Flash Back!

“<What the hell are you?>” Marsh jumped a little, feathers along their tail puffing before they turned to look at the scarlet, almost black-scaled Saxhleel behind them. The hatchling huffed, ears flicking back as they withdrew from their vantage point of the strange village they’d found while exploring.

“<I’m Saxhleel!>” How hard was it to see that? Marsh settled back on their legs, tail curling alongside them. The stranger looked over them, then their nose wrinkled.

“<Are not.>”

“<Are too!>”

“<Are not!>”

“<Are too!>” The other hatchling’s face twisted in a weird expression, their teeth baring in a clear display of anger.

“<Are not!>” Then the stranger shoved Marsh-Eyes, hard, sending them tumbling down the slope that led to the swampwaters below. The hatchling yelped when they hit the water, limbs swishing uselessly in the scummy and mud-clogged waters, no sides or bottom to catch to help them ashore. The brief moments where Marsh’s head was above the surface they thought they saw the scarlet-scaled hatchling, but they kept sinking, and then they couldn’t breathe.

Why couldn’t they breathe?

Marsh opened their mouth, but their lungs wouldn’t fill with water. And the water that went up their nose felt…wrong. Why did it feel wrong?! The hatchling sank, panicked and choking, hoping for some solid ground to climb up, but there wasn’t any. All they could see was just…murky water.

A concussion in the water made them start, just as their chest and head was starting to burn, a muffled throbbing pulsing through them. It was when the edges of their sight started to get dark that they saw something move in the water near them, and then squirming when hands grabbed their arms, pulling them through the water. It was when the swimming thing broke the surface, lifting Marsh’s head out of the water that the hatchling coughed, hacking up water that had gotten in their throat and nose, shaking their head while whimpering. They realized the swimming-thing was Jeer-rah, who was also glaring at the silent scarlet-scale on the shore.

“<What the fuck is wrong with you?! They can’t swim yet!>” they snapped, Marsh feeling their powerful tail beating the water behind them to keep them at the surface. The hatchling started to shiver, scared and afraid of being in the water now.

“<J-Jeer, I’m scared…>” Jeer-rah nodded, shifting in the water to allow the shaking hatchling onto their back, swimming to the shore. The scarlet-scale said nothing, quietly observing as Marsh clambered back onto shore, damp and still coughing on occasion. Jeer rubbed their friend’s back soothingly, concerned about Marsh’s apparent intolerance for water before glaring up at the still-silent Saxhleel sitting there.

“<The elders were right. You’re messed up, all of you.>” Marsh sneezed, shivering before drawing closer to Jeer.

“<I wanna go home.>” they mumbled, still shaken up.

“<…yeah, okay… Let’s go.>”

[ 3. (childhood) A harsh lesson is learned. ]

“<BIG SPLASH!>” came the screeching war-cry, Gar-Dan running down the big roots of a tree to spring into the water, their thick tail slapping the water before the rest of them followed. Water splashed everywhere, even getting sprays to hit Marsh-Eyes where they were on the rocks. Jeer-rah was still on shore, trying to figure out how Marsh had gotten so far out onto the rocks without getting any of their feathers wet.

Gulum and Rei-Shaw were paddling out in the middle of the deeper areas of the pool, the murky water washing over their backs before one of the twins dove down, the other following. Jeer waded out into the water, tail splashing at the surface as they made their way over to Marsh, fans flared a little in excitement. They actually weren’t supposed to be here, but that was part of the fun, right? The adults had told them to keep out of this part of the swamp, but it was only here that the water actually got deep enough to properly swim. Marsh hadn’t liked the restriction because once again, because they couldn’t breathe water, the adults treated them like a newborn hatchling. Jeer smiled as they started to float, swishing their tail to reach Marsh.

“<Wanna swim with me?>” they asked quietly, Marsh nodding before sliding their palms over the side of the rock they were on, claws barely touching the water before they shifted their weight and they slid in. They dove under with barely a splash, surfacing a little ways away. Their hands and feet clawed at the murk, water dripping off their head and crest while their tail flicked to the surface, steering.

Jeer dove underneath, rising up high enough to feel Marsh’s feet touch their back, lifting them higher up in the water before diving down again. Their feet pushed off the muddy bottom to dart to the surface, clearing their gills of the silt. Marsh was grinning, huffing a little to keep up as they followed Jeer around the pool. They were startled when Gar suddenly screamed, flailing out of the water, scrambling over roots dipping into the pool to escape. Gulum surfaced with a grin, Jeer flattening their fans at them.

