Ancano’s Fucking Bitch Fit – Ancano/Icarus/J’hasi


Ancanos eyes followed the khajiit like a hawk, until he was interrupted by the sound of his… subordinates.

<”Look, just hold still for five seconds Icarus.”>

”Mmmprh mprhmrph  mrrrph–”

A smothered thud.

<”Augh!! Aldaril you fucking glan’nt! You almost knocked my teeth out!”>

<”Well maybe if you weren’t squirming around like a godsdamned sprat that wouldn’t be a fucking problem!”>

Ancano massaged his temples firmly, exhaling deeply through his nostrils as he fought the urges of wringing the neck of whoever sent him these two imbeciles.

The door slammed open, his justiciar scrambling out of the door, <”Kiss my arse, Al, I’m going to class!”> The mer spat, hustling to the exit before Ancano grabbed him by the hood, making Icarus audibly yelp.
<”Keep an eye on that Khajiit.”> Ancano pulled the justiciar inches away from his face.

<”Wait what?”>

<”You heard me.”> Ancano scowled, tightening his grip onto the mers hood. <”He may be hiding information on what you all found yesterday. Keep an eye. On that. Khajiit.”>

<“…Yes sir.”> Icarus’ eyes glanced to the side, pursing his lips in a long exhale before responding begrudgingly.

<“Good. Then we’re done here.”> Ancano released his subordinate, <“You two are in the same class, are you not? Get moving.”>

<“Yes sir.”> Icarus grumbled, massaging his reddened cheek as he moved briskly through the doors and into the thrice-damned cold of Eastmarch.

Damn that cat. Had to make things difficult for him at any given time.

Ancano’s Fucking Bitch Fit – Ancano/Icarus/J’hasi


Ancano stiffened his lower lip, brows crooked at the khajiits very obvious distaste of him. Still, there was a light snort in amusement at the comment towards that useless subordinate of his. The lightheartedness, however, was finished as quickly as it was started. He had questions, and he wanted answers. Now.

“Something was discovered in Saarthal that was significant enough that Tolfdir sent two new members of the college, alone, to deliver word…”

He crossed his arms, clutching the arm of his robes. There was no doubt in his mind that the khajiit was on to him. He needed to keep an eye on him…

“That sounds precisely like the sort of thing that should matter to everyone.” His voice lowered ever so lightly, “Especially me.”

He took a step back from the khajiit, glancing behind him at his two subordinates, who were now struggling to peel the ice from the shorter ones mouth, before making eye contact at the khajiit one last time.

“Thank you for your… ‘help.’ You may go now.”

The Khajiit shrugged, rolling his eyes as he turned to leave, trying to appear as aloof as possible with a muttered ‘whatever’ while also being intensely aware of the Thalmor’s scent, the sound of his heart, wanting to be sure he wasn’t going to follow or stab him or…something while his back was turned before he left. He pushed the door open a little wider than usual, or necessary, letting in a blast of frigid Skyrim morning air, trying not to smirk but failing at the thought of the Thalmor whelp’s shrieking at the chill, if his mouth wasn’t currently frozen shut.

J’hasi pulled his scarf up over his mouth and nose, huffing out a breath in the cold before heading for the Arcaneum for his usual morning visit before class began. Part of him wanted to research what they had found, or at least the amulet, but…it seemed unwise for right now. The old fuck was far too interested.

A day or two, maybe. Some time for Ancano’s interest to die down, and if he was spying on him, long enough to lure the bastard’s guard down. The Khajiit smirked a little under his scarf, glad he already had a routine of going to the library every day, several times a day. It made things a lot easier, and honestly it was child’s play compared to what he had to do in the past when dealing with the Thalmor. He just had to be patient…

Ancano’s Fucking Bitch Fit – Ancano/Icarus/J’hasi


The Altmer was barely able to get “I am well aware,” from his lips before he was interrupted by the muffled yet loud Altmeris coming from his subordinates room.

<“Godsdammit Aldaril , how many times do I have to day this before it gets through your skull?! Quit stealing my razor blades! Go get your own!”>

<“Keep it down, the hell are you going on about? I don’t have them.”>

<“The hell is that in your hand then?”>

…    …

<“Oh for fucks sake, Icarus, I ran out! You buy these things a septim a dozen– one missing razor blade is not going to kill you!”>

<“So take your lazy arse to the wench uptown and go buy some, you half-witted glan’nt! Stop stealing mine, or I am going to stab you!”>

Ancano inhaled deeply, one hand pinching his brows, and the other lifting a finger at the khajiit while mouthing the words, ‘stay right there.’ The Thalmor agent briskly made his way to the door, kicking it open before storming in on his subordinates.

