ears and the agitated tapping of his tail on the ground for a few moments before he turned a page.

“Maybe I’ve lived here all my life, only searching for a place to avoid those who think they know from where I hail.” J’hasi snapped, eyes finally flicking up to glare at the stranger.

“Assumptions leave one’s mind dull. If I were you, I wouldn’t risk falling into that trap.”


‘What the hell does that mean? ‘Nice-looking fur’? …they’d better not be eyeing up my fur, there are plenty of wolves out there with fur ready for the taking if they’re so damned cold.’

“So you wish to master the Arcane Arts? Cute…”

The Khajiit scowled, closing his hand around the small curls of fire flickering in his palm, extinguished with a stuttering pop and a hiss of smoke between his fingers.

“If you want to take this outside, be my guest.” he growled quietly, even as the protective leather seemed to burn uncomfortably warm over his palm.

Flash Back (to the future!)

The Khajiit yelped, hitting the ground hard and rolling a little, disoriented and sore before huge jaws lined with sharp teeth opened, a rush of undead air blowing in his face before he could get his spear up. He whacked the creature with the haft, trying to scramble up to back up, get away and maybe use magic instead. The wheezing, rattling inhale seemed to draw the warmth away from the already-chill air, then suddenly exhaled as a frosty blast.

The freezing cold bit at his tail, only barely managing to dodge most of the attack behind a pillar before the dragon followed, jaws wide and lunging right for him. J’hasi only barely managed to get his spear up to catch the inside of the jaws, arms shaking as he tried to keep it at bay. The creature made an odd sound, cocking its head before its jaws tightened.

A crack. Still held.

Another crack. The Khajiit’s tail swished as he kicked at the thing’s face, trying to get it to let go so he could retreat again.

A long, drawn-out creeeeeak…


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