{ Frustration, Confusion, Exhaustion}




Usually he stands very still, ears pricked or cocked at an angle, usually just one brow furrowed, two if it’s something a bit difficult to comprehend other than, say, a talking bear playing a lute in a town square or something. His tail is usually curled closer to himself in the former situation of reacting to oddities, his body slowly curling in on itself in preparation to defend himself without him acknowledging it. With comprehension, his tail will usually start to swish and a frown starts on his face once frustration sets in, but otherwise he is perfectly still and hyperfocused on his task. Breaking his concentration in this state leads to interesting results.


So. Very. Grumpy. J’hasi’s usually got his eyes half-open, his shoulders slumped, and he slouches a little. He’ll tend to sleepily bump into things and grumble about it, usually scowling a little without much energy put into it if it’s inanimate objects, more when it’s someone he doesn’t like or isn’t happy with at the moment. His ears and whiskers droop, his brows are tensed a little, and his mouth is usually set in a small frown. His tail is usually low to the ground, almost dragging if he’s exhausted to the point of passing out or falling into microsleep. He’ll trip over things more often, and leans on things more, and his standing/walking is wobbly like he’s drunk.

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