“<Gulum, c’mon. You know Gar is afraid of water-snakes.>” The twin shrugged, then dipped backwards to dive under once more with a flash of bright blue scales from their tail tip. Jeer rolled their eyes, then took Marsh-Eye’s fingers in their own and pulled them around the surface of the pool, using only powerful strokes of their tail and occasional kicks to right their course. It was when the forest around the pool got eerily quiet that Marsh started to shiver a little. And when Gar-Dan started screaming again.

“<Gulum, don’t->” Jeer’s voice died in their throat when they saw the twins on shore, eyes wide and limbs stiff with fear, the Argonian turning to look towards Gar and seeing blood in the water. It took them a moment before they could breathe, pushing Marsh towards shore. A triangular wake was heading right for them, and behind that, something big with teeth flashed out of the water briefly, Gar’s dropped tail in its mouth. Jeer swam for shore, claws digging deep into the mud when they saw the nose and eyes of the thing that was chasing them, maw opening to snap on Marsh’s tail. The Saxhleel sprang onto its head and smacked it with their own tail for good measure, yelping when they were thrown off into the pool, but giving their friend time to scramble onto shore.

Jeer managed to escape the pool by climbing the roots, getting a nip at their tail on the way up, turning to try and find a way to get Gar-Dan out, but…it was too late. They were gone.

Marsh’s eyes were locked on the area of the pool where the water was red with Gar’s blood, frothing from the bubbles that had escaped their lungs in panic. They jumped a little when Jeer-rah touched their shoulder, the four hatchlings in horrified shock as they saw the creatures grab onto pieces of their friend, spinning in the water to twist bits free to eat.

It was Jeer who got them all to move, to head back to the tribe, and after they told the adults what had happened, after the lectures, Marsh crawled into Sees’ bed that night, scared of the images that wouldn’t fade, of orange-yellow eyeshines and the groaning hisses of the monsters in the water, and the panicked look on their friend’s face before they were gone forever.


1. (childhood) A great day turns terrible in a matter of moments.

Marsh tried to keep a gentle hold on the squirming lizard in their hands, claws scrabbling over their knuckles while the tail slapped against their belly and legs. They pouted at the reptile while trotting through the patch of slick mud that always lingered near the water’s edge.

“<I tol’ you buhfore! Y’gotta sit still! I gotta show you t’ Shadows!>” they hissed at the creature, the brightly-colored dewlap (the reason they wanted to show, it was so colorful) flaring. Marsh-Eyes puffed their cheeks in response.

“<Don’ get huffy wiff me, it’ll only be a lil bit.>” they grumbled. At the sound of water rippling they froze, ears alert, eyes darting to the shore. They turned around to spot Jeer-rah, still and halfway out of the water. Marsh scowled.

“<Jeer, go back. I’ll only be a lil bit.>” Jeer-rah’s fans flattened.

“<How come you can sneak off but I can’t?>”

“<Shadows don’ like you, an’ he’ll get mad at me if I let you come wiff.>” Jeer scowled.

“<Shadows is mean, all the time! Why go back?>” Marsh paused, ears lowering a little.

“<I…I just wanna show them ff…this.>” Jeer’s eyes lit up a little at the bright dewlap, puffing their own a little in response before giggling. Marsh looked back towards the village Shadows lived in, the one with the name they couldn’t pronounce. Their tail wiggled.

“<I’ll show ‘em, fen I’ll come back, kay?>” Jeer sighed.

“<Fast, kay?>”

“<’Kay.>” Jeer bumped their forehead against Marsh’s, then they both grinned before the one carrying the grumpy lizard hurried up the slight incline, to the weird white-shelled huts that the village had. Marsh squeezed between a muddy cart wheel and a hut, looking around for the familiar flash of red feathers, or dark red scales. When the hatchling spotted him, they trotted out, tail arched high in the air as they reached their friend with their prize.

“<Shadows, lookit! Look what I caught!>” Marsh chirped, thrusting the squirming lizard out to show. The Argonian looked at the bright green eyes of his friend, down to the grumpy lizard who kept flashing their dewlap. He frowned.

“<That’s poisonous.>” Marsh yelped, dropping the reptile for it to land on the ground and skitter away, the hatchling looking panicked at their hands. Shadows smirked.

“<It’s not.>” Marsh huffed, annoyed.