<“By the Gods,old man, do you mind?! We’ll be ready in fi–MMPHMMRPHHMRPH?!”>

<“Don’t say I didn’t war-…”>

Ancano emerged from the room, brushing icy residue from his hands, before slamming the door closed. He approached the khajiit once more, “Tolfdir is still in Saarthal, is he? I shall be expecting a full report from him when he returns.”

J’hasi took the chance to move closer to the door, refusing to let this old Thalmor bastard block the way to the exit again, his arms folded across his chest with a slight scowl lingering on his face. When the Altmer returned, the Khajiit’s tail swished sharply behind him, ears flicked back under his hood.

“Why does this matter to you anyways? You’re just making sure that the short one doesn’t burn down the town while he’s here, aren’t you?” While he knew full well that couldn’t be the only reason these bastards were here, he had to play dumb. Maybe he’d get lucky and get a hint of their motives, or at least a scent of deceit. He couldn’t be too careful, and Faralda’s warning was still very fresh in his mind yet. They were up to something.

Granted, the Thalmor always were, but if the Khajiit was going to be here for any length of time, he needed to know and he needed to know now.

Ancano’s Fucking Bitch Fit – Ancano/Icarus/J’hasi


<“Brother, get up.”>
<“Nngh– Fuck off, Aldaril.”>

<“I’m not about to get chewed out by Ancano because you won’t get your lazy arse out of bed. Now get up.”>

<“Oh sweet magn- just five more minutes, brother. Please.”>

<“You said that five minutes ago. Don’t make me go to stage two, Icarus.”>

<“Oh, fuck off already.”>

<”You were warned.”>

…    …   …


<“Are you going to get up now?”>

Leaning on the other side of the door was the groggy and already agitated Ancano. It was hardly ten minutes into the morning and already his subordinates were like a drill to his skull. Without a second to waste, the adviser slammed his fist onto the closed door, both mer inside let out a yelp. “Keep it down in there and get ready.”Ancano barked. Listening to the skuttling on the other side, he exhaled through his nose, fingers pressed firmly against the bridge of his nose. The sound of creaking near by caught the older mers attention, amber eyes shot up to see the black khajiit from before emerging from his dorm room. His brows lifted, ignoring his subordinates and making a beeline for the Khajiit.

“You there.” He sharply addressed for the khajiits attention. “I have questions for you.” He moved himself in front of the khajjit to where he could not be ignored. “You were in Saarthal yesterday, yes? It has come to my attention that something was found there…”

Having an Altmeris accent snap at him right away in the morning brought back the Khajiit’s old instinct to arm himself, his hand going for the dagger that was on his belt.


J’hasi hissed, jerking his hand up to his stomach to cover the movement, looking up to see that Thalmor fuck, the older one with the white hair and nasally speech that ground on his nerves. His jaw clenched, with the approaching full moon his temper was more difficult to stuff down and appear less threatening. The scowl, however, couldn’t be helped. He didn’t appreciate being ordered around like a dog, much less being forced to participate in a conversation he did not want to have, with a Thalmor no less. The Khajiit’s ears flicked back, brows furrowed as his tail swished behind him.

“Yes, we did. I informed the Arch-Mage yesterday.” he stated thinly through bared teeth, unblinking eyes glaring at the elder Altmer like gleaming daggers.

His claws were just itching to dig into that piss-pale skin of his throat…

Ancano’s Fucking Bitch Fit – Ancano/Icarus/J’hasi

When out on the road, the Khajiit found that mornings typically were quiet, calm things, watching the sun rise with either quiet, sleepy incomprehension and mild awe, or groaning and pulling his blankets over his head to ease the agony of a hangover.

That was not the case in Winterhold.

Hearing others wake up in various states of mind, scrambling for clothes and books and homework before shuffling off to get a bite before class was noisy, irritating depending on who or what he could hear, and by the Hist he could hear everything in this damned hall. Even without his sensitive hearing, everything echoed and made it impossible to have a private conversation in this place.

As it was this morning, hearing the Thalmor brothers downstairs bickering about something, J’zargo striking up a conversation with a less-than-enthused Onmund, and it was just too much for his hungover mind to handle right now, pulling his blankets and furs over his head in a vain attempt to muffle the noise. It was only a few moments of silent cursing before J’hasi shoved them off of his head, groping for the water he usually set out for himself in the mornings after drinking.

The Khajiit only found a half-empty bottle of mead, hissing out a quiet curse in Jel before tipping the rest down his throat. He swiped the back of his hand over his mouth, grimacing at how godsdamned dry it was before getting up and getting ready for class.

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