First Round – Icarus/Aldaril/J’hasi


“No probl- eh??
Aldaril was taken a bit back by the hug, not exactly certain whether he wanted to hug back or not. He shifted his eyes nervously, patting the boozed khajiit on the back awkwardly. His ears were alerted by a sudden yelling outside- by a very familiar angry voice. That can’t be good…
 The moment the khajiit let go, Aldaril made a quick rush outside to see what was the matter.

At the entrance of the Courtyard, he saw a rather concerned Tolfdir, and angry guard with a stupor-ed Icarus in his arms, and an even angrier Ancano.
"I cannot believe– How did you even get in the Thalmor in the first place, you halfwitted imbecile?!” The superior Thalmor spat at the smaller agent.

"Wha’ y’ gettin’ angry at me ffor?” The drunk justiciar retaliated, “Th’ ffffilthy Nord tried t’ shwing a punsch a’ me, sho ah di’ wh’ sheemed nesheshary!”

“And he swung at you because -you- were heckling him and accusing him of heresy.” The guard corrected the other’s story.

Tolfdir looked at the elder mer, “Are you sure this one is responsible enough for the Sarthaal trip tomo-“
“The hell he is!” Ancano snapped, “I clearly need to teach this one responsibility before we bother with the magick training, but by gods I need someone on that excavation tomorrow!” He noticed the tall soldier at the corner of his eye, “Gimme that.” He hissed, snatching the short mer from the guards arm. He dragged Icarus by the ponytail again, tossing him at Aldaril, “Alright you useless footslogger, take care of the imbecile before I lose what little patience I have left.”
Irked at the footslogger comment, Aldaril added "Didn’t realize you had any in the fi-”
“Do I need to repeat myself?” The Altmer glowered up at the soldier. The certain death in the agents eye made Aldaril’s very heart freeze,
“Y-Yes si- I mean- No sir.”

Ancano sneered, “Good, Remind that useless whelp he need to be up in about six hours, sick as a dog or not.” He took a glance at Tolfdir, then at the guardsman before bowing ever so slightly, “I apologize for whatever mess my erm-… lackies have started,”
Aldaril sighed heavily, shaking his head at his brother, “I can’t leave you alone for five godsdamned minutes, can I?”

Icarus had already fallen asleep, hooked in Aldaril’s arm.
It was only the first day out of three months…
Gods help him.

First Round – Icarus/Aldaril/J’hasi


‘Didn’t realize he had a brother…’ Aldaril pondered, almost curious as to what happened between the two. He flinched again when the soft fur of his tail struck his belly again. He flushed a little when the Khajiit told him ‘yer a good mer’ To be completely honest, the khajiits words meant something to him. Despite being 7’3 and built like a bull, the soldier melted like butter at compliments like that. Although he had to admit no matter how hard he tried, Icarus was an idiot. He would send someone to the healers for even saying something like that, but in the end, he knew they were right.

“Don’t worry lad, your secrets safe with me.” The Altmer chuckled, shaking his head. Aldaril felt a sense of accomplishment when he crossed into the courtyard. He opened the door to the Hall of Attainment, happy to feel something that wasn’t bitter wind, “And we’re here.”  Aldaril glanced about the halls, noticing mostly everyone was asleep. He gently lowered himself so the khajiit could get off.

J’hasi’s fur fluffed as he shivered a little at the last sharp nip of cold before the doors shut and they were left in the semi-chill of the student’s quarters. His arms initially pulled tighter around the mer as he buried his face into his shoulder, unwilling to relinquish such a warm partner before his eyes snapped open.


He was sort of glad his brain decided to process that now, rather than on the bridge, as he suddenly let go, half-sliding and half-dropping from the Altmer’s back to the hard stone floor with a small noise of discomfort when he landed on his tail. The Khajiit shifted his weight onto the side of his hip, the poor thing freed and still hurting a little as he rubbed at it. He grimaced at the bright light of the weird liquid-light pool that was in the center of the room, slowly shifting onto his knees before wobbling up to stand. He overbalanced and fell backwards into the wall, his knees a little shaky.

