❛ I’m not sure I deserved that. ❜

J’hasi grabbed Ghost’s mane, hushing her before stroking down her neck.

“Walking behind a horse isn’t the brightest idea. You spooked her.” Ghost tossed her head, snorting before shifting on her hooves, tail swishing.

“Yeah, and it’s dumber than my hind end!”

The Khajiit peered around a dappled grey mare that dwarfed him with a frown.

“I hope you’re not referring to my horse.” Ghost looked at the stranger calmly, then snorted a cloud of steam into the early morning air.

“You are feeling alright, yes? Perhaps you are tired.”

The Khajiit gave Brielle a worn smile, ears crooked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“M’fine, really. Just a long trip, nothing a little pick-me-up can’t fix. Besides, Ghost did all the real work, not me.” As if in response, the massive mare’s head bumped between his shoulderblades, her pale tail whisking over the ground. J’hasi smiled, recovering from the slight nudge and patting her cheek as her head lifted just high enough to settle over his shoulder before starting to nibble at his scarf.

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