Under Saarthal – Icarus/J’hasi

J’hasi shivered as he pulled his scarf up over his mouth and nose. It was even colder than yesterday, and with the wind whipping up snow in the courtyard, he didn’t imagine it would warm up a little anytime soon. He was starting to regret giving his gloves to Dan’kuu as the bitter cold sank into his joints and started to ache. Having bundled up a bit more with some extra clothes under his College robes he was warm enough overall, but without gloves his fingers were starting to freeze.  He pulled his sleeves down over his hands, only getting a little relief from the chill. He puffed out a breath as he took a step away from the door to the Hall of Attainment, heading for the main gate.

Today was the field trip with Tolfdir and the rest of his class, and while he was happy to leave the grounds, he was still feeling a little sick to his stomach from what happened last night and the unsettling notes he had apparently written for himself:

Ancano is sending Icarus on the Saarthal trip despite saying he needs responsibility before magical training. The Thalmor really need someone on that expedition. It could just be paranoid monitoring, or it could be something else.

It was the ‘Icarus playing the incompetent fool’ part that had him shaking his head a little. Now that he was sober, he was fairly certain that there wasn’t any ‘playing’ at all. That sort of incompetence couldn’t be faked. The other part of his entry… He was going to ignore it for now. The Khajiit had enough to worry about for the moment. He was feeling nervous already, leaving his spear behind, but the worst he’d probably run into on the trip was a few wolves, if that on the way there. If they were taking novice mages to Saarthal, they wouldn’t leave draugr about.

Still, he had his bow and quiver slung around his torso, his dagger fastened to the back of his belt. Old habits died hard. And there was no way he was going to traipse off into a barrow with a Thalmor agent unarmed.

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