“<Th…thanksh…>” he muttered, before his ears pricked at the Dunmeris and he shook his head, trying again.

“Thanksh. Fer th’ ride… ‘N th’ drinksh…” he said, cursing himself for being so rattled. He just had to get upstairs and then he could finish reading his…

“…shunovabi’ch…” J’hasi groaned, hitting his forehead with the butt of his palm, something he greatly regretted as everything swayed unsettlingly. Being warm and steady on Aldaril’s back had been nice, but it also made the standing thing rather disorienting.

“F’rgot m’ book…” he muttered. His tome of Sparks was still at the tavern, probably being burned up by that vindictive little whelp that the mer in front of him called a brother. ‘Damn it all…’ The Khajiit waved his hand as if shooing the issue aside. The innkeeper saw him with it, and he hadn’t caused any trouble.

“I c’n jush’ git it t’morrow… Fffff…thanksh fer th’ ‘elp. I…” ‘Don’t you dare say it.’ his rational side warned, but it was brushed aside for the part of him that was still dopey from the impromptu cuddling.

“I had fun… Sh’nicshe… Yeah…” he slurred, then hiccuped, then giggled. His drunkenness made him a little clumsy as he stumbled over the step or two to give the mer a big hug, a short purr coming out of him as he stood on his tiptoes, having the realization at just how tall this mer was, again. J’hasi knew he had been sitting down the first time he had realized it, but he wasn’t even level with Aldaril’s heart, hearing it thumping above him. He frowned, thinking for a moment on…

‘Now stop right there and think about you’re about to try. Does it seem like a good idea?’ No. No, it didn’t. The Khajiit’s face twitched in a slight wince as his brain fed him reason, fighting through the haze of drink that discreetly nudged away the boundaries he normally held himself to. He had drank far too much, far too fast. He had to cut his losses now, before he did something he would really regret. He was in enough trouble already. His ears lowered a little, but then he gave the mer another squeeze, tail curling a bit around Aldaril’s leg before it flicked behind him.

“G’luck wiff yer broth’r… He looksh ‘bit more sholid than me…”

First Round – Icarus/Aldaril/J’hasi


Aldaril couldn’t help but crack a smile when he obtained the Khajiits approval. His nostrils flared when the cats face rubbed against his stubble. He held the khajiit a little tighter as he was ready to cross the set of bridges leading to the college.

“This reminds me of the days back when I had to do this for Icarus.” Adaril chuckled lightly, “I mean- not drunk anyways- he would’ve been this tiny kid when I did this kinda stuff for him. Anytime we had to go somewhere with my aunt or uncle in the city.” He looked down, only to immediately look forwards after seeing how high up the college really was. “Sometimes I wonder if I was in charge of my little brother or if I accidentally managed to father a kid when I was 13 years old.”

J’hasi had noticed the glance downwards, feeling a little uneasy at that and the tightening grip on his legs, tightening his own grip in kind. Part of him was just letting things be, enjoying his drunken reverie while he could, while part of him was wondering if the mer would turn back on his trust and go for the throat. Or toss him off the bridge. If he did, the Khajiit would hold onto him so tight that they would both go down. But…the booze was settling him down into a syrupy stupor, content to cuddle with the giant Thalmor as he started to walk out onto the bridge. His ears pricked.

“C’n tha’ really happen?” he asked, hiccuping and grimacing at the pain it brought into his skull, pressing his forehead against the top of Aldaril’s trap. His tail flicked out, only to slap back over the Altmer’s stomach at the biting cold. J’hasi giggled at the muffled thump before his mind caught up to all the words the mer had said, rather than just a handful.

“…he’sh lucky t’have you, y’know…” he mumbled, leaning his head more towards the side so he could look out over the Sea of Ghosts.

