Under Saarthal – Icarus/J’hasi


Icarus grumbled in Altmeris as he yanked the last dart from his arse, half tempted to chuck it at the khajiit. Unfortunately, he couldn’t exactly afford to be suspended at this point. The teal beams of light stung his eyes when the doors opened. “Argh! what the hell–” The high elf squinted heavily. When his eyes finally adjusted, he could see what everyone went quiet for.
“Huh.” The mer rested his chin on his thumb, “Well I’ll be damned, this province actually does manage to cough up something interesting.” he murmured to himself as Tolfdir began to gawk at the massive…glowy ball thing.

“I never imagined we’d find something like this!” Tolfdir marveled, “Why was this buried so far within Saarthal?”

Ignoring his instructors fawning, Icarus presses his arm against his furry companion, pressing him away, “S’cuse me cat. Official Thalmor business.” While he was borderline used to the musty stench of death, it reared its ugly head as he made his way downstairs.

“Bloody hell,” the elf cringed as he spotted the source of the smell- well, two sources really. Placed on an what he would guess be an alter was a wrapped mummified body. Seated before it was a armored corpse.  He had his suspicions, but this thing was probably like the rest of the mindless folk in this underground city. The elvish student approached the seated corpse, electricity  sparking in one hand.

“I know you are there, you undead fiend.” Icarus scowled, “Rise and fight, and we’ll make this easier for the both of us.”

No response.

The mer cleared his throat,I said you’re not fooling anyone. You dont want us here, and quite frankly I dont want to be down here either. Lets just get this over with and we’ll be out of here quicker.”

The body remained stationary. Icarus stretched his lips before waving his unoccupied hand over the corpses remnants of a face. He paused before flicking the carcass’ helm. “Anyone there?”

Still nothing.

The mer shrugged before bringing his attention back to the massive sphere. “Well now.” Icarus mused to himself, failing to notice the rising draugr behind him, “What in the eight do we have here…?”

He’d rolled his eyes when the Thalmor brat went to have a chat with a corpse, looking at the massive rotating orb in the rear half of the room, surrounded by swirls of blue light rippling around the dais it seemed to be housed in. The floor looked like it was made of a similar material, too. Strange markings covered the surface and…

…his fur was prickling…

J’hasi’s eyes caught the near-silent rise of the seated draugr once the whelp turned his back, his stomach clenching and the skin under his fur shooting cold in response.

He drew his dagger and threw it at his target, a flash of gold sinking into the back of the undead between its shoulderblade and spine. It coughed out a sharp growl and turned around, its intended blow for the unaware mer swishing just past his side.

“MOVE IT, WHELP!” The Khajiit barked, racing for the edge of the second floor, springing off to aim his blades right for that thing’s chest…

…only for the draugr to fire off a pair of icicles at him, one whizzing just past his face and the second sinking into his shoulder and knocking him back into a wall with a thump and a crash of ice overhead. J’hasi slid to the ground, pieces tinkling down around him as he hissed, grabbing the shard embedded in his shoulder.

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