“<Don’t DO that! Sees says I’m not s’posed’ta touch poisonous stuff! I told you ‘bout that b’fore!>” Maybe Jeer was right. The Saxhleel looked at his friend carefully.

“<You came alone, yeah?>” Marsh fidgeted.

“<Jeer followed me again, but I told ‘em not t’ follow me in.>” Shadows’ eyes narrowed, crest rising, the hatchling fidgeting more, nervous.

“<Fff…they kept back, f…they promised!>” The Saxhleel didn’t seem convinced, but his crest lowered from the threatening flare, satisfied enough for now. Marsh paused, ears at attention.

“<Why’s fff…there yellin’?>” Shadows frowned.

“<Dunno.>” It was getting louder, the hatchling’s tail twitching faster, nervous by their ankles when they could make out both Jel and some…other sounds. They were like broken words, strange. It was when there was a loud bang and a plume of flame that Marsh yelped, hiding behind their friend. Shadows was stuck in place, tail curling before the two jumped at the sound of Shadows’ parents shouting for him.

“<…M-Marsh! Run! Now!>” he snapped, darting towards the sound of his parents. The hatchling followed, tail puffed, alarm and panic making their breath short and tight in their lungs. They could hear screaming now, but could also see Shadows’ parents up ahead, wide-eyed and terrified until they caught the sight of their kid. His mom crouched down and stroked Shadows’ crest, surprised at Marsh’s presence.

“<I didn’t even know you were here, Ei.>” Shadows looked back towards the area where some Argonians were rushing with weapons at the ready, others running away.

“<What’s going on, Mom?>” Shadows asked, gripping the hem of her shirt. She looked up.

“<I’m not sure. But we need to get inside, now.>” Another explosion and Marsh squeaked, startled when a fireball crashed into one of the white huts, alarmed when the structure caught fire. They squirmed, legs twitching.

“<Fff…th-the swamp. We can hide from the fire-f-ff-throwers.>” Shadows’ parents looked at each other, then nodded.

“<Good idea. Hurry, go.>” Another explosion and there was a chorus of screeches and screams, Marsh yelping in surprise and slipping on the damp ground with their muddy feet in their haste to move, Shadows pulling them up with a sharp tug. The four of them started to run, more fireballs starting to sail over the small village. It was when another house exploded that Shadows and Marsh were knocked to the ground, coughing from the smoke. Marsh scrambled up, only to hear Shadows calling for his parents, then it was lost to the screaming.

“<Shadows! SHADOWS!>” Marsh yelled, starting to get really scared. The screaming was getting louder, the smoke was filling their lungs and making them cough, panic and fear making them dizzy as they spun around, trying to listen for the sound of their friend. But they were alone in the chaos.

“<SHADO-MMPH!>” They were cut off by a pair of rough hands grabbing them, one covering their mouth and the other grabbing by the scruff of their neck. Marsh squirmed, wriggling free enough to bite. They were dropped with a loud cry of pain, allowing them to scramble away to hide under a cart, and see what had grabbed them in the first place.

Their faces were smooth and scaleless, flat, and their ears were like flatter versions of their own, but without feathers. Their skins and feathers on their heads were close to the same colors, mostly greys and blacks. Their eyes were red, red like the blood that stained the hatchling’s teeth and dripped from one of their hands.

Marsh drew back, afraid before others came after them.

[ ⌆ ]

⌆ for a story about their family/home life

“<Ei?>” Sees peered around the doorway, one scaled brow raised as their yellow gaze swept over the inside of another room. They could hear the giggling and smell the damp scent of their little one’s feathers. It was strongest on this end of the tree, they had to be here somewhere. Sees-In-Mist walked into the center of the room, crest lifting as they felt a drop of water splash on the end of their nose. A quick glance up and their eyes widened, mouth opening in surprise.

“<Y’foun’ me!>” Marsh chirped, giggling as they hung from one of the thicker protrusions of wood sprawled over the ceiling, all of their claws digging deep into the bark as their tail wiggled happily. Marsh-Eyes let go, the Argonian below catching their still-damp hatchling with a huff.

“<How did you manage to get up there, I wonder?>” the seer hummed, crest relaxing and fluffing as they plucked a clump of damp feathers and pulled them out of Ei’s face. The squirming hatchling grabbed the fabric over Sees’ shoulders, settling in more comfortably in the nest of their guardian’s arms.

“<I climbed up th’ side! It was hard, but I got up there! M’all tired, all over. Hanging on is hard.>” Marsh nuzzled under the shaman’s jaw, a soft churring issuing from them. Sees put a gentle hand on their back, stroking softly.