“M’broth’r… Well…I fff…thhhought he wash m’broth’r at th’ time…he washn’t like you… I thought he wash th’ besht broth’r in th’ whole world… But he washn’t… Shonuva bitch wash only…*HIC* o-only wan’ed me around t’have shumone t’ jerk ‘round on a chain… He wash th’ only one I had af’er I wash taken fr’m home…an’ he ushed tha’ ‘gainst me…” The Khajiit huffed, his breath puffing in the cold as his hands shifted from holding onto the mer’s shoulders, to letting his forearms keep him in place as his weight rested more on Aldaril’s back. His hands gripped the front of his shirt, practically hugging the Thalmor he should’ve been ready to strangle at a moment’s notice. And yet…he kept talking.

“But…yer nawt li’e tha’… Yer a good mer… Yer broth’r’sh an idiot, no’ffense…but he’sh lucky t’have you ’round… Lucky shunnuva bi’ch… ‘N if y’tell ‘im tha’, I’ll *HIC* yah…” His last statement was grumbled, turning his head to look Aldaril in the eye to show him he was dead serious about that. Whatever he had said that had been interrupted by the hiccup, anyway. He rested his cheek on the Altmer’s shoulder, looking at the snow drifting down with the distant roar of the sea beyond the fluttering bits of white. He was quiet for a while, the tip of his tail tapping on Aldaril’s stomach as he – finally – shut up.

First Round – Icarus/Aldaril/J’hasi


Aldaril jerked a little as the Khajiit’s tail tickled his ribs. He felt the warmth of his fur at the back of his neck. He used his arms to support the cats legs before lifting himself up. The soldier looked back at the justiciar, who was chugging down yet another bottle, “I’ll be back down to get you.” Just as he left the door way, he looked back one more time, “Don’t do anything stupid.”

A strong chill blew against the two as Aldaril mustered his way through the city with a khajiit on his back. While the Khajiit had his fur, the Altmer still felt obliged to ask, “You cold? You can hide under my cloak if you need to.”

J’hasi shivered, having already been attempting to nose his way under the fur draped over the mer’s back without accidentally strangling him in the process. It was a few moments of squirming at the first blast of icy wind before he just took the end of it and pulled it around his ribs, the end tucked a bit under his stomach while he hung on with both his arms and his tail, the mer’s ribcage too wide for him to hold with his knees, like when he rode horses bareback. He rested his chin on the Altmer’s shoulder before he burst into a fit of giggling.

“’M like a pack…” he snickered, bumping his head against Aldaril’s shoulderblade. His teeth chattered a little from the cold yet, but the booze was making him feel warm enough for now. That and his traveling companion was like a roaring fire against his stomach.

J’hasi burrowed his head under the cloak to warm his ears, seeming to enjoy the novelty of being given a ride by someone so tall without being mortally wounded first. It wasn’t long before he poked his head out again, his ears pinned under the weight of the fur for a few moments before it slipped down enough for them to pop back up. He scooted up a little further on the mer’s back to peek over his broad shoulder before a wide grin spread across his face.

“Sho high up, yer like a *HIC* t-treeeee~” His tail wriggled as he attempted to scoot up a little higher, but the drunken Khajiit hiccuped and slid back down to his previous spot. His tail curled back around Aldaril’s stomach, the fluffy appendage pressing close for warmth.

“Thish ish fun, I like you…” he hummed happily, nuzzling the side of the mer’s jaw, starting to purr loudly as his knuckles pressed into the muscle of the poor Altmer.

First Round – Icarus/Aldaril/J’hasi


“Woah, easy there lad.” Aldaril got up, trying to assist the khajiit. He could immediately tell that poor cat was not going to make it to the college; not with how poorly maintained that bridge was connecting it to the rest of the city. “Here, lemme help you out with that.”  He slung one of the cats arms over his shoulder- well, part of his shoulder. He leaned awkwardly, trying to keep to the cats height, who was just a smidge shorter than his brother. “Mm, this ain’t gonna do…” The Altmer mumbled, trying to adjust himself to get the khajiit home. “Tell you what.” He lowered himself onto one of his knees, “I’m gonna need you to grab my shoulders. Can you do that?”

