Flash forward!

“Wake up. We’re here.” The Khajiit jumped a little, eyes half-open and drowsy as he lifted his head from where it had been resting on the stacked crates next to him. The air smelled different, more familiar, and he almost felt the rising warm bubble of home in his chest before his vision sharpened on the Nord sailor looking at him, and the unfamiliar docks approaching behind the man as the ship drifted closer to the port. J’hasi rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, curling his fingers as he shifted to use his knuckles instead, clearing his throat.

“Right…” he rasped. The captain looked at him with worry.

“Raven Rock isn’t the safest of places, traveler. Are you sure…?”

“I paid you to take me here, didn’t I?” The reply wasn’t sharp, but it still carried the same no-nonsense weight as if it had. The Nord sighed, shaking his head a little.

“If I hadn’t taken you from the docks myself, I’d say the sea addled your mind. Just…take care, alright?”

“Aye.” The Khajiit stood up with a grimace, stretching his cramped muscles before relaxing with a sigh, disembarking onto the waiting docks with a coil of anticipation winding up in his stomach. He hadn’t been here in years, but in those years, Raven Rock had changed drastically. He hardly recognized it anymore. He only hoped the rest of the island wouldn’t be quite as changed. Not if he was to find what he came here for.

[ ⌆ ]

⌆ for a story about their family/home life

“<Ei?>” Sees peered around the doorway, one scaled brow raised as their yellow gaze swept over the inside of another room. They could hear the giggling and smell the damp scent of their little one’s feathers. It was strongest on this end of the tree, they had to be here somewhere. Sees-In-Mist walked into the center of the room, crest lifting as they felt a drop of water splash on the end of their nose. A quick glance up and their eyes widened, mouth opening in surprise.

“<Y’foun’ me!>” Marsh chirped, giggling as they hung from one of the thicker protrusions of wood sprawled over the ceiling, all of their claws digging deep into the bark as their tail wiggled happily. Marsh-Eyes let go, the Argonian below catching their still-damp hatchling with a huff.

“<How did you manage to get up there, I wonder?>” the seer hummed, crest relaxing and fluffing as they plucked a clump of damp feathers and pulled them out of Ei’s face. The squirming hatchling grabbed the fabric over Sees’ shoulders, settling in more comfortably in the nest of their guardian’s arms.

“<I climbed up th’ side! It was hard, but I got up there! M’all tired, all over. Hanging on is hard.>” Marsh nuzzled under the shaman’s jaw, a soft churring issuing from them. Sees put a gentle hand on their back, stroking softly.

“<You did good. If you weren’t dripping wet, I probably wouldn’t have found you.>” The hatchling huffed.

“<M’feathers take FOREVER t’ dry!>” The Argonian chuckled, lifting their little one up higher.

“<It’s alright. Now, do you want to help me gather some herbs for tonight? Maybe you can catch a few of those glowing beetles you like too.>” Marsh’s eyes lit up, squirming happily.

“<Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let’s go now! Please?>” A rare smile, just a touch of warmth at the shaman’s eyes, and they set the damp hatchling down on the floor.

“<Go get the basket, I’ll be there in a moment.>” they said, their tail curling a little at the tip as small thumps made a hasty staccato for the door and down the hall to start the search.

“Don’t chase the rabbit”

“Get up, lazybones! Rise ‘n shine!” J’hasi groaned, curling up and pulling his blankets over his head. His cheery wake-up call grinned, giggling a little as she moved to crouch over him.

“Aww, c’mon J’hasi. You’ll hurt the sun’s feel-bads with an attitude like that.” The Redguard playfully pushed at his shoulder, rocking him despite his attempts to become rigid.

“Tell th’ sun t’ sod off…” he grumbled, his tail swishing over his bedroll and curling up around his rump. Maarzi chuckled.

“C’mon. We have a long way to go today. And if you want to make it to town before our waterskins run dry, you’d best get shakin’ there, mate.” The Khajiit made a low, quiet groan.

“Can’t you just tie me over Windviper’s back?”

