“Your craftsmanship is unlike any other. Over a hundred years, and this spear is still holding up just fine, no creaks or cracks, not even a loose head. I almost wish that I would’ve asked you how you did it, but then again, you’d probably never tell, would you? It was the same when we were kids. Anytime you had a surprise or a secret, you’d have the stubbornest jaw out of all of us.

“I’m glad that we had some time to spend with each other before it was your time to go. I still intend to keep that promise, if you’ve held up to yours. Guess we’ll find out after my heart stops, hm?”


J’hasi’s ears perked, the colors of the mer’s robes catching his eye out of the other colors of the crowd in the marketplace. His brows rose in surprise, eyes wide and curiosity burning up his resolve to stay out of sight, inconspicuous. Was the Bosmer a mage? The Khajiit shifted a little where he had been quietly leaning against a wall, debating on if he should go up and talk to them or not. Even if they were a mage, there was no guarantee that they knew the way to the College. He broke his gaze to flick down to the unbitten apple in his hand, his tail twitching with uncertainty behind him.

His ears lowered after a few moments of internal debate, his hopeful, curious expression resigning in favor of a crestfallen one. His throat felt tight just thinking about trying to initiate a conversation. Surely he could just find the College on his own, right? It wasn’t that hard, just head north, right?

He sighed quietly through his nose, opening his mouth to sink sharp teeth into his snack, frowning a little as a mildly-concerned noise issued from his throat when the juice soaked into his fur. It would be better not to bother them. Besides, who would drop everything just to lead a traveler to a place they could find easily enough themselves?

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