[In other news, I still love how the Khajiit’s ears tell you your relationship with NPCs and how fucking in-character the guard disposition is.]

Flash back

“D’rah, wait for me!”

“Shh!” J’hasi huffed when the larger Khajiit pulled him close with a hand over his mouth, squirming to get his head free as D’rahzaar peered around a corner, tail flicking with excited anticipation. The smaller of the two huffed, not exactly pleased with the reek of D’rah’s armor so close to his nose, but keeping quiet until his friend relaxed with a quiet chuckle.

“Come, come. D’rahzaar has a surprise for you.”

“Is it a bath?” J’hasi grumbled, rubbing his forehead with the butt of his palm and missing the larger Khajiit’s sweeping glance over him. D’rah chuckled again.

“As tempting as that may be…no. It is not a bath, but a test. You must prove your skill to this one, and he will believe you when you say you are ready for bigger and better jobs.” J’hasi huffed air through his nose, still numb from the reek of the sewers they had been trekking through for hours beforehand. He approached the corner the other Khajiit was hiding behind, glancing towards the street where the cathay’s yellow gaze was focused. He didn’t see anyone, so it likely wasn’t a fishing job. His nose twitched in an attempt to catch the scent of someone in case he had missed them, but all he could smell was sewer. D’rah caught his jaw and turned his head towards a door across the street.

“In there. The guard has passed, he will not be back for some time. Break in, and find for D’rahzaar the jewels in the upstairs box. He eagerly awaits your return.” J’hasi’s eyes widened as he swallowed. Pickpocketing was one thing, but…breaking into someone’s house? The leering grin the cathay was giving him made him scowl in response. The smaller Khajiit pushed D’rah’s hand away from his jaw, checking the street briefly before quickly and quietly crossing to the doorway, white stone illuminated by moonlight. He’d show him. He could do this easily.

…he just hoped his hands wouldn’t shake when he tried to pick the lock…

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