⌆ for a story about their family/home life

“<Jeer-rah! Jeeeeeeeer-rah!>” The Argonian’s fans spread, then grinned at the blur of black fur before they were tackled into the leaf litter. Jeer wrestled with Marsh, a mess of tails and limbs and giggles, rolling out into the dirt before Jeer finally pinned their friend down with a huff.

“<Got you!>” Marsh giggled before wriggling free and wrapping themself around the Saxhleel.

“<I got you!>” Sees stopped next to the two combatants, observing for a moment.

“<Marsh, Jeer, not in the middle of the path, okay?>”

“<OKAAAAY!>” Marsh sang, wiggling before dropping back to the ground, tail up.

“<Sees, Sees, are we goin’ t’ the grove?>” The elder smiled, a bare hint pressing their lower lids closed.

“<Yes, little one. Jeer, you’re welcome to come with as well.>” Jeer grinned, getting up and brushing dirt off of their scales before Marsh scrambled onto their back with a huge grin on their face.

“<Jeer, Jeer, come wiff! Come wiff us!>” Jeer smiled, looping their arms to hold Marsh’s legs and lifting their tail to ease the strain of carrying the smaller, dirt-covered hatchling.

“<Yeah! Fireflies!>”

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