Damn it… Just when he thought Aldaril couldn’t make things any more difficult for his already-turmoiling emotions… J’hasi initially had a moment of panic when his arm was grasped, his free hand curling to bring his claws to bear, but it rapidly receded when the Altmer appeared to have intentions of assisting his unsteady gait, rather than harming him. Even still, the Khajiit’s ears laid back at the mer’s offer of a ride. It would take him forever to walk back by himself in his condition, though…and…well… If he was going to be entirely honest with himself, having a wall of heat was incredibly tempting, knowing how the outside was like earlier. His body was moving forward before his mind even made the conscious decision to do so.

“…y-*HIC*-yyyyeah… I c’n do tha’…” he mumbled, standing on his tiptoes to get enough height on the mer so he didn’t have to use claws to grasp at the front of his shoulders. J’hasi almost thought it a pity that the mer didn’t have a thick tail like Sees to carry him instead. The thought made him giggle, resting his forehead on the back of Aldaril’s skull, shoulders shaking. Even his scent was pleasant, now that he was close enough to smell it through the haze of booze. He could feel himself grinning stupidly as his tail curled around the lad’s ribcage.

First Round – Icarus/Aldaril/J’hasi


Aldaril shook his head, “Don’t you guys have to travel to Saarthal tomorrow? Not that I know where it is, but I’d find walking with a hangover like that would not be pleasant.”

Seeing how plastered his brother was, Aldaril decided to hold back on the alcohol, and waited for his brother to finish.

“Hey brother. How many you got left?”

“I ah-…” The shorter mer slurred, fingers barely able to point at the bottles to count.

“That’s what I thought.” He relaxed for a moment in his seat, “Finish up and lets get out of here. I’m not about to get my ass chewed out by Ancano because you were screwing around all night.”

Oh. Right… Saarthal… J’hasi sighed, looking miserably at the bottles left on the table. He picked up another one, popping the cork and chugging it, his ears flicking back until he had finished it off in one go, hissing quietly at the sting of alcohol burning his tongue and throat, making his stomach a little queasy. …maybe it was best if he left off here, rather than risk vomiting up what he had in him already. It wasn’t a lot of drink, but he had downed it rather fast.

At Aldaril’s mention of leaving, his ears pricked, glancing back at the other patrons of the bar. Did he want to stay and have the disapproving glares redirected at him again, or did he want to go with the two brothers who were… Well…one of them was too drunk to do anything to him, the other… ‘Xhuth…’ He rubbed the back of his neck, then his face, brows furrowed a little in upset. He didn’t want to think about it. The Khajiit did have to head out to a ruin tomorrow though, and he needed to be on his toes if Icarus was coming along.

By the Hist…

“If yer leavin’, I’d besht b’ off too…” he mumbled, standing up and wobbling a little, brows rising a little in mild surprise at just how quickly the drink made everything sway. His tail wobbled behind him as he lifted his feet up, one after the other, planting them on the wood he had just sat on, then to the stone floor behind the bench itself, hands firmly planted on the table itself, claws sinking in to take the pressure off the burnt parts.

…the walking thing was going to be a challenge, it seemed…

First Round – Icarus/Aldaril/J’hasi


Aldaril did not quite catch what the khajiit said through his gagging and wheezing. “Woah, easy there, little fella.” Aldaril got up, helping the cat by patting his back, So at least he thought he was helping. “You really shouldn’t be inhaling the stuff like that, otherwise it’s gonna burn your lungs like a sunnovabitch.” He heard the slamming of another bottle next to him, as his little brother’s hands struggled to find an unopened bottle. He exhaled irritably, “You too Icarus…”

“Yer not m’ mum, Al. Ah thin’k ah c’n hhh’andle thish, shank yew very mush.”

