“Are you enjoying yourself?”

J’hasi grinned, Ghost snorting into his mane between his ears, trying to reach his tankard without success.

“Free food and drink, good enough for me. Might try the archery contest, actually, provided I’m not drunk by then.” The pale mare butted her head between his shoulderblades, knocking him forward a step before he laughed and rubbed over her forehead with his knuckles, allowing her a small drink.

❛ I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t know. ❜

J’hasi hiccuped, waving off the apology with a slurred mumble of Dunmeris. Not their fault that he was too drunk to hold a conversation in Cyrodilic. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to answer any questions they had anyways, from the look of it they were either a traveler or a mage. Possibly both. He didn’t know the area at all, and one would get better results questioning the local wildlife about magic than him. That is, actual questions and not ‘how do you patch up mild to severe burns’. He picked up his tankard and downed another gulp of mead, returning his attention to his journal.

✔✔ (anyone?)

‘…why do they look so nervous? …damn it, I hope this isn’t one of those really hard classes…’

“Do you need a hand?”

J’hasi jumped a little, dropping back down to his heels from where he’d been trying to reach for the book just out of his reach. His tail flicked quickly, as if he hadn’t just been caught trying to sneak the tome out a little further with a clawtip. He looked at the Breton, ears cocking a little.

“…you don’t look too much taller than me, though. Unless you know of some secret book-fetching magic I’m unaware of.”

(New year’s star for anyone?)

Send my character a  ☆ to receive a drunken New Year’s greeting!

The Khajiit stumbled into the Hall of Attainment, tipping back the last of the ales he’d gotten from the Frozen Hearth before being persuaded to leave. He made a confused mumble when it ran empty, but his ears pricked at someone in the Hall. J’hasi staggered over, almost giving them a hug before realizing it wasn’t who he’d thought it was, ending up coming to a halt a little too close. Close enough to smell the reek of alcohol on his breath. An ear twitched before his brain scrambled for something coherent to say.

“H-happy New Lifesh…Fesh…Feshtival…” he said, then hiccuped, dissolving into a fit of giggles, making his way to the stairs further inside.

!!! (For anyone?)

Send me a !!! and my muse will pay your muse a compliment.

J’hasi’s tail tip tapped on the floor, momentarily distracted by the Breton across the library. He tried to focus back on the text in his lap, but he’d been at this for hours already. The Khajiit closed the book, quietly getting up and stretching a little before stopping over by them.

“Your hair looks soft.” he said before heading to the door.

★ (any of mine?)

Send my muse a “★” and they’ll admit their first impressions of your muse.

“They’re nervous in a class I’m already jumpy in. It’s not comforting. But they seem alright I guess. Quiet. Better than some of the other people in my classes…”

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