“<You did good. If you weren’t dripping wet, I probably wouldn’t have found you.>” The hatchling huffed.

“<M’feathers take FOREVER t’ dry!>” The Argonian chuckled, lifting their little one up higher.

“<It’s alright. Now, do you want to help me gather some herbs for tonight? Maybe you can catch a few of those glowing beetles you like too.>” Marsh’s eyes lit up, squirming happily.

“<Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let’s go now! Please?>” A rare smile, just a touch of warmth at the shaman’s eyes, and they set the damp hatchling down on the floor.

“<Go get the basket, I’ll be there in a moment.>” they said, their tail curling a little at the tip as small thumps made a hasty staccato for the door and down the hall to start the search.

“Don’t chase the rabbit”

“<Ei, you’re filthy.>” The little hatchling jumped, green eyes wide as he looked back at the sound of his name. He could see the orange-yellow gaze of his guardian behind him, their scales patterned in stripes of dark and light greens from the shadows cast from the fronds hovering over them. The Khajiit’s ears flattened as he looked back down at the water pooled around the small rock he was crouched on.

“<I am not.>” Sees-In-Mist sighed through their nose, crest lowering as they walked over to crouch next to their little one.

“<You’re covered in mud.>” Marsh-Eyes’ gaze snapped off to the side where the water didn’t hold the reflection of Sees’ quiet look at him. His hand sank into the hole he had dug in the water, a hollow where more mud was slowly sliding in to fill it. Sees sighed again.

“<What happened today?>” The Khajiit’s face twisted into an angry glare directed at a stick poking up through the surface of the water about five yards away from where they sat.

“<…Shadows said I couldn’t play with them because I didn’t do what they said.>” The Saxhleel’s eyes narrowed a little, a small frown pulling at the corner of their mouth.

“<What did they ask you to do?>” Marsh’s eyes darted back down to the water.

“<They wanted me to pull all of my feathers out because they said they didn’t like them.>” A dry hiss came from Sees’ throat as it expanded.

“<If they do not like you because they don’t like your feathers, then they are not one who deserves your time.>”

“<But they’re right! I hate my feathers! I want my scales, I want my gills! You said they would grow but they’re taking too long!>” he snapped, his hand grasping a fistful of mud and throwing it at the water with a series of splashes. Sees-In-Mist’s crest lowered, eyes flicking towards the ripples in the water.

“<Do you hate my feathers?>” they asked quietly. Marsh’s eyes widened as they darted to Sees.

“<N-no… I think they’re pretty.>” Sees lowered their head, turning to better look at the hatchling.

“<What if Shadows told me to pull out my feathers? How would you feel?>” The Khajiit’s eyes widened, tears starting to form at his eyes.

“<I…I would be mad. I would hate them and tell them to go away forever.>” Sees nodded quietly, their head lifting back up as their tail curled around closer to Marsh.

“<So how do you think I feel, when I love you, and I love your feathers, and I hear that Shadows told you to pull them all out?>” The Khajiit’s watery eyes spilled over as he closed them, whimpering.

“<Y-you would be mad. And hate them and want them to go away.>” Sees nodded.

“<Is that why you covered yourself in mud?>” Marsh sniffed, tears starting to slip over the patches of brown on his face.

“<I-it hurt too much to pull at them, and they didn’t come out.>” The Argonian’s breath left them quietly before they gently stroked at the Khajiit’s mane, mud coming away on their hand.

“<If Shadows tells you to do that again, you tell them that they’re your feathers, and it’s your choice what to do with them. Be proud of them.>” Marsh let out a sob as he hugged Sees around their waist, pressing his face into their side and smearing their tunic full of mud. The Argonian’s tail curled around their little one, continuing to stroke him, more and more mud coming off with each pass.

”<Your feathers are a part of who you are, just as my own are a part of me. Never feel ashamed of who you are.>“ Marsh nodded, still crying, ears pulled back against his skull. Sees allowed him to cry for a few minutes before they scooped him up, mud sliding off of him to fall with plops on the soggy ground below.

”<Come. Let’s get you washed up, hm?>“ Marsh nodded, eyes still shining with tears, his face still stuck in a wounded pout. Sees offered their little one a smile before pressing their forehead against his, the hatchling starting to giggle when he saw the mud that stuck to Sees’ face.

”<You gotta wash too. You’re filf…dirty!>“

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