Shaking his head hopelessly, Aldaril finally felt the drink kick in as he finished up his second bottle.

J’hasi mumbled miserably with the pats, letting his forehead thunk to the table as he tried to reorganize his thoughts. Of course he had taken the mer to be a soldier, but now with this new information taken into consideration… Hist help him… He had to backtrack and reassess every word, every action… It just sounded like so much work in his head as it grew foggier, the alcohol starting to hit him hard and fast.

The Khajiit cursed himself for drinking so much so quick, and cursed himself for not keeping his guard up like he knew damn well he should’ve. But…it had been nice, y’know? For once…he could pretend that everything was fine, that it was just him and a few acquaintances having a drink and a talk, even if the one was taxing on his nerves. Having that semblance of simplicity had been refreshing.

Damn that Altmer, with his politeness and charming personality.

“M’fine…” he finally managed to get out, though he was anything but. He planted a hand on the table to push himself up back to sitting upright, his head lowered and his ears laying flat. He winced as the shift caused a rush of dizzying alcohol to swirl within the confines of his skull before picking up his current bottle (…which one was this now…?) and tipping it back to drain it in one go. His voice was gravelly when he spoke again, his Dunmeris accent growing more pronounced the more the alcohol sank into his brain.

“Think tha’ shhhtuff ish f’nally hittin’ m’ ‘ead…” he slurred quietly.

First Round – Icarus/Aldaril/J’hasi


“Oh, Ancano?” Aldaril stiffened at even mentioning his superior, “He… Well…” He instinctively checked his surroundings before answering the question. He took a quick swig of wine to calm his nerves. The barmaid was right, despite the dusty bottle, the wine was in amazing condition. “He does that to anyone that isn’t above him.” He took another nervous glance around the room, as if waiting for him to come out of nowhere. “I’ve worked under the guy a couple times. He’s quite the pain in the ass. You would not believe how many times that man has glowered over-… well, –up- at me.” He shook his head, taking another swig. “Even from up here, he’s an intimidating man. Really don’t know why though.” 

"Oh, Ancano thish, Ancano tha’…” Icarus taunted the other’s conversation, as if blowing off the superiority of the mentioned agent, “Give me 50 yearsh an’ a pointy  windowsh peak an’ ah’ll kick ‘is arse.” With that, he devoured another bottle of mead. He sloppily counted the multiple bottles in his blurried haze, counting some that weren’t even there. “Ehhhhh… ‘ow many I gots left?”

J’hasi had felt remarkably calm and at ease considering he was drinking with a Thalmor agent and his enormous brother. Hell, years ago he would’ve thought himself mad for doing so. He tipped back his drink, smiling a little despite the topic of yet another Thalmor that he’d have to share a roof under for the next however long it would take for him to get the information he needed.

It was Aldaril’s words that caused him to crash violently back down to earth, inhaling his mead and nearly choking on it, slamming the bottle onto the table, eyes watering before he managed to swallow it down. The Khajiit coughed, trying to get breath back into his lungs rather than mead before he looked back up at the mer with hurt in his eyes and panic rushing through his veins. ‘No, no, no, no…’

“Y-you w-*cough*work with tha’…tha’….” He couldn’t even say it. He wheezed, clutching at his ribs as pain sparked briefly from them, ears flattening to his skull as he tried to process this information through the growing drunken haze filtering over his mind.

First Round – Icarus/Aldaril/J’hasi


“Very….” Aldaril recalled all the cold glares he got from the patrons earlier, or really just from anywhere he went that was not the embassy, “…Hospitable.”

