Ancano’s Fucking Bitch Fit – Ancano/Icarus/J’hasi


The Altmer was barely able to get “I am well aware,” from his lips before he was interrupted by the muffled yet loud Altmeris coming from his subordinates room.

<“Godsdammit Aldaril , how many times do I have to day this before it gets through your skull?! Quit stealing my razor blades! Go get your own!”>

<“Keep it down, the hell are you going on about? I don’t have them.”>

<“The hell is that in your hand then?”>

…    …

<“Oh for fucks sake, Icarus, I ran out! You buy these things a septim a dozen– one missing razor blade is not going to kill you!”>

<“So take your lazy arse to the wench uptown and go buy some, you half-witted glan’nt! Stop stealing mine, or I am going to stab you!”>

Ancano inhaled deeply, one hand pinching his brows, and the other lifting a finger at the khajiit while mouthing the words, ‘stay right there.’ The Thalmor agent briskly made his way to the door, kicking it open before storming in on his subordinates.

<“By the Gods,old man, do you mind?! We’ll be ready in fi–MMPHMMRPHHMRPH?!”>

<“Don’t say I didn’t war-…”>

Ancano emerged from the room, brushing icy residue from his hands, before slamming the door closed. He approached the khajiit once more, “Tolfdir is still in Saarthal, is he? I shall be expecting a full report from him when he returns.”

J’hasi took the chance to move closer to the door, refusing to let this old Thalmor bastard block the way to the exit again, his arms folded across his chest with a slight scowl lingering on his face. When the Altmer returned, the Khajiit’s tail swished sharply behind him, ears flicked back under his hood.

“Why does this matter to you anyways? You’re just making sure that the short one doesn’t burn down the town while he’s here, aren’t you?” While he knew full well that couldn’t be the only reason these bastards were here, he had to play dumb. Maybe he’d get lucky and get a hint of their motives, or at least a scent of deceit. He couldn’t be too careful, and Faralda’s warning was still very fresh in his mind yet. They were up to something.

Granted, the Thalmor always were, but if the Khajiit was going to be here for any length of time, he needed to know and he needed to know now.

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