“Keep layin’ there and I’ll try. I’m sure that your wild little stallion there would love to feel dead weight suitable for bucking off.” J’hasi sighed, then slowly sat up, smelling the sizzling contents of the lass’ frying pan. From the looks of it, it seemed to be sugared snake for breakfast. Maarzi smiled with a hum, giving the rumpled Khajiit a peck on the forehead between his eyebrows furrowed with the discomfort of bright sunlight.

“Good. Now get dressed. I’ll braid your hair when you’re done.” she said, stroking his cheek before shifting her weight to stand up whilst moving to the side towards their cooking breakfast. He sighed, digging inside his pack to pull out the airy layers of cloth, putting them on one at a time. Maarzi shifted the pan on the hot rocks, tilting the front of the pan down, then a quick flick up and the snake was flipped in the pan. She prodded at it with her fork.

“I thought we agreed, no drinking while traveling in the desert.” she stated, eyes on her current task. J’hasi sighed, pulling his scarf out to wrap around his neck and shoulders.

“Couldn’t sleep.”

“Nightmares again?”

“Yeah… They just keep getting worse.” Maarzi looked at him, concern on her face.

“Is it the same one?” J’hasi sighed.

“Yeah… This time, though… I saw more than just the White-Gold tower covered in blood… I saw the Blades.” His face tensed with an expression of worry.

“I haven’t been in the Imperial City for…a long, long time, and longer still since I’ve had any contact with the Blades. I… Why am I dreaming about them now?” Maarzi looked at the curled and crispy snake, setting the pan down on the ground to cool before walking over to her traveling companion. She knelt down in the sand, hugging him while pressing her forehead against his, feeling his arms wrap around her in return. She could feel him trembling.

“Hey, hey… It’s okay. If you believe it’s just nightmares, then that’s all they are. Sure, the Empire isn’t what it used to be from what you tell me, but it’s been relatively peaceful since the Summerset Isles and Valenwood cut ties with the rest of the Empire.” His ears drooped.

“I don’t know… What if it’s not just nightmares?” Maarzi smoothed his mane with a stroke.

“That’s for you to decide. You told me weird crap happens in your life, but I don’t know what kind of weird crap you mean. Dreaming of bloody towers and secret agents doesn’t seem weird enough to cause worry.” J’hasi sighed.

“…I guess you’re right. Maybe I’m just… I don’t know…” Maarzi smiled.

“I think you should lay off the drink for a while. While I don’t mind the smell of alcohol, I don’t think Elsweyr brew is for you. Too much sugar for your blood, maybe, even if you are Khajiit. Now I think there’s a piece of snake with your name on it over there.” J’hasi smiled, his tail curling at the tip as Maarzi plucked the snake out of the pan and snapped its spine in the middle, handing him the front half while squeezing its jaws to open and close.

“Someone told me there’s a Khajiit in need of some grub, and I think that Khajiit is you!” she said, voice dropped into a deep, growly voice. Said Khajiit smiled, taking the length of cooked reptile from her.

“Thanks, Maarz.”

“I am not Maarz, I am Snakelord, lord of all the snakes! Bow before my sugary goodness!” J’hasi laughed, smiling as he took a bite of the crisp meat, chewing contentedly even with the thick layer of caramelized sugar lining the inside. Maarzi finished first, then took out a comb and brush and started to work on the Khajiit’s tangled mane, each stroke making it smoother and straighter in preparation for braiding. J’hasi licked the inside of the serpent before taking another bite, careful to keep only his clawtips and the pads of his fingers in contact with the sugared surface. He hated the feeling of sticky fur. Once Maarzi had brushed his mane out (the black Khajiit purring the whole time) she quickly fishtail-braided it before tying it back.

“There we go. Tied down nice and neat. I’d hate to have to have a repeat of the last time you forgot to braid your hair in the desert.” J’hasi winced.

“Yeah…that wasn’t fun.” He popped the last bit of snake into his mouth, starting to chew as he scrubbed his hands in the sand, burying the skeleton as well. Maarzi smiled, then got up, pulling the Khajiit up by his shoulders from behind and giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“It’ll be alright. Now let’s get that finicky thing you call a horse packed up.”

Don’t chase the rabbit!!