Aldaril quickly noticed Icarus inhaling the meads like oxygen. "Easy there, brother.” He prodded him in the shoulder, “Ancano told me you got the ruins to deal with tomorrow. Don’t g-”

“Naaaaw, Ah’ll be fine.” Icarus tried to assure his brother, waving his hand sloppily. Clearly Aldaril was too late on that warning. “Jesh shome ol’ ruinsh. S’not like ah’m fightin’ off shome dragur lord ‘r shomthin’.”

Aldaril sighed, shrugging. He was almost certain he wasn’t going, so it wasn’t his problem. “Suit yourself then.” He was then greeted by the barmaid and a spiced wine, 

“I saw we had one in that back. Glass is a little dusty, but the wine should be better than our usual batch.”
Aldaril offered the lass an extra couple septims and a warm smile, “You’re too kind. Thank you.”

Ancano. Was that what that suspicious Thalmor’s name was? He did note Aldaril’s concern for his brother, and while before he would’ve cheerfully pushed the whelp into a spike pit, he amended his previous decision to preventing his outright demise at the very least. Most barrows the Khajiit had gone into housed less-than-forgiving inhabitants and furnishings, and he felt rather fond of the large mer already.

J’hasi took a long drink of his mead, hiccuping again once he lowered the bottle. He could feel the tingling and warmth inside his chest and stomach, his face feeling warm as well as the drink started to take hold. ‘About time.’

“I’m more worried ’bout trollsh n’ the like on the way there. A few reanimated barrow-walkers won’t be much trouble t’ put down.” He took another drink, hoping to feed the incoming drunkenness to make it last for more than an hour or two. Though after he had barely a swallow left in the bottom, a question pushed to the forefront of the Khajiit’s mind.

“That Ancano guy, he’s tha’ other Thalmor, right? What’s his deal anyway? Looksh at me like I’m about t’ summon Mehrunes Dagon himself.” It made him nervous to have some Thalmor eyeing him up like that, and if there was a way to get him to stop, he’d take it.

First Round – Icarus/Aldaril/J’hasi


“Well, ah…” Aldaril pondered for a moment… “I’ve been through most of Cyrodil.” He pour the last of the Alto wines bottle into his mouth,  “Love it there.” He let out a small chuff “Definitely better than here, anyways. At least it was warm over there.”
Icarus kept himself busy, chugging down the mead. Apparently he didn’t listen to a word of the cats advice.

“Oh! I have been to Elsewyr before, but that was probably long before your time, lad.” He chuckled, "I was just a wee cub at the time. My mother went there a couple times as a merchant.”
The moment the barmaid arrived, he ordered a bottle of whatever wine they had left. He looked at the justiciar, who had just popped the cork off his third drink. “Need anything, brother?”
“Yea’, Ahm’ma need ‘few more of watcha gots ‘ere.” Icarus clumsily grabbed one of the empty bottles, showing it to the barmaid.

J’hasi’s ears quirked, feeling himself start to relax for the first time in weeks as the alcohol started to sink deeper into his body. A fond smile slipped onto his face at the mention of Cyrodiil, his fingers brushing over the neck of yet another bottle of mead.

“I won’t argue with you there. Cyrodiil is beautiful. The lands looked strange to me at first, but I grew fond of them in time.” He gripped the cork and twisted it, the porous wood freed with a hollow pop.

“Not quite the case with Elsweyr I’m afraid. It was incredible to see, but those hot deserts and arid badlands to the north were awful to travel through. The southern jungles were more bearable. I found the towns and the people a bit more likable, surprisingly enough.” The Khajiit chuckled quietly at Aldaril’s mention of his visit being long before his time before he took a drink, licking his lips contentedly. His eyebrows rose a little at how quickly Icarus was downing his mead, followed by a sly smirk spreading over his face. He’d be sure to wake the mer up briiiight and early tomorrow morning…

A small hiccup came from him just as the lass looked at him for his order. He smiled before asking for more mead, his curled hands idly running across the corks he had gathered and started to stack them one by one.

“So, aside from the cold, how’s Skyrim treatin’ you?”

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