[So uh, I’m tryna do the WordPress thing, so I’m gonna be putting everything on https://vvardenfellcat(.)home(.)blog/ (remove parenthesis to get the link bc Dumblr).

I’m gonna import all of my blogs to this site so if you follow any of my blogs, that’s where they’ll be. I’m still learning how this works so that’s gonna be fun…]

[IRL has stabilized somewhat and should become more safely stable within the next few days (new gm, aka chance for getting actual living wage hours instead of only getting 1-2 days a week), which should decrease my stress, decrease my time spent on a game I’ve recently become obsessed with again, and thus actually work on TES again.

At least one would assume. Hopefully. I’ve kinda become invested with my AA chara’s story atm and I want to draw her really badly but like I have stuff here I gotta do too and I’m just kind of a jumbled mess.]

[Looking in your art folders praying you were brave enough to have a doll of ur chara to just draw clothes on AND FINDING MANY COOL IDEAS THAT NEVER WERE FINISHED WHAT THE FUCK PAST ME]

[My apt is so clean now??? I mean I don’t have everything put away nice and stuff (it’s stuffed in my closet atm) but holy man it looks like an actual Adult lives here now.]


Greetings, fellow TES role-players! 

If you’ve become stuck in a rut with your muse lately, unsure of how to get them to interact with other muses, or if you’re simply bored and would like to devote your time and energy into a little project, well then, allow me to present: THE ELDER SCROLLS RP COMMUNITY AUTUMN HARVEST FESTIVAL!

What is it?

This community festival will be a one-week IC event that takes place between the 1st of Frostfall and the 7th of Frostfall! {October 1st through October 7th.} The event entails a large festival that all of the TES rp characters {both oc and canon alike} are welcome to attend! There will be food, dancing, games, contests, and other forms of entertainment all for the purposes of celebrating this year’s Autumn Harvest!

Do I have to participate?

Your muse is not obligated to attend this event, though they are highly encouraged to! There will be absolutely no discrimination on who is allowed to attend the festival! Whether your muse is good, evil, or somewhere in between, they are welcome!

How do I join?

If you decide that you would like to have your muse attend the festival, simply reblog this post. Then, at some point before the festival takes place, make a separate post with all of the details below filled out:

Guest name:



Date: {Optional – if your muse so chooses, they can ask another muse to be their escort to the festival.}

Outfit: {Description or picture works.}

And please make sure that you tag all of your ongoing posts related to the festival with the appropriate tag: #tes autumn festival.

What sort of activities will be held at the festival?

There will be plenty of things to do at the event! At the moment, I am still coming up with ideas on what all will take place, but so far, I’ve come up with:

– a talent show

– a riddles game

– an art contest

– races {both on foot and on horseback}

– sparring

– an archery contest

If you would like to make a suggestion to add to this list, feel free to PM me!


As of now, this is the most I can concoct for this little project. Please, if you’re interested, reblog this promo {or reblog it simply to spread the word}, and I sincerely hope that I see your muse attending the festival!

[Why are most instances of my noodle being cute in places I can’t actually get a pic of?? I WANT TO SHOW YOU GUYS ;A;]

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