The Khajiit stared, scowling at the package that had been tormenting him all day. He’d been told that he wasn’t to look inside at the many papers within, and a wax seal and the promise of severe punishment was the only thing between him and knowing what they were all about. Him, presumably, though whether it was good or bad was the driving force behind his predicament.

J’hasi huffed, ears flattening as he continued to stare the package down in his hands, sitting on the ground behind a house on the outskirts of Seyda Neen. Why did he have to deliver these papers anyway? Didn’t that Emperor guy that he’d been repeatedly told was the only reason he was breathing semi-free air have the drakes to pay someone who actually wanted to deliver them? He knew that a portion of the gold in his pocket had been from the Emperor, but still. He didn’t want to be some Imperial’s messenger boy. Even if said Imperial had gotten him out of prison.

He sighed, brow furrowed as he looked over the envelope. He could just toss them into the swampwater and go on his merry way, but he had a feeling that the Imperials would come after him and arrest him. He didn’t want that. But on the other hand… He’d been told in not so many words that those who helped the Emperor were richly rewarded. The extra five hundred drakes weighing down his pocket was certainly proof of that. If he delivered the papers, who knew how much he’d get. Certainly enough to eat as much as he wanted for days, he’d bet.

Maybe the papers would give some sort of clue as to why the leader of the Empire would give a damn about a prisoner like him, too.

J’hasi frowned, staring at the seal for quite some time, ears crooked in deep thought. If it would give that information, he could just get it right here and now. Then he’d know for sure if it was a trap. He could find out what the papers said about him, if the Imperials just wanted him to deliver the message for free before executing him once he got to the destination, all of it! And they wouldn’t be able to get the jump on him if it were so. He could run into the furthest reaches of Vvardenfell. They’d never find him.

And all because they assumed he couldn’t read because his Cyrodilic was so bad. He’d show them.

The Khajiit smirked, breaking the seal with a claw before pulling out the stack of papers, turning them rightways up before settling his gaze on the first line.



J’hasi frowned, eyebrow rising before one cocked in confusion, flipping through page after page with increasing disbelief. Was it seriously…?

“<AAAGHHH, HIST DAMN IT ALL TO OBLIVION!>” he yelled, startling a few residents of the small village with the loud snarling in Jel.

The documents were written in Cyrodilic letters.

“Don’t chase the rabbit”

“<Ei, you’re filthy.>” The little hatchling jumped, green eyes wide as he looked back at the sound of his name. He could see the orange-yellow gaze of his guardian behind him, their scales patterned in stripes of dark and light greens from the shadows cast from the fronds hovering over them. The Khajiit’s ears flattened as he looked back down at the water pooled around the small rock he was crouched on.

“<I am not.>” Sees-In-Mist sighed through their nose, crest lowering as they walked over to crouch next to their little one.

“<You’re covered in mud.>” Marsh-Eyes’ gaze snapped off to the side where the water didn’t hold the reflection of Sees’ quiet look at him. His hand sank into the hole he had dug in the water, a hollow where more mud was slowly sliding in to fill it. Sees sighed again.

“<What happened today?>” The Khajiit’s face twisted into an angry glare directed at a stick poking up through the surface of the water about five yards away from where they sat.

“<…Shadows said I couldn’t play with them because I didn’t do what they said.>” The Saxhleel’s eyes narrowed a little, a small frown pulling at the corner of their mouth.

“<What did they ask you to do?>” Marsh’s eyes darted back down to the water.

“<They wanted me to pull all of my feathers out because they said they didn’t like them.>” A dry hiss came from Sees’ throat as it expanded.

“<If they do not like you because they don’t like your feathers, then they are not one who deserves your time.>”

“<But they’re right! I hate my feathers! I want my scales, I want my gills! You said they would grow but they’re taking too long!>” he snapped, his hand grasping a fistful of mud and throwing it at the water with a series of splashes. Sees-In-Mist’s crest lowered, eyes flicking towards the ripples in the water.

“<Do you hate my feathers?>” they asked quietly. Marsh’s eyes widened as they darted to Sees.

“<N-no… I think they’re pretty.>” Sees lowered their head, turning to better look at the hatchling.

