
‘Aye, he likes to keep his job and his personal life separate. He didn’t mean anything by it. Probably.’

Either Haaki didn’t realise he was flagrantly breaking Trond’s rule of not mixing personal and professional life, or, as was more likely, he didn’t care. He watched the last guardsman hurry around the corner with idle interest.

‘And no. No, he doesn’t. So I take it you must’ve seen him in a, uh… professional capacity, then?’ He grinned. ‘Don’t worry. Me and Trond are… very different. I’m not going to haul you up to Dragonsreach or anything.’

The Khajiit grinned.

“Well good, I’m not sure you’d be up for the challenge. I prefer to make my arrests interesting for the guard, keep ‘em on their toes.” he teased, the tip of his tail curling in amusement.

“He hasn’t put me in shackles or anything, no. I think he’s just trying to find a crime to pin on me that doesn’t require much paperwork after the arrest. Or confiscating ‘stolen goods’ of the sweet and sugary sort.”


vvardenfellcat replied to your post:

The Khajiit grinned, despite the ‘scrawny’ bit. He was a little drunk, too happy to let it ruin his good mood. “Food, booze, whatever looks fun. Might try the archery contest if m’not too drunk by then.”

“Eh…” He shrugged. “Wouldn’t worry about it. Everyone else will be.”

J’hasi beamed before he giggled, holding his tankard closer to himself as not to spill a precious drop of the mead within.

“Maybe all I’d have to do is just hit the target. Or at least not hit someone in the arse.”

“You don’t look too happy to be here.”

J’hasi started a little, expression lightening up a bit when he looked up at the taller of the two brothers before returning to the whelp poking around the kegs.

“I was. Then I saw your brother. …no offense.” The Khajiit frowned, thinking for a moment before offering a smile towards Aldaril, ears pricking again.

“Well…I mean, you’re here. If I’m lucky he’ll be glued to the kegs, get drunk, and not bother me. Dunno if you’re a fan of mead, but they got this festival stuff that’s really good. Else I think they got spiced wine and loads of food. The roast pork and apples are really good.” He swiped over his mouth, realizing he was drooling already just thinking about it. Ghost huffed at the Altmer, giving him a long look before shaking out her mane and resuming pestering the Khajiit for treats, nibbling at his scarf.

First Impressions – Koussikka/J’hasi


Standing next to Colette’s bed he shoots a curious look at J’hasi at the mention of getting people burnt. The khajit didn’t strike to him as the type to harm people on purpose, so, poor guy just probably had the worst luck in the world to get caught up in accidents. Feeling sorry for him Koussikka pipes up quickly when J’hasi is cornered by the restoration scholar.

”No, no, J’hasi didn’t do anything, I tripped on him and broke something in my hand.” He holds up his swollen wrist, which has started to turn into darker shades of bruising. Colette looks a little surprised, ”It wasn’t a magic related accident? At all?” To which Koussikka shakes his head.

A look of brief relief passes over her, ”That’s unusual, given that most injuries that happen with students are spells gone wrong. Not that I complain about having an ordinary injury to take care of for a change.” Stepping closer to the dunmer she eyes the injury and slides back his sleeve a bit. ”Let’s take a look at your hand then.”

As Colette’s hands begin to shimmer with restorations magic being readied, Koussikka points to the thumb side of his hand. ”I think the broken part is around here, it really hurts to move my thumb.”

The Khajiit relaxed once Collette’s attention was on his acquaintance’s wrist, slowly shifting away from the wall as he sends a grateful look back at the mer in question. He fidgeted a little, not sure if talking would detract from the professor’s concentration before she spoke to him, eyes still focused on her task.

“Did you need more ointment for your burns or are you here just to gawk?” J’hasi jumped a little, ears flicking back.

“Um…n-no, my hands are fine. I uh…just wanted to watch you work.” His eyes flicked from the Breton, to Koussikka, then to the mer’s wrist, tail rising a little in interest as the bruising receded, like a spreading inkblot in reverse.

“I’m interested in how Restoration works, so watching a master at work isn’t something I’d let pass by lightly.” he said quickly, hoping that would placate her enough to leave him be. Though he smiled at the Dunmer, glad to see that their wrist was getting the attention it needed.

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