“<What if Shadows told me to pull out my feathers? How would you feel?>” The Khajiit’s eyes widened, tears starting to form at his eyes.

“<I…I would be mad. I would hate them and tell them to go away forever.>” Sees nodded quietly, their head lifting back up as their tail curled around closer to Marsh.

“<So how do you think I feel, when I love you, and I love your feathers, and I hear that Shadows told you to pull them all out?>” The Khajiit’s watery eyes spilled over as he closed them, whimpering.

“<Y-you would be mad. And hate them and want them to go away.>” Sees nodded.

“<Is that why you covered yourself in mud?>” Marsh sniffed, tears starting to slip over the patches of brown on his face.

“<I-it hurt too much to pull at them, and they didn’t come out.>” The Argonian’s breath left them quietly before they gently stroked at the Khajiit’s mane, mud coming away on their hand.

“<If Shadows tells you to do that again, you tell them that they’re your feathers, and it’s your choice what to do with them. Be proud of them.>” Marsh let out a sob as he hugged Sees around their waist, pressing his face into their side and smearing their tunic full of mud. The Argonian’s tail curled around their little one, continuing to stroke him, more and more mud coming off with each pass.

”<Your feathers are a part of who you are, just as my own are a part of me. Never feel ashamed of who you are.>“ Marsh nodded, still crying, ears pulled back against his skull. Sees allowed him to cry for a few minutes before they scooped him up, mud sliding off of him to fall with plops on the soggy ground below.

”<Come. Let’s get you washed up, hm?>“ Marsh nodded, eyes still shining with tears, his face still stuck in a wounded pout. Sees offered their little one a smile before pressing their forehead against his, the hatchling starting to giggle when he saw the mud that stuck to Sees’ face.

”<You gotta wash too. You’re filf…dirty!>“

Don’t chase the rabbit.

The clacks of wooden staves echoed across the courtyard, each strike vibrating up the Khajiit’s arms as he circled his opponent. The Argonian’s face twisted into a grimace as he was forced back a step, two, taking one forward, only to hop back quickly as a strike was directed at the stones just in front of his toes. His face twisted into a snarl before he lunged, then yelped as the Khajiit sidestepped and gave him a passing whack across the back with his stave before it was flicked to touch the end of his own. The contact put the Saxhleel’s stave in a perfect place to trip him and sent him sprawling into the dirt.

“You know, I’m starting to get the feeling you’re just playing with me.” he said grumpily, his spines flattening as he stared across the remaining courtyard towards the mountains beyond. J’hasi grinned, walking around his fallen sparring partner before leaning over, tail curling up high behind him in amusement.

“Whatever gave you that idea?” he teased before the Argonian turned and lifted his head just enough to look him with a slight scowl. A moment later it softened and he chuckled quietly.

“You’re impossible, you know that?” J’hasi grinned before offering a hand up.

“You are getting better Baht, despite what you may think.” Baht rolled over before he took it and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet.

“There’s a reason you’re not allowed to train new recruits. You’re relentless.” J’hasi chuckled and gently bumped the Argonian with his elbow.

“Look at it this way: by the time you can beat me, anything else will be easy.” Baht huffed out a laugh before brushing himself off as J’hasi flicked the dropped stave up with his foot to catch it midair.

“You ready for another round?” The Saxhleel let out a small exasperated laugh.

“I’ve barely gotten back up on my feet and you’re asking me that now?” The Khajiit laughed, grinning as he rested the hafts of the staves on the ground.

J’hasi’s ears pricked, head perking up at the sound of rapid hoofbeats in the distance. Moments later, the gate was pulled open, allowing an out-of-breath Blade on horseback inside the walls of Cloudruler. The clatter of hooves over the cobblestone of the courtyard brought everyone’s attention to the center as a Dunmer walked forward, grasping the reins of the winded horse to steady her as he looked up at the Breton in confusion.

“What’s wrong? Where are the others?” The man’s hands shook as he gripped the horn of the saddle, panting.

“D-dead… Th-there was too many… I-I…” J’hasi’s gaze turned from one of unease to steely.

“What. Happened.” he asked firmly. A quick swallow and the Blade looked down, shoulders hunching, his voice hollow.

“The Aldmeri Dominion has declared war with the Empire.” J’hasi’s eyes widened, a heavy silence settling over the courtyard as snowflakes started to drift down from the sky.


“<Jeer, c’mon, I gotta go.>” The disgruntled Khajiit scowled at his friend currently smiling up from the bottom of the lagoon, his tail swishing irritably behind him. Jeer-rah laughed, then released the air from their lungs to bubble to the surface before swimming up to meet the ripples.

“<And that’s supposed to convince me?>” they teased, flicking a few droplets towards their friend who was stubbornly crouched at the shore. J’hasi made a displeased growl in his throat before attempting to push Jeer back under with a hand firmly planted on their nose. The Argonian laughed again, crawling up out of the water only to flop down on the Khajiit, the latter wheezing at the sudden weight on his chest.

“<J-Jeer, d-don’t be difficult…>” He protested, grimacing at the feeling of lukewarm water trickling down to soak into his clothes. Jeer-rah huffed.

“<Last time I saw you leave, you were being kidnapped by slavers, so forgive me if I’m a bit hesitant to let you out of my sight now.>” they stated seriously, folding their arms over his chest to rest their head on. J’hasi looked down, ears pulling back.

“<Yeah, I know, but I’m older now. I can take care of myself.>”

“<Pfft. Says the one who got lost in their old homeland.>”

“<Th’ Marsh always changes, and it’s been a while since I’ve been back.>” Jeer slowly raised a single scaled brow. The Khajiit’s face twisted in frustrated embarrassment before he resumed attempting to push off his friend. A few moments of unsuccessful attempts were made before Jeer’s face split into a wide grin, their fins flaring a little.

“<I see how we can solve this problem.>” J’hasi huffed, still squirming on the damp leaf litter and dirt.

“<You gettin’ up and lettin’ me go?>” Jeer smirked.

“<That would be too easy. You say you need to go, and I don’t want you to leave my sight.>” It was the Khajiit’s turn to raise a brow, accompanied with ears cocked in confusion.

“<So?>” Jeer rested their head on their friend’s arms.

“<So I come with you. Problem solved.>” J’hasi’s eyes widened, and his struggle to escape the weight pressing on his chest ceased.

“<You…would do that? But… I thought…>”

“<The Marshes will always be my home, as it is yours. But if you have a problem that needs fixing before you can come back to stay, well… I’ll help you. In any way. Except reading…or…talking in Cyrodilic. That’s all you.>” The Khajiit smiled, his expression a little sad.

“<We could be gone for a long time, you know.>”

“<I know. But I missed out on about twenty years of time spent with you, and I intend to make that up.>” J’hasi moved his arms from pushing against Jeer’s chest to wrapping around them instead, resulting in a damp hug. A few moments passed before the hug ended and the Khajiit pulled back to look at his friend’s face.

“<Now would you please put on some clothes?>” Jeer-rah laughed loudly, getting up as to give J’hasi a chance to breathe properly and get off the ground as they headed towards their clothes where they had been drying in a patch of sunlight.

What in Hist’s name was that noise?

J’hasi grumbled, trying to find a way to muffle the sounds of movement and chatter in the lower quarters, echoing off the stone walls and filtering through his shelter of blankets and furs to slip into his ears and aggravate his remarkable hangover. His tail swished, pushing out from under the blankets as he shifted, only to slide back in at the touch of cold air. Normally the other students wouldn’t wake until later and drag themselves to class, and do so rather quietly. What had changed?

The Khajiit’s hand reached out, knuckles brushing over the chill of Elvish steel as he reached out for his journal next to his bed where he had left it. He cracked open an eye, the soft bluish light from the inner pool of the Hall giving him enough light to see, and yet not enough to blind him, facing away as he was. A low hiss of Jel and Dunmeri curses slipped from his mouth, his tongue unsticking from the roof of it in the process as he was reminded of the exact reason he had drank so much last night. Drinks were always cheap on the eve of Saturalia, and he had certainly needed them.

He just wasn’t fond of the festivities come the next morn.

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